Chapter 30. Export HTML/PDF DocumentationTo generate HTML or PDF Documentation click on
Specador -> Generate Documentation... menu entry (requires a
Specador license). This action will bring-up a dialog for specifying settings:
1. Common Settings Tab
Specify the documentation title, author and copyright notice The output directory - target directory where the documentation will be placed Select the output format of your documentation (HTML | PDF) Option to include the API source code
2. Advanced Settings Tab
Option to create a custom Table of Contents Select the comment formatter or apply comment filters Names Filter - exclude types names that match these filters Paths filter - exclude files from documentation
3. API Settings Tab
Check which libraries and which kind of API to include in the documentation.
4. Diagrams Settings Tab
Check which kind of diagrams you want to include in the documentation.
NOTE: It is recommended to perform a full build before exporting the documentation.
NOTE: For more informations check out the
Specador User Guide.