Bit Field Diagrams

To display a bit field diagram for a record type, you can:

  • hover over a record type to see it in the tooltip

  • place the cursor on a record and use the DVT: Show Diagram command




The layout of a record type is represented horizontally, with the least significant bit (LSB) being the first declared member.


Nested types are represented vertically.


By default, record types that exceed 32 bits are divided into multiple lanes of 32 bits each. For further details such as the type of a member, refer to the table located below the diagram.

When generating the diagram using the DVT: Show Diagram command, you will get advanced functionalities such as zooming, panning, the option to save the diagram or copy the table contents to clipboard:



By clicking on a bit field within the diagram, you can automatically navigate to the corresponding table cell, and vice versa.


To disable the division of larger types use the toolbar button or go to File ‣ Preferences ‣ Settings ‣ Extensions ‣ DVT ‣ Diagrams ‣ Bitfield.


Diagrams are rendered using the Bit Field library.