DVT Eclipse IDE Launcher
dvt.sh [-h[elp]] [-site site] [-bg] [-dvt_log_location <file>]
[-workspace <dir> [-import_workspace_settings <dir> | -force_import_workspace_settings <dir>]]
[-eclipsespace <dir>] [-heap_size <size>] [-stack_size <size>] [-options <opt>] [-eclipse_args <args> --]
-help Show this help.
-bg Launch DVT in background.
-dvt_log_location <file> Path to the log of stdout/sterr. Default is /tmp/dvt_log_<PID>.
-workspace <dir> Path to the eclipse workspace (temporary eclipse directory).
-import_workspace_settings <dir> Path to the eclipse workspace from which settings will be imported.
-force_import_workspace_settings <dir> Same as -import_workspace_settings, but it will overwrite target workspace settings.
-eclipsespace <dir> Path to the Eclipse configuration and user area. Default is /home/user/.eclipse.
-heap_size <size> Set the Java heap size (syntax is <N>[g|G|m|M|k|K]). Default is 3072m.
-stack_size <size> Set the Java thread stack size (syntax is <N>[g|G|m|M|k|K]). Default is 4m.
-options <option list> Comma separated list of options:
disable_browser - do not use SWT browser component and skip auto-config
disable_swt_auto_config - do not auto-config SWT GTK version and SWT browser engine
disable_chromium - do not use bundled Chromium browser engine
disable_xulrunner - do not use bundled XULRunner browser engine
disable_webkit - do not use OS's WebKit browser engine
disable_cairo - do not use Cairo advanced graphics library
disable_force_gtk2 - do not force Eclipse to use GTK2
disable_gtk_theme - do not use custom GTK2 themes generated through DVT
disable_force_classic_theme - do not force Eclipse to use the classic theme
disable_shutdown_timeout - do not force stop JVM when shutdown exceeds 5 seconds
disable_chromium_mtml - do not use Chromium multithreaded message loop
disable_chromium_launcher_library - do not use Chromium launcher library
disable_chromium_early_init - do not use early init for Chromium browser engine
dump_allocated_swt_resources - dump SWT allocated resources when 'No more handles' error is thrown
-eclipse_args <args> A list of eclipse.ini arguments to be passed directly to the Eclipse binary.
To indicate the end of list use -- argument.
See: http://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse.ini.
Start DVT without any option. You will be prompted for the workspace location.
$> dvt.sh
Start DVT with the maximum heap size of 4096 MB. You will be prompted for the workspace location.
$> dvt.sh -heap_size 4096m
Start DVT in the specified workspace.
$> dvt.sh -workspace /home/$USER/dvt/workspace
Start DVT in the specified workspace and use the specified Eclipse configuration and user area (plugins installed by user on top of a shared installation).
$> dvt.sh -workspace /home/$USER/dvt/workspace -eclipsespace /path/to/$USER/dvt/eclipsespace
Start DVT with a custom configuration file. The default is $DVT_HOME/eclipse/eclipse.ini.
$> dvt.sh -eclipse_args --launcher.ini /home/$USER/dvt/eclipse.ini