Verissimo SystemVerilog Testbench Linter - HTML Report Tips and Tricks
This video presents several actions you can perform in the Verissimo HTML report, like sorting and searching failures, or exporting failures to a CSV file.
It also shows you how to include source code snippets in the generated HTML report so that you are able to quickly inspect the context of a failure.
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Overview of the Verissimo HTML Report
The Verissimo HTML report is divided in three panes:
- Filters on the left side.
- Checks tree in the middle.
- Main page on the right side, holding the summary page or the failures table.
Navigating to the Failures Table
Click on All Failures in the checks tree. The main pane automatically switches to the failures table.
Sorting and Filtering the Failures Table
- Sort the table by clicking on a column header.
- Use the quick search bar to filter by any of the table columns. For example, all the warnings in slave agent files.
Exporting the Failures Table
Export the current table content as a CSV file.
Viewing Failure Details and Source Code
- Select a failure in the table to see more details.
- Click on the file name in the failure details panel to see a source code snippet.
Enabling Source Code in the HTML Report
By default, source code is not included in the HTML report. To enable this feature, you must use the include-HTML-code
tag in the configuration section of the rule set.