41.17.16 Quick Query ViewPress
Ctrl+Alt+Q to quickly open the
Quick Query View, which provides a filterable list of all the types, macros and compiled files in the project.
This view supports semantic search, allowing to look for a specific element. In order to do this, structure your query in the following manner:
You can use
CamelCase or
Simple Regex for the
DVT supports the following query keys: checker class configuration covergroup enum file generate interface library macro module package primitive program struct typedef union
Note: You can use the
type:search_pattern query in order to search for all the types (classes, structs, modules etc.) defined in your project.
Note: The
extends:search_pattern query can also be used to search for classes which extend other classes that have a name matching the
Additionally, there are
UVM-specific queries that have the following format:
uvm_class_name:search_pattern, where
uvm_class_name is one of the following:
uvm_agent uvm_driver uvm_env uvm_monitor uvm_scoreboard uvm_sequencer uvm_sequence uvm_sequence_item uvm_test uvm_component uvm_object uvm_mem uvm_reg uvm_reg_backdoor uvm_reg_frontdoor uvm_reg_sequence uvm_reg_adapter uvm_reg_block uvm_reg_field uvm_reg_map uvm_reg_predictor uvm_reg_fifo uvm_reg_file
Select an element and press
Enter or
click to navigate to it.
Note: By default, the Quick Query View will display 100 items from each category (types, macros, files). You can customize this value by going to
Window > Preferences > DVT > Maximum number of elements per category in Quick Query View.