
  • Create a Verilog/SystemVerilog/VHDL project:

$> dvt_cli.sh createProject $PROJ/my_project -lang vlog -lang vhdl -f $PROJ/my_project/filelist.f
  • Create a project and place it in its own workingset in a new DVT window; overwrite project if it already exists; logically link some common library files under the project directory:

$> dvt_cli.sh createProject $PROJ/my_project -lang vlog -lang vhdl -workingset -newwindow -force -f $PROJ/my_project/filelist.f -map common $COMMON_LIB
  • Create an e Language project and place it in its own workingset in a new DVT window; logically link some common library files under the project directory:

$> dvt_cli.sh createProject $PROJ/my_project -workingset -newwindow -force -top $PROJ/my_project/e/top.e
              -test $PROJ/my_project/tests/test1.e -map common $COMMON_LIB
  • Create a project with resource filters. Use this option to exclude unnecessary files and directories from the project directory tree, like regression results, which may cause Eclipse platform slowdowns:

$> dvt_cli.sh createProject $PROJ/my_project -lang vlog -exclude projectRelativePath=sub/directory
  • Create a Verilog/SystemVerilog/VHDL project and associate it with Perforce:

$> dvt_cli.sh createProject $PROJ/my_project -lang vlog -lang vhdl -f $PROJ/my_project/filelist.f
              -p4 P4PORT=company_server:1666,P4CLIENT=perforce-work,P4USER=user1
  • Create a Verilog/SystemVerilog/VHDL project and associate it with ClearCase:

$> dvt_cli.sh createProject $PROJ/my_project -lang vlog -lang vhdl -f $PROJ/my_project/filelist.f -clearcase
  • Create an e Language project and add a couple of git repositories:

$> dvt_cli.sh createProject $PROJ/my_project -lang e -f /my/filelist.f -git /path/to/repo1/.git:/path/to/repo2/.git
  • Create a Verilog/SystemVerilog project and associate it with Subversive SVN plugin:

$> dvt_cli.sh createProject $PROJ/my_project -lang vlog -f $PROJ/my_project/filelist.f -svn <SVN repository URL>
  • Create a SystemVerilog/CPP mixed language project and switch to the C/C++ perspective:

$> dvt_cli.sh createProject $PROJ/my_project -lang vlog -lang cpp_ext -perspective cpp
  • Create a project from an existing template:

$> dvt_cli.sh createProjectFromTemplate /target/location -template $PROJ/template/
  • Import an existing project into the workspace and place it in its own workingset in a new DVT window:

$> dvt_cli.sh importProject $PROJ/my_project -workingset -newwindow
  • Open a file in the context of my_project and reveal line #50:

$> dvt_cli.sh openFile $PROJ/my_project/e/bfm.e -line 50 -project my_project
  • Save and close a file:

$> dvt_cli.sh closeFile $PROJ/my_project/e/bfm.e -forceSave
  • Open a custom dialog and print its output to the console:

$> dvt_cli.sh openCustomDialog -file dialog.swtxml -project my_project
  • Print a list of the files compiled in my_project:

$> dvt_cli.sh listCompiledFiles -project my_project -unique


If you need to run multiple commands, each command should be passed to a separate dvt_cli.sh invocation.


To run multiple commands, simply invoke dvt_cli.sh in the desired order or wrap the invocations in a separate script:
$> dvt_cli.sh importProject $PROJ/my_project -workingset -newwindow
$> dvt_cli.sh openFile $PROJ/my_project/e/bfm.e -line 50 -project my_project
$> dvt_cli.sh openCustomDialog -file dialog.swtxml -project my_project


It is not recommended to run in parallel several dvt_cli.sh invocations which depend on each other.