Verissimo SystemVerilog Testbench Linter - How to Use Auto-Correct for Linting Failures
This video explains how to enable and use the Verissimo Auto-Correct functionality in order to fix the failures reported during linting.
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Verissimo Auto-Correct allows you to easily fix the failures reported during linting.
Enabling Auto-Correct
To enable Auto-Correct, create a new lint configuration and check the Enable automatic fixing of failures box.
Filtering Auto-Fixable Checks
Use the filter Hide Non-Auto-Fixable Checks to see only the checks that have autocorrect capabilities.
Fixing Failures
Fixing All Failures of a Check
To fix all the failures of a check, right-click on it and choose Fix Failures for Check.
Preview the changes that are about to be performed in the source code.
After the changes are applied, the check is reran automatically.
Providing Additional Information
For specific checks, you may have to provide additional information for fixing the failures.
Handling Errors During Auto-Fixing
Errors might occur during autofixing. In this case, you can choose what action should be taken for each error.
If no option is selected, the failure will be skipped.
Fixing Specific Failures
If you want to fix only a few failures, select them in the Failures table, then right-click and choose Fix Failures.
Fixing Failures from the Source Code Editor
You can also fix failures from the source code editor.
Press Ctrl-1
on the failure line and select Fix Failure.