
Mark Andrews

ASIC Design Manager | linkedin icon View LinkedIn Profile

The DVT Eclipse IDE is a powerful and easy to use tool that dramatically enhances the productivity of the engineers in our chip design group. Its many features make it trivial to rapidly author and navigate complex RTL designs and their associated verification environments. Users are able share and reuse code because DVT makes it easy to quickly explore complex UVM verification test benches and libraries, despite the many layers created by class extensions, function overrides and class libraries.

The team at Amiq provide excellent tool support, they are very responsive and clearly understand the complexity and inner workings of System Verilog and UVM.

Nicholas Zicha

Firmware Design and Verification Engineer | linkedin icon View LinkedIn Profile

While DVT's productivity gains in day-to-day development are clear, it has been indispensable in on-boarding neophytes to SystemVerilog for RTL and verification using UVM. The quality of the tool and the fantastic support, especially when requesting new features, are second to none.

Thomas Klotz

ASIC Development Expert | linkedin icon View LinkedIn Profile

I cannot imagine writing a single line of Specman e code without the DVT Eclipse IDE.

Greg Czajkowski

Senior Technical Lead QA and Software Engineering | linkedin icon View LinkedIn Profile

DVT Eclipse's productivity boost through incremental compile, which we like to call instant compile, directly and positively impacts our schedules. AMIQ provides terrific support and continuous improvement of the tool's capabilities.

Lior Grinzaig

Senior Verification Engineer | linkedin icon View LinkedIn Profile

The DVT Eclipse IDE is a great tool. The productivity of a verification engineer using this tool is being increased greatly and the ROI is very noticeable.

Pau Morant Sequi

Lead Digital Verification Engineer | linkedin icon View LinkedIn Profile

Great tool! I have been using it for 6 years. It helps my team to improve the productivity and quality. The DVT Eclipse IDE is a must in our verification flow.

Artemios Diakogiannis

ASIC Verification Engineer | linkedin icon View LinkedIn Profile

I have been using the DVT Eclipse IDE for the last 6 years, both for System Verilog and e/Specman Verification Environments and I must admit that DVT boosts substantially my productivity and efficiency. It reduces the development effort and helps meeting deadlines. I would not imagine myself using a plain editor or another EDA tool in the future. DVT fulfills all my development needs and is always updated to keep up with the new language constructs and methodologies.

Tomer Conforti

The DVT Eclipse IDE has unique advantages providing easy navigation and tracing of signals in order to simplify the design integration tasks. The AMIQ support team goes the extra mile to make sure that the benefits from the tool are high.

Diana Rosu

Digital Functional Verification Engineer | linkedin icon View LinkedIn Profile

The DVT Eclipse IDE is a great tool, to the point of being addictive. I got so used to it that I'm almost not able to understand someone else's code without it. Another thing which puzzles me is the astonishing rapidity of the AMIQ RnD in fixing reported issues. Keep up the good work!

George Szwagrzyk

Principal Design Engineer | linkedin icon View LinkedIn Profile

I've been using the DVT Eclipse IDE for a few years now, in three different companies. DVT saves substantial time in my daily workload, so I am a big fan of the tool. I used it for both UVM verification and RTL design. The bigger the project, the bigger the savings.

DVT is an editor, parser, compiler, and checker in one tool. The navigation features include the ability to follow class inheritance and a type-based search and replace. The parser is good - it even found errors in the UVM standard library!

The DVT is often incorrectly compared to the regex-based editors, but it can do more than these tools are capable of. While the DVT cannot replace "the big three" (Cadence, Synopsys, Mentor), it complements them very well. AMIQ support is prompt and competent.