Content Filters Examples
Hide the Types and Problems from a library
<filter kind="HIDE" name="Base classes">
<description>Hide the Types, Tasks and Problems from /path/to/my_base_classes</description>
<view-set match="TRUE">
<view name="TYPES" />
<view name="PROBLEMS" />
<path-set match="TRUE">
<path pattern="/path/to/my_base_classes/*" />
Hide the Problems from a library
<filter kind="HIDE" name="My library">
<description>Hide the Problems from files included by my_library_top.svh</description>
<view-set match="TRUE">
<view name="PROBLEMS" />
<path-set match="TRUE">
<path include-children="TRUE" pattern="*/my_library_top.svh" />
Hide from Outline View the functions and fields introduced by specific macros
<filter kind="HIDE" name="Noisy macros">
<description>Hide from Outline View the functions and fields introduced by macros defined in files under $MY_MACROS_LIBRARY</description>
<view-set match="TRUE">
<view name="OUTLINE" />
<path-set apply-to-macro-call-stack="TRUE" match="TRUE">
<path pattern="$MY_MACROS_LIBRARY/*" />
<element-type-set match="TRUE">
<element-type name="FUNCTION"/>
<element-type name="FIELD"/>