Verissimo SystemVerilog Testbench Linter - How to Compare HTML Reports


Verissimo HTML report comparison helps you understand how the linting results evolve across different revisions of the same codebase.

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Comparing Two HTML Linting Reports

Verissimo provides the ability to compare two HTML linting reports. This is useful when you want to see how the linting results evolve across different revisions of the same codebase.

A particularly useful case is when you start using Verissimo on an existing project and linting produces too many failures to be addressed in one shot. To focus only on newly added code, until you get to clean up the bulk of failures, you can compare the linting results against a known baseline.

Generating a Baseline Report and a Report for the Current Revision

To illustrate this functionality, let's start by generating a baseline report for our project.

Next, let's make some changes in the code, fix some of the failures and introduce some new ones. Let's also change the linting ruleset. We add a new rule and remove an existing one.

Now let's run Verissimo again and generate a report for the current revision.

Comparing the Current Report Against the Baseline

Finally, let's compare the current report against the baseline. A compare report is generated and gives a clear insight into how the linting results evolved.

Using the filter, you can see:

  • Failures in the baseline report
  • Failures in the current report
  • New failures in current versus baseline
  • New fixes in current versus baseline
  • Failures of new rules that have been added to the ruleset since baseline
  • Failures that disappeared due to rules removed from the ruleset since baseline