41.7.1 Hyperlinks in CommentsYou can define hyperlinks in comments using the
@link or
@see pragmas, for example:
// @link uvm_pkg::run_test
// For more details @see spi_if.miso and @see spi_if.mosi
Hover the hierarchical id specified after the pragma with the mouse cursor while holding down the
Ctrl key, and click to go to the element's declaration.
Alternatively, place the editor cursor on the hierarchical id and press
The hierarchical identifier following
@link or
@see is of the form:
<element_name> must be a type (class, struct, module, entity, interface, etc.) or a type member (method, field, event, signal, port etc.).
- @link <type_name>.<element_name>
- @link <type_name>.<inner_type_name>.<element_name>
- @link <package_name>::<type_name>.<element_name>
Note: If
<path.to.element> does not solve to a unique element in code, a list of navigation options is displayed.