
A tooltip is a brief, informative message that appears when a user interacts with an element in a graphical user interface (GUI). In DVT tooltips are initiated through a mouse-hover gesture. Tooltips can be triggered from the following areas:

  • Code

Place the mouse cursor over an identifier in the editor. Tooltips are available for all the types, methods, fields, macros, etc. from the source code files that DVT analyzes in your project.

The tooltip will display information about the element under the cursor including the comment associated with the element’s declaration (written above or inline), or the LRM documentation for predefined API, the scoping information for types (enclosing package), the full signature of methods and the direction of ports.

  • Problems

Place the mouse cursor over the problem highlighted range (squiggle underline).

The tooltip will display the error or warning message.

  • WaveDrom Diagrams

Place the mouse cursor over a JSON waveform description written inside a comment.

The tooltip will display WaveDrom Timing Diagrams, if the descriptions are compliant with the WaveDrom library standard.
