40.6.4 Importing Preferences From a Different WorkspaceWorkspace Settings can be migrated between workspaces using different methods Using Import/Export WizardThe recommended way to migrate workspace settings is through the
Preferences Import/Export Wizard.
export the settings, start DVT in the workspace containing the settings, go to
File > Export > General > Preferences, select
Export All and choose the name of the file.
import the preferences, start DVT in the new workspace, go to
File > Import > General > Preferences, select
Import All and choose the name of the file. Using dvt.sh ScriptAnother way to import the settings from an old workspace into a new one is to use the
dvt.sh script to start DVT.
To import workspace settings from an old workspace to a new one can be done just by copying the settings directory mkdir -p <new_workspace>/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/
cp -r <old_workspace>/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/ <new_workspace>/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/