Verissimo SystemVerilog Testbench Linter - How to Use Verissimo in the DVT Eclipse IDE


Verissimo seamlessly integrates with DVT Eclipse IDE features, like incremental compilation or problem markers.

This video shows you how to inspect, fix and waive failures when using Verissimo in the DVT Eclipse IDE.

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Browsing Checks and Failures

In the Verissimo linting report:

  1. Click the Checks button to browse the checks and failures.
  2. Double-click on a failure to go to source.
  3. Note that linting failure markers are shown to the left side of the editor.
  4. Hover a marker to see more details.

Fixing Errors and Reapplying Checks

  • Fix the error and save the file.
  • DVT incrementally compiles the changes you make.
  • Reapply the failed checks from the linting report.
  • Notice that the check is now passing.

Changing Check Severity and Adding Waivers

  • A different error is still reported on the same line.
  • Hover and right-click to reveal the check in the linting report.
  • To demote the severity of this check, right-click on it and choose Add Waiver for Check.
  • You can tune various waiver parameters in the Edit Waiver dialog.
  • For example, set the severity to Warning.
  • Click OK when done and notice that the check severity is now Warning.

Viewing Failures in the Problems View

  • You can also see the failures in the Problems view.
  • Failure markers are cleared when you close the linting report.