
What is that cool coding environment?
DVT is used by Cadence for training classes on Udacity. Don't forget we provide free licenses for academic use!

DVCon 2013 Cadence Verification Alliance Interview: "Support for mixed design and verification languages"
Joseph Hupcey III speaks with Amiq CEO Cristian Amitroaie. Discuss trends in supporting the unavoidable mix of design & verification languages in simple work flows, and innovations supporting specific languages like SystemVerilog, e, and VHDL.

AMIQ CEO explains how DVT editor supports e, SystemVerilog, Verilog, VHDL
Now, regardless of what language(s) your design/testbench was written in, you can use one environment to navigate seamlessly through large projects, easily see the big picture, and understand the whole design.
This cross-language integration does not mean translation from a language to another, but easy navigation through the source code, no matter in what language is written, using DVT's advanced navigation capabilities and unified perspective GUI. Amiq Verissimo SV TB Linter performs code linting for generic System Verilog code and UVM.

Video: DAC 2012 Update on AMIQ's DVT IDE - New RTL Design Work Flow Support
"Readers of this blog and of Team Specman will recall that Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and verification services provider AMIQ has been in the vanguard of supporting functional verification methodologies and testbench creation for years. The success of verification engineers using AMIQ's "DVT" IDE product has been increasingly noticed by their RTL designer colleagues such that AMIQ is now adding new capabilities to DVT to support RTL design work flows."