AI Assistant allows you to define custom blueprints. The easiest way to create a custom blueprint is by: A blueprint file has the following format: import { SessionBlueprint } from "./@api/v1"
export default {
// Unique name used to identify the blueprint and to overwrite a built-in or custom blueprint
name: 'Write a 4-bit counter',
// The assistant's reply to the blueprint's messages will target the specified component
// ('chat' | 'editor')
target: 'editor',
// Editor action when the assistant's reply targets the editor
// ('replace' | 'insert')
action: 'replace',
// The messages (requests and replies) used to create the new session:
// - At least one message must be present
// - User and assistant messages must alternate
// - Sessions started from this blueprint will automatically pull a reply from the LLM when the last message is a user message
// - When targeting the editor, the last blueprint message must be a user message to which the LLM will reply in the editor
messages: [{
// Roles can be 'user' or 'assistant'
role: 'user',
content: `Write a 4-bit counter in @language.`
} satisfies SessionBlueprint
The blueprint must be a valid
TypeScript file with the
.ai.ts extension.
AI Assistant looks for the blueprint files in these locations: |