What is New?
#.# - major version - Includes new features, major enhancements, architectural changes, bug fixes. Since 2015, a major version is named in sync with the release year, for example the first major version of 2015 is 15.1.
#.#.# - minor version - Includes bug fixes, minor enhancements.
When switching to a new major version it is recommended to start in a new workspace.
25.1.1 (21 January 2025)
Note: Some of the highlights below were rolled-out in 24.#.# releases for early adopters.
Speed-up project bring-up when using DVT CLI
New AI Assistant
New Quick Query View
New distros based on Eclipse 4.33
Improved content assist
Improved semantic checking
Improved tool auto-diagnosis
Improved UX when working with large projects
DVT-21712 Performance: Speed-up DVT Resource Filters in specific scenarios
DVT-22163 Quick Query View: Speed-up closing the view after navigating to an element
DVT-22209 Removed Eclipse 4.6.3, 4.7.2 and 4.11 distros
DVT-22210 Removed Eclipse distros for macOS x64
DVT-20955 New distros based on Eclipse 4.33
DVT-21592 AI Assistant: Ability to watermark LLM generated content
DVT-21979 AI Assistant: Ability to mark specific files as protected
DVT-21996 License: Add app info inside display field sent to the license server
DVT-22033 AI Assistant: Add new ‘@filename of selected file’ snippet
DVT-22036 AI Assistant: Add new ‘@filename of #symbol’ snippet
DVT-22100 Add “disable_chromium_web_security” option for dvt.sh and dvt_cli.sh
DVT-21714 Quick Query View: Add support for UVM e specific queries
DVT-21732 AI Assistant: Enhance e Language support
DVT-21741 Quick Query View: Add content assist for query keys
DVT-21973 AI Assistant: Insert code blocks from LLM’s response as code and non code block parts as comments when using an editor blueprint
DVT-19322 Non-top files are not being compiled at full build when the focus is set on another editor
DVT-20109 Chromium Browser: Supress keyring password dialog
DVT-21901 The +dvt_disable_nontop_files_compilation directive does not work after project restore
DVT-22042 AI Assistant: Snippet ‘word’ parameters are not properly parsed
DVT-22062 AI Assistant: Chat View fails to initialize when starting Eclipse with the view visible
DVT-22084 Thread Dump Collector: Delta information is not collected when an incremental build takes longer than expected in specific scenarios
DVT-22085 Thread Dump Collector: Duplicate dumps are collected for an incremental build that takes longer than expected in specific scenarios
DVT-22096 AI Assistant: Snippet autocomplete proposals are not available after a ‘word’ parameter
DVT-22151 DVT CLI: Canceling the project creation should print an error message
DVT-22161 AI Assistant: In certain scenarios, saving a Chat session as blueprint results in a wrong blueprint file
DVT-22202 AI Assistant: Chat history is not loaded on Windows
DVT-22203 AI Assistant: Custom snippets and blueprints are not loaded on Windows
24.2.28 (11 December 2024)
DVT-21713 AI Assistant: Format code sections returned by snippets and symbols
DVT-21730 AI Assistant: Add support for query_key:search_pattern symbol queries
DVT-21775 Quick Query View: Semantic search should return all results matching the query_type when no name pattern is provided
DVT-21823 AI Assistant: Split logging into debug log and model communication
DVT-21709 Restrict lazy bring-up of resurces actions to Project Explorer context menu
DVT-21795 Removed parent directory check from DesignSync Revision Control Integration script
DVT-21812 AI Assistant: Fixed “Unexpected params [null]” warning printed on stderr
DVT-21816 AI Assistant: Do not allow chat sessions with empty names
DVT-21838 Build config: Files specified after +dvt_uvmhome_override directive are not compiled if no compatibility mode is specified
DVT-21846 AI Assistant: Sometimes, the chat autocomplete freezes while writing a symbol
DVT-21864 DVT CLI: When a threshold is specified for include auto the resources are not correctly filtered
DVT-21877 DVT CLI: Reintroduced the default threshold for -include auto
DVT-21886 AI Assistant: Chat view links are opened inside the chat instead of the external browser
DVT-21890 AI Assistant: Remove autocomplete proposals when the proposal matches the text
DVT-21896 AI Assistant: Sometimes, an error is thrown when resending a request
DVT-21937 AI Assistant: Sometimes, Markdown code blocks are not highlighted properly in the chat
24.2.27 (26 November 2024)
DVT-21688 AI Assistant: Add support for Azure OpenAI provider
DVT-21772 AI Assistant: Add support for Anthropic provider
DVT-19902 Ability to use paths relative to current file in compile waivers <include/> tags
DVT-21693 When no project is selected in a multiple projects workspace consider the first one as active
DVT-21697 AI Assistant: Console should not be focused every time a message is sent or received
DVT-21773 AI Assistant: Hide sensitive language model configuration when it’s presented in the UI
DVT-21726 Compile Waivers: Waivers specified through +dvt_compile_waivers_file are not restored
DVT-21758 AI Assistant: The cursor is sometimes placed in the wrong position after using auto-complete in prompt editor
DVT-21759 AI Assistant: Sometimes Undo / Redo operations do not work in prompt editor
DVT-21760 AI Assistant: Markdown code blocks missing the language specifier are not rendered properly in the chat
DVT-21781 AI Assistant: In certain scenarios, assistant messages fail to appear in the chat
DVT-21789 Quick Views: Sometimes focus is lost when opening a quick view
24.2.26 (14 November 2024)
DVT-21435 New Quick Query View
DVT-21556 AI Assistant: Add shortcut to open a dialog with all commands
DVT-21478 Console View: Searching for next / prev problem for consoles with very large contents does not work in specific scenarios
DVT-21575 AI Assistant: Trim leading whitespace for code sections returned by snippets
DVT-17745 & DVT-20018 Changing project database location does not work across tool restarts
DVT-21570 AI Assistant: Limit the length of session names generated by LLMs
DVT-21576 AI Assistant: Sometimes @selected snippet does not expand properly for single line declarations
DVT-21581 AI Assistant: Cloned sessions are not saved
DVT-21594 AI Assistant: “Stop Generating” command does not work inside compare view
DVT-21598 AI Assistant: Improve undo operation after inserting LLM generated code in the editor
DVT-21640 AI Assistant: Pressing Escape when editing a session’s title after multiple renames wrongfully restores the original name
DVT-21669 AI Assistant: When saving a blueprint, the name of the session is used as file name instead of the name of the blueprint
DVT-21676 Build config: +define definitions from env var expansions are ignored
DVT-21696 Increased JVM watchdog timeout to 60 seconds
24.2.25 (31 October 2024)
DVT-18378 DVT Resource Filters: Changing the active build configuration should recreate the compilation related filters
DVT-19063 DVT Resource Filters: Full build should recreate the compilation related filters
DVT-19778 & DVT-21138 DVT Resource Filters: Ability to bring-up resources on demand independent of how the project was created
DVT-21443 Report an Issue: Thread dump file names should be timestamped
DVT-21532 DVT Resource Filters: Ability to bring-up only compilation related resources independent of how the project was created
DVT-21541 AI Assistant: Ignore changes to session name when Escape is pressed
DVT-21543 AI Assistant: Improve AI Console theming
DVT-21545 Status Bar Notification: Improved look in dark themes
DVT-21546 Status Bar Notification: Do not display multiple notifications with the same information
DVT-21547 AI Assistant: Improve dark theme for code blocks generated in AI Assistant View
DVT-21059 Types View: Wrong number of types in specific scenarios after full build when content filters is active
DVT-21403 Predefined Projects: Broken run configurations in “Revision Control Integration” predefined project caused by an incorrect relative path
DVT-21425 Report an Issue: Thread dump files having the same name and located in different projects are discarded when sending an Issue Report
DVT-21442 Report an Issue: Collecting thread dumps for full build, elaboration or linting overwrites previously generated files
DVT-21463 AI Assistant: Sessions with unavailable models are not restored
DVT-21464 AI Assistant: Wait for model initialization to complete
DVT-21539 Project restore hangs at startup in specific scenarios
DVT-21540 AI Assistant: Sometimes the session name cannot be changed
DVT-21542 AI Assistant: Newly created snippets and blueprints files not visible in project explorer until refresh
DVT-21544 Status Bar Notification: Show Notification button should be disabled when there are no notifications to display
24.2.24 (14 October 2024)
DVT-21428 AI Assistant: Fixed missing blueprint ‘Add comments for the selected code’
24.2.23 (11 October 2024)
New AI Assistant
DVT-20801 New AI Assistant
DVT-10550 Content Assist: Propose syntactic macro <arguments> inside macro body
DVT-21393 Console View: Fixed accumulating memory usage observable after a very large number of successive builds
24.1.22 (1 October 2024)
DVT-11438 Console View: Clearing console with huge amount of content causes long application freeze
DVT-21066 Console View: Improve performance when smart logs match many lines
DVT-21270 Memory Monitor: New “proactive” memory handling strategy with lower memory thresholds to ensure optimal performance
DVT-20870 Quick Views: Multiple instances are opened when using keyboard shortcuts on Eclipse versions >= 4.22
DVT-21191 Console View: The style of existing smart log entries gets reset by new entries in specific scenarios
DVT-21250 Obsolete waivers are applied when importing a project after deleting the compile waivers file
DVT-21268 Memory Monitor: +dvt_set_memory_starvation_handling_parameters taken into account only for the build operation
DVT-21337 Quick Views: Unexpected behavior when opened from Quick Access pressing “Enter”
24.1.21 (18 September 2024)
DVT-21246 Syntactic problems per file combo box should fit the selected value in the Build Configurations preferance page
DVT-21227 License: Disable checkout optimizations to avoid FlexLM server bugs causing ‘Failed to get licenses from trusted storage (-220,..)’ errors
24.1.20 (4 September 2024)
DVT-21127 False UNEXPECTED_TYPE error in expressions involving template type parameters with default values
DVT-21197 DVT CLI: Recurse into incdirs when using -include auto
24.1.19 (22 August 2024)
DVT-17302 Align P4Eclipse plugin versions to match recommendations per Eclipse platform version
DVT-18664 Update SVN Subversive plugin to version 4.8 in all DVT Eclipse distros
DVT-19630 Full build should cancel an ongoing incremental compilation
DVT-21091 Update Git plugin to version 5.13 in DVT Eclipse 4.6.3, 4.7.2 and 4.11 distros
DVT-21092 Update Bash Editor plugin to version 2.6.0 in DVT Eclipse 4.6.3, 4.7.2 and 4.11 distros
DVT-21093 Update YAML Editor plugin to version 1.9.0 in DVT Eclipse 4.6.3, 4.7.2 and 4.11 distros
DVT-21094 Update PyDev plugin to 12.1.0 in DVT Eclipse 4.24 distro
DVT-20195 The Mylyn plugin included in the distro is missing a requirement and fails at runtime
DVT-20476 False error reported when a method with default parameter values is called without arguments
24.1.18 (7 August 2024)
DVT-7478 Mark occurrences of partial text selection
DVT-13783 New semantic check: Do not extend TCM as method and vice-versa
DVT-20914 Memory Monitor: The error dialog should use an error icon
DVT-21011 Filesystem Breadcrumb: Sometimes, openning a search result does not trigger a breadcrumb update
DVT-21053 dvt_plugin_installer.sh should not require DVT plugin to be installed
24.1.16 (25 July 2024)
DVT-20940 & DVT-18035 Quick Views: Speed-up content computation
DVT-19703 Compile Waivers: Ability to add waivers from the dialog to corrupted or empty waiver files
DVT-20843 Thread Dump Collector: Change the default location of thread dumps to .dvt/.profiling
DVT-20933 Performance Exploration: Change logs location to .dvt/.profiling/exploration_logs
DVT-21012 Code Formatting: “Only consecutive lines” preference should not be enabled when vertical alignment is disabled
DVT-20866 Report an Issue: “Save as zip” creates empty archive when the size of attached files exceeds 25MB
24.1.14 (9 July 2024)
DVT-20372 Speed-up parsing on Java >= 12
DVT-8441 Content Assist: Support for cover items using options (e.g. num_of_buckets, name, ranges, etc.)
DVT-9875 Content Assist: Show proposals on port assignment
DVT-10711 Ability to bind a shortcut for formatting all files in a project
24.1.13 (26 June 2024)
DVT-20713 Sometimes triggering a full build doesn’t stop the build in progress
24.1.12 (11 June 2024)
DVT-10531 Content Assist: Do not insert space after keywords usually followed by ‘;’
DVT-19984 Editor Notification: Suggest sending an Issue Report when incremental build takes longer than expected
DVT-20307 Lazy Bring-up Resources: Ability to expand an entire folder hierarchy
DVT-20709 Thread Dump Collector: Log incremental build statistics in JSON format
DVT-20710 Thread Dump Collector: Overwrite incremental build thread dumps collected for the same compilation delta
DVT-12177 Content Assist: Show enum items inside a keep soft select of an enumerated field
DVT-20077 Scripts should validate all of the supported license variables, not only the DVT_LICENSE_FILE
DVT-20649 Content Assist: Wrong proposals for keyphrases
DVT-20728 Thread Dump Collector: Writing thread dumps can cause UI freezes in specific scenarios
24.1.11 (29 May 2024)
DVT-20624 Change site URL from dvteclipse.com to eda.amiq.com
DVT-20581 Update WaveDrom package to v3.5.0
DVT-19245 Disable Memory Monitor when using custom settings affecting the JVM garbage collection
24.1.10 (14 May 2024)
DVT-20457 Thread Dump Collector: Change the location for automatically generated thread dumps to .dvt/.profiling
DVT-20488 Filter out stdout libva warnings for Eclipse distros
DVT-20355 Memory Monitor: Problems wrongly reported in specific scenarios when the JVM -Xmx and -Xms argument values are different
DVT-20492 Compile Waivers: Waived build config problems are displayed in the Problems View in specific scenarios
DVT-20508 Compile Waivers: Waived build config errors should not be reported to the DVT Build Console
DVT-20528 Build config: +dvt_set_directive_nof_args directive does not work for variadic arguments
24.1.8 (24 April 2024)
DVT-20269 Chromium Browser: Sometimes the tool crashes when the GPU process cannot start
DVT-20416 In specific scenarios early theming initialization causes a crash on startup
24.1.7 (9 April 2024)
DVT-20351 Forcibly terminate stuck JVMs after application is closed
DVT-20357 DVT CLI: Ability to start a launch configuration in debug mode
DVT-17235 Priority is not taken into account for case sensitive user-defined task tags
DVT-17652 Print build configuration errors in the build console
DVT-20295 Compile Waivers: Wrong path separator when displaying file paths in the “Create Waiver” dialog on Windows
DVT-20296 Compile Waivers: Can’t create .dvt/waivers.xml from the “Create Waiver” dialog on Windows
DVT-20323 NullPointerException is thrown when using +dvt_db_location directive in batch mode
24.1.6 (27 March 2024)
DVT-20131 DVT CLI: Speed-up resource filters application
DVT-19953 Compile Waivers: Relative paths should not start with a slash character in the Create Waiver dialog drop-down
DVT-20256 License: Improved license management when encountering connectivity issues
DVT-20211 Compile Waivers: Ignore duplicate usages of the same waivers file in the build configuration
DVT-20305 Chromium Browser: Corrected typo in default arguments used on Linux
24.1.5 (13 March 2024)
DVT-18478 False “UNRECOGNIZED_EXPRESSION” when “constraints” syntactic category macros are used in a constraint block
DVT-20101 Chromium Browser: In specific scenarios, when exiting Eclipse, the UI shuts down but the underlying process keeps running
DVT-20201 Code Formatting: Do not indent the “@formatter:on” pragma
DVT-20230 DVT CLI: Lazy Bring up Resources doesn’t work for projects with CPP nature
24.1.4 (28 February 2024)
DVT-20073 License: Replaced the license events database with a capped human readable log
DVT-19905 Compile Waivers: Specifying compile waivers files from outside the project using relative paths breaks build configuration parsing
DVT-19952 Compile Waivers: No hyperlink for compile waivers files specified in the build configuration using relative paths
DVT-20025 Sometimes hovering build configuration directives results in empty tooltip
DVT-20106 Compile Waivers: Specifying compile waivers files using undefined environment variables breaks build configuration parsing
DVT-20130 DVT Debugger: Breakpoints cannot be set
24.1.3 (13 February 2024)
DVT-20067 Improved UI responsiveness in sessions running for a long time
DVT-14487 License: Show the pop-up notification until it’s dismissed by the user or until a license is acquired
DVT-19032 License: Show client information (pid, user, host, hostid) in the log header
DVT-19753 Automatically generate thread dumps when incremental build takes longer than expected
DVT-19817 Report an Issue: Ability to select/deselect all attachments
DVT-19981 Improve +dvt_init_from_simlog handling of quoted +define directives when working with xrun logs
DVT-18729 Build config: Environment variables are not replaced for arguments of +dvt_db_location
DVT-19862 Build config: Substitutions specified using +dvt_simlog_replace are erroneously performed multiple times
DVT-20014 Compile waivers: When located directly under the compilation root, waivers are not applied in batch mode
DVT-20033 dvt_plugin_installer.sh hangs when stdin is not a tty
DVT-20047 Regular expressions printed to the build console by +dvt_init_from_simlog should be quoted
DVT-20054 License: In specific scenarios, connectivity issues are not detected immediatly
DVT-20055 License: In specific scenarios, license server response delays can cause UI slowness
24.1.1 (18 January 2024)
Starting with the 24.1.1 major release our products are no longer compatible with old FlexLM license servers (<11.19).
Note: Some of the highlights below were rolled-out in 23.#.# releases for early adopters.
Ability to rebuild only the test files for an e Language project
Simplified handling of projects containing large file system hierarchies by the ability to Lazy Bring up Resources
New bundled Chromium browser engine used by default on all operating systems
Ability to generate Bit Field Diagrams for vr_ad registers
New extract function refactoring
Ability to see readers or writers of an e Language variable or port
Add Show Emitters hyperlink option for events
Ability to visualize the Build Config Hierarchy
DVT-19787 Speed-up scalar type width computation
DVT-19867 License: Removed support for FlexLM tools and dvtlmd daemon versions <11.19
DVT-14587 Ability to disable automatic compilation of non-top-files
DVT-19684 Disable incremental compilation timeouts when non-blocking incremental build is enabled
DVT-19753 Automatically generate thread dumps when incremental build takes longer than expected and non-blocking incremental build is enabled
DVT-19909 Non-blocking incremental build is enabled by default
DVT-19825 Custom Dialog: Prevent infinite recursion when project contains circular symlinks
DVT-19856 In specific scenarios +dvt_ext_map does not work
DVT-19863 Sometimes refresh is not done properly following a run configuration launch
23.2.30 (21 December 2023)
DVT-19853 DVT CLI: Creating a project in an extremely large file system may trigger a second full build in specific scenarios
23.2.29 (13 December 2023)
DVT-19123 Outline View: No update when opening a file from the Search View
DVT-19774 Compile Order View: Preserve build configuration order for argument files and +dvt_init invocations
DVT-19799 Chromium Browser: Sometimes a deadlock is preventing the JVM shutdown
23.2.28 (28 November 2023)
DVT-19752 Ability to rebuild only the test files for an e language project
DVT-18223 No error reported when calling a TLM port method without using the port access operator
DVT-19744 Show Readers/Writers: Variable select assignments should be marked as write accesses
DVT-19745 Show Readers/Writers: TLM port write() calls should be marked as write accesses
DVT-19749 Compile Waivers: “Create waiver” wrongly computes waiver file candidates when the project is not selected
DVT-19751 Inspect View: NullPointerException thrown when computing number radix in specific scenarios
DVT-19764 Scalar type width evaluation fails in specific scenarios
23.2.27 (17 November 2023)
DVT-19740 Compile Waivers: Can’t create new waiver from UI when DVT_USER_SETTINGS and DVT_COMMON_SETTINGS are not set
23.2.26 (14 November 2023)
DVT-4730 New Compile Order view mode presenting the argument file inclusion tree and +dvt_init invocations
DVT-8420 Compile Waivers: Ability to select the waiver file when creating a new waiver from a problem
DVT-13980 Ability to see readers or writers of an e Language variable or port
DVT-18305 & DVT-11641 Ability to specify compilation waiver files in the build configuration
DVT-19517 Editor Notification: Changing the active build configuration file wrongly triggers the database out-of-sync notification
DVT-19628 & DVT-19636 Chromium browser: In some configurations content is displayed in a new window instead of the application window
DVT-19639 Editor Notification: Changing the Verification Hierarchy Top wrongly triggers the database out-of-sync notification
DVT-19706 Chromium browser: Cannot open local files using the Eclipse Internal Browser View
23.2.25 (1 November 2023)
DVT-19219 Automatically disable word wrap in editors and Console View when content gets too large
DVT-14309 Bit Field Diagrams: Add support for vr_ad registers
DVT-14553 Add ‘Show Emitters’ hyperlink option for events
DVT-18313 Comments are not collected for enum values
DVT-19283 DVT CLI: Improve performance for Lazy Bring up Resources with -include auto
DVT-19506 Filesystem Breadcrumb sometimes causes a StackOverflowError
DVT-19635 False UNRECOGNIZED_EXPRESSION on as computed macro usages when replacement terms are indexed list items
23.2.24 (17 October 2023)
DVT-19616 Speed-up compilation in projects with enumerated types that have a large number of enum items
DVT-19617 Speed-up execution of eval_exp_string in as computed macros
DVT-19618 Speed-up compilation in projects with a large number of cross-package references
DVT-11013 Inspect View: Multiple base conversion of numbers does not work in e Language
DVT-18239 Layers View: Doesn’t show method layers defined in template units
DVT-19578 Editor Notification: Inaccurate message when too many files changed inhibit the incremental build
DVT-19582 Prevent memory leaks when closing diagrams
DVT-19587 Diagram timeout message might not be shown in certain conditions
DVT-19594 Editor Notification: Wrongly triggered when the project restore operation finishes successfully
23.2.23 (9 October 2023)
Default license server requirements changed to FlexLM tools and dvtlmd daemon >=11.19
New bundled Chromium browser engine used by default on all operating systems
DVT-19560 License: Default license server requirements changed to FlexLM tools and dvtlmd daemon >=11.19
DVT-8636 New extract function refactoring
DVT-19507 New bundled Chromium browser engine used by default on all operating systems
23.1.22 (22 September 2023)
DVT-19426 Inconsistent behavior when resolving relative paths with parent directory segments crossing a directory symlink during build config parsing and file parsing
23.1.20 (6 September 2023)
DVT-12661 Code Formatting: Add preference to compact consecutive empty lines
DVT-18039 Editor Notification: Warn a full build need when more than 50 files got changed from the last compilation
DVT-18131 Do not print carriage return after reporting problems in the Console View on Linux distros
DVT-19290 Cancelling a restore operation wrongly updates the Build Console
23.1.19 (25 August 2023)
DVT-15678 Ability to show including file for filelists
DVT-18494 & DVT-18495 Editor Notification: Database out of sync notification should be present in diagram editors
DVT-19173 Memory Monitor: “Display Memory Warning” preference should only affect the warning pop-up
DVT-19174 Memory Monitor: Close the warning pop-up when reaching an error state
DVT-17765 Code Formatting: Tab size preference change is not taken into account until platform restart
DVT-19197 Inspect View is not updating when selecting a view nodes using the keyboard arrows
DVT-19271 dvt_os_information.sh does not work on Debian Linux due to non-portable uname command
23.1.18 (2 August 2023)
DVT-16506 Specify preferences.ini and settings.json keys in Code Formatting documentation
DVT-17115 Editor Notification: Report active build configuration changes from files included with -f
DVT-19131 Build config: Multiple +dvt_skip_compile+not directives result in no files compiled
DVT-19164 Build config: The -sndefine directive is not handled properly in specific scenarios
23.1.16 (18 July 2023)
DVT-19036 Build config: Ability to provide the location of xrun instead of automatically detecting it
DVT-18416 The DVT-Settings project is continuously re-created when DVT_COMMON_SETTINGS points to a Windows UNC path
DVT-18797 Report an Issue: Cannot generate a report after cancelling a previous generation
DVT-19103 The Specador HTML generation process crashes after the preferences dialog is closed
23.1.14 (22 June 2023)
DVT-18884 Ability to cancel ongoing incremental builds when a new one is triggered
DVT-18197 Outline View: Category and alphabetic sorting interfere with quick search results
DVT-19014 Symlinks in a DVT Project Template are not copied if the target cotains template identifiers
DVT-19015 Adding a symlink from a project template fails if the symlink target already exists in the target project
23.1.13 (7 June 2023)
DVT-18980 Console View: Clicking on a hyperlink doesn’t work while the console is still updating
23.1.12 (23 May 2023)
DVT-18961 Content Assist: Improve computation speed for `include proposals in slow file systems
DVT-18983 Detect matches preceded/succeeded by “n” string when performing text searches with whole word activated
23.1.11 (9 May 2023)
DVT-18965 DVT CLI: Ability to create projects which allow bringing up file resources on demand
DVT-18433 DVT CLI: Ability to always include first level directories when filesystem check fails
DVT-18666 Build Console should report when a full build was canceled
DVT-18667 Editor Notification: Report database out of sync when a full build was cancelled
DVT-15490 False METHOD_CALL_ARGUMENTS reported when calling the predefined simulator_save() TCM
DVT-18825 Editor Notification: Updating database for a project makes the notification disappear from all other opened projects
DVT-18924 DVT CLI: -include auto should resolve symbolic links to the project
DVT-18925 DVT CLI: Creating a project with filters and custom name will rise an error
DVT-18960 DVT CLI: Creating a project from the full path of a symbolic link doesn’t resolve the link
23.1.10 (25 April 2023)
DVT-18563 Add support for predefined rf_template_instance.get_parameters()
23.1.9 (12 April 2023)
DVT-18767 Memory Monitor: Avoid false warnings in small projects
DVT-18764 Sometimes Smart Logs don’t get applied properly
23.1.8 (29 March 2023)
DVT-18581 Improve hyperlink performance in very large projects
DVT-18743 Compile Order View: Inconsistent compile index between Compile Order and Console when having skipped files
23.1.7 (15 March 2023)
DVT-18726 Memory Monitor: Sometimes the project name is wrongly displayed
23.1.6 (1 March 2023)
DVT-18724 The dvt_os_infomation.sh script should check that the coreutils timeout binary is available
DVT-18276 On rare occasions, when using verbatim tooltips, the computing content message is not cleared
DVT-18673 The project rebuild should not be launched when choosing “Cancel” option from the unsaved files wizard
DVT-18688 Report an Issue: Update e-mail validator to allow lengthy top level domains
DVT-18691 Avoid using timeout -k in dvt_os_information.sh because of compatibility issues with older Linux distros
23.1.5 (21 February 2023)
DVT-9519 & DVT-6092 Build Config: Add support for -ml_uvm flag in xcelium.xrun mode
DVT-18271 Inspect View: Add a computing message when generating diagrams
DVT-18606 Build Config: Add support for -uvmexthome flag in xcelium.xrun mode
DVT-18299 Compile Order View: View label is not updated when clearing the search box
DVT-18425 Compile Order View: Go to import doesn’t work for a mixed e Language and SystemVerilog projects
DVT-18618 In rare circumstances the licenses is not checked-in when running in GUI mode
DVT-18637 WAVEDROM_FILE pragma does not work with full paths
DVT-18643 Natural Docs: StackOverflowException thrown when using bullet lists
23.1.4 (8 February 2023)
DEPRECATED - DVT-18604 License: Support for FlexLM tools and dvtlmd daemon <11.19 is deprecated and will be removed in future versions
DVT-18605 License: New client implementation based on FlexLM 11.19 (disabled by default)
DVT-18585 Wrong formatting for definition lists with long strings for Natural Docs comment syntax
DVT-18240 License: In some cases the license client leaks a large number of CLOSE_WAIT sockets due to a FlexLM bug
DVT-18304 DVT CLI: Apply user-specified resource filters before performing the filesystem check
DVT-18603 License: In some cases when multiple license sources are set and no license is available, the license client is repeatedly queuing and dequeuing for a license
23.1.3 (31 January 2023)
DVT-18573 Improve definition lists formatting for Natural Docs comment syntax
23.1.2 (25 January 2023)
DVT-18488 Report an Issue: Ability to ‘Send’ or ‘Save as Zip’ without filling the issue description
DVT-18560 Add disable_browser option for dvt.sh and dvt_cli.sh
DVT-18089 Report an Issue: ‘Save as Zip’ is disabled when the attached files size exceeds 25MB
DVT-18489 Report an Issue: ‘Add…’ button disappears when resizing the dialog
DVT-18557 No hits reported inside macro expression calls when searching for struct fields
DVT-18558 Add timeout for SWT automatic configuration in dvt.sh and dvt_cli.sh
23.1.1 (19 January 2023)
Note: Some of the highlights below were rolled-out in 22.1.# hotfix releases for early adopters.
Improved as computed macro support
Improved template types support
New memory starvation handling mechanism
Improved profiling capabilities
New distros based on Eclipse 4.24 with support for aarch64
DVT-17273 Ability to cancel DVT Resource Filters application
DVT-17767 Sometimes user preferences are not applied in corrupted workspaces
DVT-17869 Types View: Wrong message is displayed when searching for non-existent members
DVT-18529 Ability to cancel the “Resource out of sync” dialog during search operation
22.1.38 (14 December 2022)
DVT-17447 False undeclared identifier error for the implicit ‘it’ when calling list.all_unique(it)
DVT-17905 False UNDEFINED_METHOD errors reported for template structs with default parameter values
DVT-18064 & DVT-18015 Filesystem breadcrumb not updated when opening a search result
22.1.37 (6 December 2022)
DVT-18125 Sometimes pasting from clipboard freezes the application while waiting for the source application to send clipboard contents
DVT-18413 Remove symlinks from distro UVM_ML-1.6 lib
DVT-17442 & DVT-17964 Improve +dvt_init_from_simlog handling of quoted defines when working with xrun logs
DVT-18353 Add support for and_all list pseudo-method in as computed macros
22.1.35 (17 November 2022)
DVT-11769 Memory Monitor: Memory starvation handling mechanism
DVT-18132 NullPointerException is thrown when undefined environment variables are used in +dvt_skip_compile
22.1.31 (20 October 2022)
DVT-18211 DVT CLI: Ignored non-CPP project nature in CPP mixed language projects when the CDT plugin is unavailable
22.1.30 (11 October 2022)
DVT-18181 Removed Eclipse 4.19 distros
DVT-18055 Custom Dialog widget enablers not working in Java 11 based distributions
DVT-18165 Custom Pragmas: Usages are searched for even when no pragma is defined
22.1.28 (28 September 2022)
DVT-17968 Run Configurations ${selected_resource_loc} variable is not recognized for folders under DVT Auto-Linked
DVT-17971 External Builders: Sometimes Smart Logs don’t get applied on Eclipse 4.24
DVT-17995 “Copy hierarchy path segment separator” preference not taken into account when the action is triggered from the breadcrumb
DVT-18050 +dvt_editor_association_override directive doesn’t work on Eclipse 4.22 and 4.24
DVT-18109 The +dvt_set_directive_nof_args only works within the first +dvt_init section
DVT-18127 Thread Dump Collector: Fix broken zips caused by SIGINT signals
DVT-17409 Build config: -ccwarn directive should take one argument
DVT-17593 Build config: -denalipath directive should take one argument
DVT-17776 Build config: -dms_wreal_init directive should take one argument
DVT-17937 Build config: -max_always_prune should take one argument
22.1.27 (13 September 2022)
DVT-17348 Sometimes numerous “widget not properly disposed” exceptions are logged
DVT-17893 Build config: Add predefined environment variable _XRUNROOT_ in xcelium.xrun compatibility mode
DVT-17938 Ability to customize the number of arguments for build config directives using +dvt_set_directive_nof_args
DVT-18042 Breadcrumb background is black on Windows in default DVT theme
22.1.26 (7 September 2022)
DVT-17922 Settings management doesn’t correctly merge keybindings
22.1.25 (30 August 2022)
DVT-17967 Types View: Wrong members for C/C++ language
DVT-17860 Automatically compress generated thread dumps
DVT-17986 Add preference to automatically copy custom.css and custom.js file to documentation
22.1.24 (22 August 2022)
DVT-17728 New distros based on Eclipse 4.24 and Java GraalVM 17
DVT-17936 NoSuchMethodError is thrown in Eclipse 4.24
22.1.23 (16 August 2022)
DVT-17316 Downgrade pre-installed IndentGuite plugin in Eclipse 4.11 distros
DVT-17476 As computed macros fail to expand when casting a string to list of bytes
DVT-17648 & DVT-17946 Outline view: Enter does not jump to element
DVT-17848 DVT Generic Run Configurations do not obey global preference to ask before launch when project has errors
DVT-17906 Show Usages on eLanguage enum item does not work when triggered from context menu
DVT-16448 Update Git plugin to the latest version and add LFS support plugin in Eclipse 4.19 and 4.22 distros
DVT-17022 Update Python plugin in Eclipse 4.19 and 4.22 distros
DVT-17678 Add folding range for #region/#endregion block
DVT-17764 Add support for +defineall+ directive in xcelium.xrun compatibility mode
DVT-17852 Add support for global.get_context_type() in e Language as computed macros
DVT-17894 Add support for predefined instance_iterator type
DVT-17924 Rename Switch Between Editor Parts command to Switch Between Active Editors and move it under Navigate category
DVT-17928 Switch to the latest build of Java 11 in Eclipse 4.19 and 4.22 distros
DVT-17929 Update Bash and YAML plugins in Eclipse 4.19 and 4.22 distros
22.1.22 (2 August 2022)
DVT-17836 Improve search operation performance in the Compile Order View
DVT-12709 DVT CLI: Automatically add -include auto when the project directory contains a large number of resources
DVT-17428 Natural Docs definition list formatting in tooltips is not rendered correctly
22.1.21 (21 July 2022)
DVT-17802 False UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER errors reported when referencing ‘me’ inside template struct extensions
22.1.20 (11 July 2022)
DVT-17771 Slow search operation in Compile Order view for projects with CDT nature
DVT-17766 Editor Notification sometimes leaves visual artefacts
22.1.19 (28 June 2022)
DVT-17514 Add support for predefined API of lint_manager
DVT-17668 External builder cannot be stopped from progress monitor
DVT-17711 Thread Dump Collector: +dvt_profile+ period should default to 500ms
22.1.17 (8 June 2022)
DVT-17213 False errors reported in as computed macros when return string contains specific escape sequences
DVT-17635 Settings Management does not work properly under Windows
DVT-17665 Changes in DVT_COMMON_SETTINGS environment variable are not always reflected in the DVT-Settings project
22.1.16 (31 May 2022)
DVT-17381 Saving source files becomes slow when an external builder is defined
DVT-17581 DVT CLI deadlock during Perforce association
DVT-17596 Opening external builders project property page should not modify the project description
22.1.13 (9 May 2022)
DVT-17486 Build log/output should be consistent across tools
DVT-17535 The “-sourcemap” argument does not work in dvt_sv_lint_gui.sh
22.1.12 (3 May 2022)
DVT-17508 “SWT Resource not properly disposed” exception is thrown when triggering Diagram Magnifier
22.1.11 (18 April 2022)
DVT-17424 Ability to search by any column in tree table views
DVT-17363 Verification Hierarchy View: Wrong components after incremental build
22.1.10 (12 April 2022)
DVT-17463 Improve performance of rf_manager.eval_exp_string()
DVT-13591 Including other waiver files should take into account the position of the <include> tag
DVT-17479 Replace globbing in scripts to workaround a shell bug preventing globbing in nested invocations
22.1.9 (30 March 2022)
DVT-17400 Lower the default tooltip size when the content cannot be measured efficiently
DVT-17402 Disable HTML tooltips for incompatible WebKit versions
22.1.8 (15 March 2022)
DVT-14716 Limit the number of task tags to improve performance
DVT-17135 Resource monitor should adapt scan speed to limit computational overhead
DVT-17389 License: Add support for inline string license sources
DVT-17390 License: Add support for platform independent license source separator &
DVT-17391 License: Add support for using a local license by multiple applications at the same time under the same user
DVT-17006 As computed macros support for eval_exp_string()
DVT-17355 Editor Notification: Improve project visibility look & feel when proposing resource filters
DVT-17392 License: Send to the license server the client PID instead of the unused and dummy display value
DVT-17247 WaveDrom diagrams should be exported using UTF-8 encoding
DVT-17393 License: Fixed custom port support in local license sources
22.1.7 (2 March 2022)
DVT-17124 Improved memory usage for code folding
DVT-17132 Sometimes collapsed code gets partially expanded without any user action
DVT-17341 Re-enable older TLS versions in JRE in order to support all third party plugins
22.1.6 (23 February 2022)
DVT-17311 Removed distros based on Eclipse 4.21
DVT-16865 & DVT-17261 Add new distro for Linux aarch64 based on Eclipse 4.22 (e422-linux_64_arm)
DVT-17309 Add new distro for MacOS aarch64 based on Eclipse 4.22 (e422-macos_64_arm)
DVT-17310 Add new distros based on Eclipse 4.22 with Java 17
DVT-17312 Ability to relocate $HOME/.dvt using DVT_USER_DIR environment variable
22.1.5 (16 February 2022)
DVT-17127 Specador: Improve look and feel of the Styling preferences page on Eclipse >= 4.11
DVT-17176 Ability to specify verification tops using subtypes that are not extended
DVT-17230 Add support for predefined API any_simple_port.name()
DVT-17185 Toolbar buttons cannot be re-enabled after disablement in custom DVT perspectives
DVT-17215 False errors reported when using indexed port access operator
DVT-17219 Missing vertical scrollbar in tooltips when content overflows
DVT-17232 DVT CLI should be able to include GIT repositories when there is no underlying project created in the workspace
DVT-17253 False error reported on type_name arguments of transaction recording API calls
22.1.4 (8 February 2022)
DVT-17170 Outline View: Prevent memory leaks when closing large files
DVT-14736 Show error details by default in the license log
DVT-17209 Show LM_PROJECT value in the license log
DVT-17102 Sometimes Find and Replace dialog content is not highlighted
22.1.3 (31 January 2022)
DVT-17139 Syntax Coloring: Highlight in Code Templates specific editors might lead to UI hangs
DVT-17156 Syntax Coloring: Comments and strings are not properly colored in Code Templates specific editors
22.1.2 (26 January 2022)
DVT-13022 Ability to specify Verification Hierarchy top from default.build (+dvt_e_vtop+)
DVT-17001 Syntax Coloring is broken in compare editors
DVT-17045 Cancel build button is still active after full build has finished
DVT-17154 Some scripts are not working correctly when ANSI colors are always set for some system commands
22.1.1 (18 January 2022)
Note: Some of the highlights below were rolled-out in 21.1.# hotfix releases for early adopters.
Improved performance of incremental compilation, structured views, compare viewers
Improved UI responsiveness when using tooltips and hyperlinks
Improved UI performance when working with large files
Improved memory consumption when using diagrams, views, tooltips or opening many files
Improved as computed macros support
New distros based on Eclipse 4.19 and 4.21
DVT-14012 Quick views should persist their size and location
DVT-16978 Throttle down DVT Resource Monitor scan speed
DVT-16926 Projects created via DVT CLI should get selected in Project Explorer and Problems View
DVT-17117 Crash when saving diagrams on Eclipse >=4.15
21.1.53 (22 December 2021)
DVT-17011 Diagrams: Add shortcut to reset magnifier zoom and size
DVT-17018 Diagrams: Add shortcut to fit diagram to canvas
DVT-16870 Emacs+ Plug-in reports UI error
DVT-16952 Outline View cannot be used if you close it then reopen it
DVT-16999 The “Inspect” hyperlink from problem tooltip does not work when Inspect View is closed
21.1.52 (14 December 2021)
DVT-16721 Specador: Ability to generate documentation starting from any XML preference file
DVT-16964 Editor Notification artefacts when horizontally scrolling the editor on Eclipse 4.6/4.7
DVT-16966 Profile directives specified in the build file should ignore the Open in Editor dialog option
DVT-16967 Report an Issue dialog hangs the UI if there is no Internet connection
21.1.51 (6 December 2021)
DVT-16057 “The workspace tree is already locked” error sometimes pops-up at startup
DVT-16823 Writing in a newly opened file is blocked during build in Eclipse 4.19 and Eclipse 4.21
DVT-16847 Progress dialog displays wrong message during semantic search
DVT-16889 Specador: UML Diagrams should ignore the Content Filters indicator
DVT-16895 Specador: Font differences between diagrams generated in GUI vs Batch mode
DVT-16905 All views: Graphical artifacts when changing the active build configuration
DVT-16915 Sometimes Scope Breadcrumb causes StackOverflowException on Windows
DVT-16923 Illegal reflective access by ro.amiq.dvt.utils.DVTProcessRunner warning when using Java >8
DVT-16928 Manually triggered garbage collection causes Breadcrumb “SWT not properly disposed” exception
21.1.50 (23 November 2021)
DVT-7556 Custom Dialogs: Snapshot selection is slow for custom dialogs with many widgets
DVT-13223 Diagrams: Ability to use a magnifier to locally zoom the diagram
DVT-16901 Add problem marker information in Inspect View
DVT-16902 Add “inspect” hyperlink in problem tooltip
21.1.49 (17 November 2021)
DVT-16891 Recently added resource monitor breaks the license idle time functionality
21.1.48 (16 November 2021)
DVT-16300 Show usages: Improve performance when project files are out of sync
DVT-15825 Automatically monitor growing number of resources in the workspace projects and pop-up a notification when performance may be affected
DVT-16807 Rename refactoring with filename / javadoc updates might lead to overlapping code changes
DVT-16822 License status and progress bar are not on the right side of the bottom toolbar when starting DVT in a new workspace
DVT-16845 Add support for rf_manager.get_struct_by_name() when subtype queries in as computed macros
DVT-16851 Theme Engine: Add support for YAML plugin
DVT-16867 Thread Dump Collector is not working with Java 11+
21.1.47 (8 November 2021)
DVT-16668 Tooltips: Ability to specify Natural Docs image locations
DVT-16816 Tooltips: Ability to embed images relatively to the source file from NaturalDocs comments
DVT-16801 Diagrams: Sometimes multiple popup dialogs might get opened when pressing the corresponding toolbar button
DVT-16866 The patches for the Eclipse Platform are not applied
21.1.46 (2 November 2021)
DVT-16757 Inconsistent members context menu behavior for Verification / Design Hierarchy Views
DVT-16788 Compile Order View: Search bar does not update the content if the view was minimized before
DVT-16802 Compile Order View: UI slowdown when updated during the first build of a project
21.1.45 (26 October 2021)
DVT-15747 Diagrams: Improve performance of embedded Inspect View updates
21.1.44 (19 October 2021)
DVT-16759 New distros based on Eclipse 4.21 with Java 17
DVT-15815 Ability to embed WaveDrom description files within comments
DVT-16196 Ability to recreate the project even if the .project file is corrupted
DVT-16290 Applying quick assist while a build is in progress freezes the UI
DVT-16673 Sometimes typing a path in the New Project Wizard is slow
DVT-16686 Sometimes “Restore is already in progress” pop-up appears when rebuilding
21.1.43 (11 October 2021)
DVT-16048 Improved performance of “replace all” in large files
DVT-1761 Create a predefined project with examples for Run Configurations, Code Factory templates, Custom Dialogs etc.
DVT-16186 Add support for #IF_SPECMAN_VERSION built-in macro
DVT-16709 Editor Notification: Change Toggle Details icons to expand/collapse
21.1.42 (4 October 2021)
DVT-16275 Add support for simulator.path_exists() predefined API
DVT-16582 Sometimes save cannot be completed when “Hide User Operation is waiting dialog” preference is set
21.1.41 (27 September 2021)
DVT-16098 Editor Notification: Ask for a full-build when changing the content of the active build config
DVT-16288 Quick Types view shows “No matches found” instead of “All filtered by content filters”
DVT-16559 Ensure that DVT distro scripts run with POSIX mode disabled
DVT-16649 Compile Order view shows “All filtered by content filters” instead of “No matches found”
DVT-16652 Outline View shows “No matches found” instead of “All filtered by content filters”
DVT-16658 Editor Notification: Bad indentation when editor window is narrowed
DVT-16682 Quick Types View: NullPointerException thrown when content filters is enabled
21.1.40 (21 September 2021)
DVT-16459 Verification Hierarchy View shows “No matches found” instead of “All filtered by content filters”
DVT-16567 UVM Browser View shows “No matches found” instead of “All filtered by content filters”
DVT-16569 Types View shows “No matches found” instead of “All filtered by content filters”
DVT-16603 Macros View shows “No matches found” instead of “All filtered by content filters”
DVT-16604 Quick Macros View shows “No matches found” instead of “All filtered by content filters”
DVT-16654 False UNDEFINED_TYPE semantic error when template type instance used in a ‘is a’ expression
21.1.39 (15 September 2021)
DVT-16400 Editor Notification: Display the full path of the reported files
21.1.38 (8 September 2021)
DVT-14072 Scope Breadcrumb: Add “Show Diagram” action
DVT-16441 Breadcrumb: Tooltips should be split on multiple lines if exceeding a threshold
DVT-16563 Add support for Quick Lazy Outline View
DVT-16585 Quick Outline View: Quick search should support type and go (enter)
DVT-16611 Eclipse doesn’t start on MacOS due to missing permissions
21.1.36 (30 August 2021)
DVT-16496 Build report: Show total number of lines in project
DVT-15902 Build report: Files compiled multiple times also show up multiple times in the top by nof lines
21.1.35 (23 August 2021)
DVT-11655 GUI freezes when there are too many annotations on one line
DVT-16397 Filesystem Breadcrumb: Elements are sometimes not truncated after opening another file
DVT-16462 Filesystem Breadcrumb: Show/Hide actions only work in the currently visible editors
DVT-16529 Specador: Progress indicator does not account for comment processors
DVT-16530 viPlugin: Emulation mode does not work with split editors
21.1.34 (16 August 2021)
DVT-16112 Build report console sometimes comes up empty
DVT-16504 Verification Hierarchy View: Content Filters indicator broken
DVT-16507 False semantic error when csv_to_table() second argument is missing
DVT-16508 Conditional expression not supported as table filter expression
21.1.33 (9 August 2021)
DVT-16092 Content Filters indicator broken on Eclipse 4.19 distros
DVT-16217 Verification Breadcrumb: Disabling any breadcrumb hides the navigation bar in the diagram editors
DVT-16451 Applying content filters does not refresh Types View members pane
DVT-16458 Applying content filters does not refresh Verification Hierarchy ports panel
DVT-16470 Sometimes the tooltip for build directives is empty
21.1.32 (3 August 2021)
DVT-16449 Improve performance of new name validation in Rename Wizard
DVT-14795 Inspect View: Ability to pin view content
DVT-16382 Editor Notification: Pop-up when build automatically is disabled
DVT-16401 Editor Notification: Display the operation kind performed when updating the database
DVT-16438 Scope Breadcrumb: Trim elements label exceeding 40 characters
DVT-16447 Inspect View: Ability to clone view
DVT-15780 Removed ‘Stop Build’ button from non-build consoles
DVT-16437 Removed ‘Build Report’ button from non-build consoles
21.1.31 (27 July 2021)
DVT-16299 Improve preference page search
DVT-16431 Missing hyperlinks for included/imported files while using the mouse
21.1.30 (20 July 2021)
DVT-16199 Verification Hierarchy View: Updates are very slow in large environments
DVT-16366 Verification Hierarchy View: Preserve expanded state after update
DVT-16367 Verification Hierarchy View: Preserve selection after update
DVT-16368 Verification Hierarchy View: ‘Expand All’ / ‘Collapse All’ should not be persistent
DVT-16369 Verification Hierarchy View: Ability to cancel view operations
DVT-16370 Verification Hierarchy View: Keep selection in views after clearing the quick search bar
DVT-16371 Verification Hierarchy View: Tree scroll state should be persistent across updates if possible
DVT-16372 Verification Hierarchy View: Improved ‘Expand All’ performance for trees beginning with no-children nodes
DVT-16373 Verification Hierarchy View is not updated at project restore
DVT-15907 Tooltip hyperlinks don’t work when using WebKit browser engine (distros based on Eclipse >4.7)
21.1.29 (12 July 2021)
DVT-16361 Filesystem Breadcrumb: Change separator to ‘/’
DVT-16346 Filesystem Breadcrumb: Dropdown menu shown elements threshold sometimes not working
DVT-16351 Filesystem Breadcrumb: Text is not properly visible on dark themes
21.1.28 (6 July 2021)
DVT-16204 Avoid UI freezes due to long tooltip content computation time
DVT-16034 New filesystem explorer breadcrumb
DVT-15871 New editor notification bar presenting compilation database status
DVT-16337 Compile Order View: Ability to jump to the file selection using the return key
DVT-16263 Error markers are sometimes misplaced when using +dvt_auto_link+false
DVT-16322 False UNDECLARED_IDENTIFIER semantic error when accessing members of template interface method result type
21.1.27 (28 June 2021)
DVT-16259 Support for “table from … using filter( … ) …” syntax
DVT-16312 Preprocessor #ifdef/#ifndef directives not supported as interface members
21.1.26 (22 June 2021)
DVT-16293 Specador: Design Diagram wizard page elements are disabled when design API is checked
21.1.25 (16 June 2021)
DVT-16248 Prevent memory leak when closing and reopening the Macros View
DVT-16251 Improve incremental build performance for unchanged touched files
DVT-16271 Improve Inspect View performance when navigating large files
DVT-16273 Specador: Wizard adds empty entries in the navigation menu for unchecked API
21.1.23 (3 June 2021)
DVT-16226 Specador: Wizard deletes attribute tags if external documentation paths contain environment variables
DVT-16237 Hardwire the shell used by distribution scripts to /bin/bash
21.1.22 (24 May 2021)
DVT-16172 Minimize memory consumption caused by empty browser tooltips
DVT-16174 Quick Macros View: Quick search should support type and go (enter)
DVT-16143 Specador: Wizard does not accept user defined menus defined in XML files
DVT-16173 Breadcrumb becomes unresponsive in currently opened editor after hierarchy updates
DVT-16185 Single variable declaration inside ‘as computed’ macro expansion should be visible in the enclosing action scope
21.1.21 (18 May 2021)
DVT-16187 Broken rename file refactoring operation
DVT-16188 IllegalArgumentException thrown when closing DVT
21.1.20 (17 May 2021)
DVT-16175 Run Configurations: Improved error messages when resolution of ${dvt_cli} variable fails
DVT-16163 UI hangs until end of build when stopping a thread dump collection with “Open in editor” option active
DVT-16176 UI hangs when displaying a large number of errors in the editor tooltip
DVT-16180 Scope Breadcrumb: Updates are triggered when moving the cursor on the same line
21.1.19 (10 May 2021)
DVT-15905 Add a toolbar button to toggle Indent Guide
DVT-16111 Compile Order View: Show only files with errors does not update the counters
21.1.18 (28 April 2021)
DVT-16110 DVT does not start under certain Windows 10 configurations
21.1.17 (26 April 2021)
DVT-9904 Unable to open Auto-Linked files with names containing the colon ‘:’ character
DVT-16078 Build stuck in ‘as computed’ macro evaluation when using regex match replacement groups
DVT-16085 Eclipse 4.19 crashes when storing passwords in native linux keyring
DVT-16088 NullPointerException is thrown while executing some commands due to a bug in a 3rd party command listener
21.1.16 (20 April 2021)
DVT-16075 Update Git and Python plugins
21.1.15 (19 April 2021)
DVT-16074 Remove distros based on Eclipse 4.4.1 and 4.18
DVT-16073 New distros based on Eclipse 4.19
DVT-15552 Filter out stdout “Glibc detected java … free(): invalid pointer” messages
DVT-16008 Restore the ability to install PERFORCE.2018 inside compatible distros
DVT-15646 Validate GTK version before starting up DVT
DVT-15895 View element icons are sometimes not visible after platform startup
DVT-16060 Macros view gets broken by multi-line defines
21.1.14 (13 April 2021)
DVT-16036 Macros View: Improved ‘Expand All’ performance for trees beginning with no-children nodes
DVT-16037 Macros View: Table scroll state should be persistent across updates if possible
DVT-16038 Macros View: Keep selection in views after clearing the quick search bar
DVT-16039 Macros View: Ability to cancel view operations
DVT-16040 Macros View: Expand/collapse all should not be persistent
DVT-16041 Macros View: Preserve selection after update
DVT-16042 Macros View: Preserve expanded state after update
DVT-16025 Add support for <constraint> syntactic type in macro match expressions
21.1.13 (5 April 2021)
DVT-16014 Quick Types View: Improve performance for quick search
DVT-15975 SWT automatic configuration excludes incompatible WebKit versions at startup
DVT-15993 Add support for tlm_generic_payload.get_extension(type)
DVT-16012 Filter out stdout “REFRESH:preExec” messages
21.1.12 (30 March 2021)
DVT-3986 Provide an easy way to customize and filter the content of Outline view
DVT-6378 Outline View: Preserve expanded state after update
DVT-7134 Show indication in Outline View when some/all of the elements are filtered
DVT-12422 Switching between views and editor takes a lot of time for big files
DVT-12434 Outline view slows down opening large files
DVT-15340 Outline View: Ability to sort elements alphabetically or by definition when category sort is on
DVT-15979 Outline View: Preserve selection after update
DVT-15980 Outline View: Expand/Collapse All should not be persistent
DVT-15981 Outline View: Ability to cancel an “Updating…” action
DVT-15982 Outline View: Keep selection in views after clearing the quick search bar
DVT-15983 Outline View: tree/table scroll state should be persistent across updates if possible
DVT-15984 Outline View: Improved ‘Expand All’ performance for trees beginning with no-children nodes
21.1.11 (22 March 2021)
DVT-14513 False NOT_A_SUBTYPE error when extending a subtype introduced by a field defined in a non-active test
DVT-14067 Add support for “all of for each in” constructs
DVT-13642 False METHOD_CALL_ARGUMENTS error reported when calling list pseudo-method add(e+<number>)
21.1.9 (8 March 2021)
DVT-15489 Add support for phase indicators in ‘as computed’ macros
DVT-15873 Add support for function-level interface export syntax
DVT-15875 Add support for conditional template extend
DVT-15876 Update support for built-in type operators
DVT-15878 Types View: Wrong message is displayed when searching for non-existent type
21.1.8 (1 March 2021)
DVT-15850 Misleading error message when launching run configuration in empty workspace
DVT-15853 Sometimes license remained checked-out after the last project was deleted
DVT-15857 Sometimes editors remained open after the containing project was closed or deleted
21.1.7 (22 February 2021)
DVT-13908 Project Colors: Label background should be adjusted depending on the theme (dark / light)
21.1.6 (15 February 2021)
DVT-15826 Removed Eclipse 4.4.1, 4.6.3, 4.7,2 and 4.11 distros for Windows and MacOS
DVT-15811 Improve Compare Viewer performance on Eclipse 4.18
DVT-15792 Update WaveDrom package to v2.6.8
DVT-15810 Update Perforce plugin to version 2020.1
DVT-15756 Syntax Coloring: Ability to disable coloring to __ID__ identifiers
DVT-15802 Custom Dialogs: Snapshot does not restore previous selections
DVT-15809 NullPointerException thrown when canceling the ‘Add File’ dialog within the Report Issue dialog
DVT-15835 Switch to AdoptOpenJDK 8 for Eclipse 4.11 distros to avoid crashes while doing thread-dumps
21.1.5 (5 February 2021)
DVT-15786 NullPointerException may be thrown from editor override annotations
DVT-15791 False error reported when including a file with relative path passing through symlinks
DVT-15796 Unexpected exception org/eclipse/ltk/core/refactoring/resource/DeleteResourceChange$1 thrown when deleting a project in Eclipse 4.18
21.1.4 (2 February 2021)
DVT-15772 Removed Collaborator 11 plugin from distros due to incompatibilities
DVT-15773 Removed Perforce 2015 plugin from distros
DVT-15478 Progress Monitor for “build automatically” makes the slows down the UI in some environments
DVT-13441 Add YAML plugin in all distros
DVT-13735 Add JSON plugin in all distros
DVT-14570 Add EditorConfig plugin in all distros
DVT-15257 Pre-install IndentGuide plugin in all distros based on Eclipse 4.11 and 4.18
DVT-15258 New distros based on Eclipse 4.18
DVT-15403 Add Mylyn plug-in in all distros
DVT-14934 & DVT-15501 Update all distro plugins
DVT-15737 Use proper heap size when invoking java in scripts
DVT-15762 Switch to AdoptOpenJDK 11 for Eclipse 4.11 and 4.18 distros
DVT-15763 Switch to AdoptOpenJDK 8 for Eclipse 4.4.1, 4.6.3 and 4.7.2 distros
21.1.3 (25 January 2021)
DVT-11532 Breadcrumb: Ability to use keyboard shortcuts to navigate the hierarchy
DVT-10954 Build config: Add xcelium.xrun compatibility mode
DVT-15715 Improve message in build interrupted dialog when a file compile timeout is reached
DVT-15740 Messages of syntax problems are prefixed with underscore when test files are compiled
DVT-15484 Switching the active build config does not update the toolbar indicator when build automatically is disabled
21.1.2 (18 January 2021)
DVT-15727 Improve editor performance for files containing many annotations
DVT-15728 Selecting large templates in Code Templates View causes UI hangs
DVT-15735 Architecture UML Diagram action doesn’t generate the diagram
21.1.1 (11 January 2021)
Note: Some of the highlights below were rolled-out in 20.1.# hotfix releases for early adopters.
Improved compilation performance
Improved editor performance when working with large files
Improved UI look and feel and dark theme support
Improved speed of Tooltips rendering
Redesigned Compile Order View for performance and usability
New Command Line Interface script for Windows
Improved JavaDoc and Natural Docs comment formatter
Improved support for hyperlinks in comments
Ability to auto-indent or fully format the code on paste
Improved annotations support
DVT-12783 Improve Types View performance
DVT-15667 Types View: Preserve expanded state after update
DVT-15668 Types View: Preserve selection after update
DVT-15669 Types View: Expand/collapse all should not be persistent across updates
DVT-15670 Types View: Ability to cancel view operations
DVT-15671 Types View: Keep selection in view after clearing the quick search bar
DVT-15672 Types View: Tree scroll state should be persistent across updates if possible
DVT-15673 Types View: Improved ‘Expand All’ performance for trees beginning with no-children nodes
DVT-15711 Quick Types View: Quick search should support type and go (enter)
DVT-15683 Formatting by external tool does not work
DVT-15686 Some of the flags supported by dvt.sh -options are not propagated correctly
DVT-15705 Types view: Wrong types number when Quick Types View is opened
DVT-15713 ‘as computed’ macro not executed due to get_event() call on a struct returned by get_struct_by_name()
20.1.43 (8 December 2020)
DVT-15661 Remove the Old Compile Order View
DVT-15635 Sometimes the main application window becomes unresponsive when a dialog is about to appear or new dialogs are partially painted
20.1.42 (4 December 2020)
DVT-15614 Improve annotations support (repeatable, reflection & predefined API)
DVT-15618 NPE may be thrown when overwriting a predefined project after DVT restart
DVT-15621 Substitution does not work for build configuration files in certain scenarios
20.1.41 (20 November 2020)
DVT-15567 Add support for using +dvt_file_substitute with build configuration files
DVT-15575 When DVT_XXX_HOME variables are not set, fall back to known $DVT_HOME locations
20.1.40 (13 November 2020)
DVT-15469 Decrease tooltip rendering timeout to prevent UI slowdowns
DVT-15465 Enum items do not appear in inspect view, enum definition appears instead
DVT-15486 StackOverflowError thrown when triggering some shortcuts (Eclipse 4.11)
DVT-15563 No matches when re-running a previous search query after incremental build
DVT-15565 Hyperlink: Jump to declaration for enum items opens the parent struct declaration instead of the enum item declaration
20.1.39 (9 November 2020)
DVT-15452 Sometimes the navigation history back/forward buttons don’t work
DVT-15546 Unable to use ${message_sl} patterns in user-defined external tool filters
DVT-15549 False UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER semantic error on field access from a template sub-type struct instance
DVT-15550 Scripts platform check doesn’t work for all 64-bit platforms
20.1.38 (30 October 2020)
DVT-14318 Filter out stderr dconf-WARNING messages
DVT-15530 Ability to use infinite license idle time by setting DVT_LICENSE_IDLE_TIME=0
DVT-14787 XULRunner is causing a “too many open files” error when running on NFS home folders
20.1.37 (23 October 2020)
DVT-15428 Enum item tooltips always shows default order-based values instead of user-specified value
DVT-15510 rf_manager.get_defined_name() does not work properly in ‘as computed’ macros
DVT-15511 Semantic highlight does not work for e macros +defined in the build configuration
DVT-15513 The uvm_build_config as computed macros from the uvm_e library sometimes don’t get properly expanded
20.1.36 (16 October 2020)
DVT-15441 Add support for ‘first of for each in’ construct
DVT-15442 False syntax error reported when iterating with ‘for each’ a list whose name ends in do
DVT-15443 False UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER error reported in certain contexts when using type constraints
DVT-15444 Wrong result of rf_manager.get_defined_name() for names of undefined macros used as #ifdef guards
DVT-15459 Build config: -vlogcontrolrelax directive should take one argument
20.1.35 (8 October 2020)
DVT-15424 Theme Engine: Entering the preference page applies the last selected theme, even if no changes were done
20.1.34 (2 October 2020)
DVT-15390 Apply +dvt_skip_compile+ directives to top files in early compilation stages for improved performance
DVT-15396 Crashes when generating diagrams
20.1.33 (28 September 2020)
DVT-15379 Rename Refactoring Wizard: Once triggered, force preview remains persistent until the wizard is closed
20.1.32 (17 September 2020)
DVT-15349 Add more info about potential matches in the Search View
20.1.31 (11 September 2020)
DVT-14566 Add support for generic parameters in HTML tooltips and comment hyperlinks
DVT-14567 Add support for macros in HTML tooltips and comment hyperlinks
DVT-15267 Add support for double colon as segment path separator in hyperlinks
DVT-15270 Improve accuracy of element searching for hyperlinks in comments
DVT-15316 Closing a project should cancel an ongoing restore operation
DVT-15330 Wrong label for “Show Instances” action triggered from the editor right click menu
DVT-15334 dvt.sh always exits with non-zero code
20.1.30 (3 September 2020)
DVT-15299 Compile Order: Auto-linked files are not opened as part of the current project
20.1.29 (28 August 2020)
DVT-15180 Code Formatting: Bring opening keyword for block statements to the same line even if the line ends in comment
DVT-15286 When SWT automatic configuration is disabled a wrong configuration is set
20.1.28 (21 August 2020)
DVT-15263 Add support for annotation declaration
DVT-15269 Improve support for sv_adapter_unit predefined API
DVT-14942 False UNEXPECTED_TYPE semantic error reported when initializing list elements using new with
DVT-15268 False errors when using TLM2 bus_witdh() attribute and its get/set accessors
20.1.27 (14 August 2020)
DVT-15205 Compile waivers: Add support to match problems by default-severity
DVT-15206 Compile waivers: Add support to waive all problems at once by disabling match message and path
DVT-15188 Scope Breadcrumb: Inhibit updates while moving the cursor in a file
DVT-15194 Rebuilding project after deleting waivers file does not update problem to its original severity in batch mode
DVT-15220 Compile Order: Selection is not preserved after filter is cleared on mixed project
20.1.26 (30 July 2020)
DVT-14774 Resource filters dialog allow to filter elements inside a folder which exceeds the limits
20.1.24 (17 July 2020)
DVT-14598 Theme Engine: Change the default color of notifications
DVT-14958 ‘as computed’ support for rf_manager.get_defined_name(name: string) method invocation
DVT-14965 Triggering a rebuild during restore should allow cancellation of an ongoing restore operation
20.1.22 (8 July 2020)
DVT-14933 Add support for predefined API rf_manager.get_defined_name()
DVT-14938 Increase default timeout for grabbing output of external programs (e.g. irun location)
20.1.21 (2 July 2020)
DVT-14556 Show an info message when WaveDrom diagrams are not shown because they are larger than the configured threshold
DVT-14863 Scope Breadcrumb: Filtered elements are no longer grayed-out after mouse hover on Eclipse 4.11
DVT-14885 Compare Viewer doesn’t work for git staged files
DVT-14914 Prevent HTML tooltip link action until the tooltip is focused to avoid crashes of WebKit rendering engine
20.1.20 (26 June 2020)
DVT-14853 Sometimes the SWT automatic configuration timeout doesn’t work
20.1.17 (16 June 2020)
DVT-14758 DVT CLI: Some commands return before ending due to wrongly used net timeout
20.1.16 (12 June 2020)
DVT-14717 Content Assist: Replacement does not work when triggering content assist after the last character in file
20.1.14 (28 May 2020)
DVT-14666 Outline View does not update until first incremental or full build
DVT-14698 dvt.sh / dvt_cli.sh -eclipse_args -pluginCustomization is not taken into account
20.1.13 (22 May 2020)
DVT-14690 Wavedrom diagrams are not showing up in Inspect View on Eclipse 4.11
20.1.12 (21 May 2020)
DVT-14668 Improve speed of HTML tooltips rendering
DVT-14683 Theme Engine: Change tooltip color to white for all tooltips
DVT-14558 Sometimes the HTML tooltips are not properly sized
DVT-14662 Wavedrom diagram flashes inside the Inspect View while editing
DVT-14678 Semantic Search: Stopping current search query is not working when searching for declarations
20.1.11 (15 May 2020)
DVT-14640 Compile Order View: Improved ‘Expand All’ performance for trees beginning with no-children nodes
DVT-14651 Improve speed of JavaDoc and Natural Docs formatted tooltips
DVT-13619 Show warning when using an unresolved environment variable in compile waivers
DVT-14634 Compile Order View: Preserve expanded state after update
DVT-14635 Compile Order View: Preserve selection after update
DVT-14636 Compile Order View: Tree scroll state should be persistent across updates if possible
DVT-14637 Compile Order View: Expand/collapse all should not be persistent
DVT-14638 Compile Order View: Ability to cancel view operations
DVT-14639 Compile Order View: Keep selection in view after clearing the quick search bar
DVT-14641 Quick Compile Order View: Quick search should support type and go (enter)
DVT-14645 Add support for global.set_check_by_cover_item() predefined method
DVT-14624 Some Windows scripts don’t work when DVT_HOME contains spaces
DVT-14642 UI hangs for several seconds at start of full build for large projects
DVT-14647 Theme Engine: Filter boxes are not properly colored in Eclipse Dark Theme
20.1.10 (11 May 2020)
DVT-14625 Content Assist: Proposals are displayed slowly if they have big comments
DVT-12538 Add support for JavaDoc code tag in comments
DVT-14596 Enhancements for JavaDoc and Natural Docs comment formatter
DVT-14548 Theme Engine: Improve support for Eclipse dark themes
DVT-8722 JavaDoc comment is not picked up correctly when using a blank line after @param
DVT-14546 Theme Engine: Call Hierarchy View “Refresh” label is not visible in dark themes
DVT-14551 Theme Engine: Blinking notification text is not visible in dark themes
DVT-14554 Theme Engine: Error messages when saving a custom dialog snapshot are not visible in dark themes
DVT-14573 Theme Engine: Call Hierarchy info label is not properly colored when using Project Colors on Eclipse 4.11
DVT-14576 Theme Engine: Info labels are not colored uniformly in all views when using Project Colors
DVT-14577 Sometimes the SWT automatic configuration fails for XULRunner in high load CPU scenario
DVT-14589 Tooltips do not work on an already opened file after DVT is restarted
DVT-14609 Stop build from console button does not work for CLI-initiated builds
DVT-14608 Code Factory: “Create from Template” doesn’t work
20.1.9 (30 April 2020)
DVT-12679 DVT CLI: Add Command Line Interface script for Windows
DVT-14325 DVT CLI: Add -nostart flag to avoid starting a new Eclipse instance
DVT-4591 DVT CLI: Use the last workspace or $HOME/dvt_workspace if no workspace is specified
DVT-5502 DVT CLI: Add support for relative paths in createProject and importProject commands
DVT-14232 Use full path to system commands in Windows scripts to avoid issues when different tools replace the builtin commands
DVT-14427 Show macro and parameter values in autocomplete tooltips
DVT-14488 DVT CLI: Ability to open a non-blocking dialog when using openCustomDialog command
DVT-12198 DVT CLI: Killing a dvt_cli.sh -noexit using Ctrl+C does not kill the spawned Eclipse process
DVT-14538 Theme Engine: “Restore Defaults” action does not change Eclipse Theme to classic on Linux
DVT-14544 Add “Open First Implementation” hyperlink on event declaration
DVT-14555 Some arguments / preferences and internal settings are ignored when starting dvt.sh with -bg
DVT-14557 Autocomplete tooltips are showing internal ID’s instead of the correct information
20.1.7 (10 April 2020)
DVT-14009 Open method declaration hyperlink should jump by default to the first implementation layer instead of empty/undefined
DVT-14493 False errors reported when connecting and accessing TLM 2.0 Sockets
20.1.6 (2 April 2020)
DVT-14337 Ability to auto-indent or fully format the code on paste
DVT-14461 Smart Logs: Use appropriate coloring in dark themes
DVT-9088 Cursor losing position when calling Undo after formatting the code
DVT-14434 Theme Engine: Dark UI theme does not work on distros based on Eclipse 4.7 or lower when using GTK3
DVT-14442 Imports from SPECMAN_PATH do not work in Windows
DVT-14479 False errors in the XML editor for compile waivers with multiple <include> tags and without any <waiver> tag
20.1.5 (27 March 2020)
DVT-14421 Automatically apply code formatting when generating code using Override Methods Dialog
DVT-14424 Use smart log predefined filter coloring in conjunction with custom log_styles.xml
DVT-14360 Hyperlinking in tooltips does not work when using XULRunner
DVT-14361 Tooltips are not properly resized on slower browsers
DVT-14435 Invalid thread access triggered from Custom Pragmas
20.1.4 (20 March 2020)
DVT-14366 Theme Engine: Improved the response time when switching between themes in the Themes preference page
DVT-12891 Custom Pragmas: Ability to change the color in the UI for pragmas defined through Settings Management
DVT-14340 Adjust the dark theme of WaveDrom Diagrams for better readability
DVT-14382 Custom Dialogs: Ability to customize the minimum height and width for the class/struct/test selector widgets
DVT-14413 Support for ‘is imported’ methods
DVT-14414 Support for list of interface ports with context
DVT-14415 Support for ‘all of for each in … ‘ construct
DVT-10128 Quick Fix: Do not propose declare argument for predefined methods
DVT-14385 Fixed possible deadlock while typing new name in Rename Wizard
DVT-14392 Theme Engine: Diagrams background is not in sync with the UI theme
20.1.3 (9 March 2020)
DVT-14087 An empty window remains opened after performing a refactoring operation that asks for read-only files handling
DVT-14365 False warnings issued by SWT automatic configuration
20.1.2 (28 February 2020)
DVT-14322 External Builders stopped working on Eclipse 4.11
20.1.1 (21 February 2020)
Note: Some of the highlights below were rolled-out in 19.1.# hotfix releases for early adopters.
New rich tooltips with Comments Formatting
New Themes
Ability to automatically detect and use the best GTK version and browser engine combination on Linux
New distros based on Eclipse 4.11
DVT-14233 Add support for predefined method any_unit.get_children()
DVT-14288 Improved SWT automatic configuration to avoid unstable configurations
DVT-14246 DVT CLI: openCustomDialog command does not work without the optional -project argument
DVT-14281 Refactoring status context previewers break in various plug-in combinations
19.1.50 (7 February 2020)
DVT-14229 Added ‘as computed’ support for static function and static field access
DVT-14222 False warnings issued by SWT automatic configuration
DVT-14225 Eclipse 4.7 freezes when working with folders with large file-system hierarchies
DVT-14227 Refined tooltip comment rendering when using JavaDoc and Natural Docs
19.1.49 (5 February 2020)
DVT-9652 & DVT-12167 Automatically detect and use the best GTK version and Browser engine combination on Linux
DVT-14183 Ability to render comments using JavaDoc and Natural Docs in tooltips
DVT-13719 Render JavaDoc @link and @see tags in tooltips
DVT-14216 Filter out stdout GTK, GLib, etc. warnings for distros based on Eclipse 4.11
DVT-13720 Comments in tooltip should not contain extra new lines
DVT-14217 Force Adwaita theme when starting in GTK3 even when UI Light theme is used
DVT-14218 User confirmation not required when opening large files from tooltips
19.1.48 (29 January 2020)
DVT-14147 Prevent memory leaks when closing editors
DVT-14156 Optimized notification animations
DVT-14173 Prevent memory leaks when creating / deleting many files and folders
DVT-14191 Prevent memory leaks due to auto-build notification
DVT-14146 Update JRE in distro to Amazon Corretto 8u242
DVT-14157 Ignore DVT_LICENSE_FILE containing multiple hard-wired “FLEXLM” strings
DVT-13786 Code Formatting: Disabled formatting regions contribute to vertical alignment formatting
DVT-14165 Code Formatting: Add whitespace after open paren/curly should take precedence over “Vertical align to open paren/curly”
DVT-14194 Scope Breadcrumb: Sometimes ‘null’ labels are displayed after rebuild
19.1.47 (10 January 2020)
DVT-14126 Breadcrumb: No update when editor is reused (navigating through search matches or reaching the user defined maximum number of opened editors)
19.1.46 (6 January 2020)
DVT-14117 A superfluous rebuild pop-up is issued after restore for projects without DVT Auto-linked files
19.1.45 (24 December 2019)
DVT-14109 DVT Auto-linked files are broken after project restore
DVT-14110 Project description is not properly cleaned when using env vars in DVT Auto-Linked roots in conjunction with +dvt_auto_link_using_links+false
19.1.44 (20 December 2019)
DVT-13622 Content Assist: Add preference to skip inserting arguments with default values
DVT-14097 DVT CLI: Add new openPerspective command
DVT-11996 Content Assist: Camel case proposals are not properly sorted
DVT-13919 Refactoring Rename: Incremental compilation not started when refactoring inside unsaved files
DVT-14069 Content Assist: UI hangs if proposal contains more than 1000 characters
DVT-14088 Theme Engine: Searched element is not visible in dark themes
DVT-14092 Theme Engine: UI and editor background should be in sync by default
19.1.43 (11 December 2019)
DVT-14026 Ability to not serialize auto-linked file paths to .project using +dvt_auto_link_using_links+false build directive
19.1.42 (6 December 2019)
DVT-14028 Improve Verification Hierarchy View performance
DVT-14037 Add non-standard predefined type po_radix
DVT-14039 Add non-standard predefined method any_sequence_driver.get_pending_do_reqs()
DVT-14040 Add non-standard predefined field global.debug
DVT-13890 Don’t allow launching a run configuration that contains ${dvt_dialog_prompt:non-blocking} with “Launch in background” unchecked
DVT-14025 ‘as computed’ macros are not computed correctly when using C-like for loops
DVT-14032 Fixed “Synchronize UI theme color with editor background” checkbox in Themes preference page
DVT-14043 False UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER semantic errors reported when using “statements { … }” construct
DVT-14044 False UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER semantic error when using deprecated tick id as method call argument
DVT-14045 False UNEXPECTED_TYPE semantic error when indexing a list variable called range (range[i])
DVT-14059 Non-SystemVerilog quick fixes stop working when Verissimo report is opened
19.1.41 (28 November 2019)
DVT-5798 False MULTIPLE_PACKAGES semantic error
DVT-13939 Possible memory leak after delta computation in auto-build notification
DVT-13945 Sometimes the diagram generation hangs on MacOS due to a JVM bug
DVT-13960 Windows dvt.bat script expects DVT_LICENSE_FILE to be FLEXLM when using FlexLM license servers
DVT-13971 Sometimes a NullPointerException is thrown when shutting down DVT
DVT-13977 False INFINITE_RECURSION syntax error in macro expansion
19.1.39 (7 November 2019)
DVT-13911 Ability to switch between visible editor parts
DVT-13175 Pop-up important license related messages
DVT-13773 Syntax Coloring: “@formatter: on/off” pragmas should be colored only when written in lowercase
DVT-13844 DVT hangs if project template contains a symlink to the parent directory
DVT-13896 Scope Breadcrumb: Copy Qualified Name right click action does not work
DVT-13901 “Add from Project Template” does not support symlinks
19.1.38 (31 October 2019)
DVT-13843 File compile timeout dialog should suggest using +dvt_skip_compile in conjunction with +dvt_prepend_init
DVT-12724 Build config: In ius.irun compatibility mode, trailing ‘+’ characters of directives are trimmed
DVT-13882 Breadcrumb: Fixed possible deadlock when saving a file with many dependencies
19.1.37 (25 October 2019)
DVT-13194 When Ctrl+Space is not set as Content Assist keyboard shortcut, display the active shortcut in a pop-up whenever opening a file
DVT-13376 WaveDrom: Ability to render embedded diagrams in tooltips
DVT-13798 Project Templates: Ability to specify waivers for specific parameter names / files that should not be scanned from the template directory
DVT-13855 WaveDrom: Added support for dark theme
DVT-7275 Keyboard shortcuts stop working after pressing “Switch Editor Emulation Mode” (re-focus is required)
DVT-8302 In Emacs mode, Content Assist (Alt+/) is overridden by Word Completion
DVT-12264 Ctrl+C keyboard shortcut stops working in Eclipse mode after switching to Emacs mode and back
DVT-13095 After switching to Emacs mode, the Content Assist command gets duplicated in the Keys preference page
DVT-13835 Sometimes the UI is not showing up when starting in a used workspace due to SWTErrors thrown by the browser component
DVT-13854 Ctrl+J incremental find keyboard shortcut not working
19.1.36 (21 October 2019)
DVT-13837 Sometimes a BuildCancelException is thrown in the UI when the build is canceled
19.1.34 (11 October 2019)
DVT-13811 Removed support for old specador_preferences.xml versions (1 to 5)
DVT-13802 WaveDrom: Ability to use comments inside JSON
DVT-13808 Specador: Wizard should serialize only user-changed preferences
DVT-13756 Settings Management: Specador project, user and common settings should be merged
DVT-13801 WaveDrom: Inspect View should show an error when diagram is not generated
DVT-13809 Specador: “Select All” button not working in diagrams wizard page
19.1.33 (4 October 2019)
DVT-13757 Specador: Renamed dvt_export_html.xml to specador_preferences.xml
DVT-8264 Ability to render WaveDrom Timing Diagrams (waveforms) in the Inspect View
DVT-13037 Scope Breadcrumb: Add Open Type Hierarchy right-click menu action
DVT-13292 Code Formatting: Add a preference for disabling formatting lines threshold
DVT-13754 Scope Breadcrumb: Add right click menu actions for drop-down elements
DVT-13755 Specador: Add diagram preferences wizard page
DVT-13731 Build config: Trailing slash not removed from asymmetrically quoted strings (like \”string\”)
DVT-13787 Scope Breadcrumb: Switching to an element from another library/package wrongly updates the source breadcrumb
DVT-13794 Editor syntax coloring and line number are sometimes broken after using toggle block comment action
19.1.32 (20 September 2019)
DVT-13564 Ability to build recent changes from the “auto-build turned off” notification
DVT-13611 Highlight inactive code in compare viewers (grayed out background)
DVT-13567 ViPlugin: Trigger notification when editing read-only files
DVT-13697 Run Configuration shortcut image background is white if “-options disable_cairo” is set
DVT-13712 Run Configuration shortcut image is not properly created on Windows
19.1.31 (5 September 2019)
DVT-13710 Ability to skip analysis of specific dependencies during incremental build using +dvt_e_skip_incr_dep
DVT-13044 Add support for -setenv build configuration directive
DVT-13698 “Show build log file content” console action should provide more details when the log file is not available
DVT-13714 Fixed missing API for dvt_build.sh custom report generator
DVT-13717 Add support for predefied enum event_port_edge
DVT-13667 Folding: Toggle current line is not working for user defined folding region
DVT-13689 Support symlinks in Project Templates
DVT-13715 Incremental compile broken in included file when the include path contains “../”
19.1.30 (29 August 2019)
DVT-10979 Hyperlink should check file size and not open / warn if it is too big
DVT-13485 Ask for user confirmation when trying to open large files
DVT-7442 Ability to quickly open a file from the same folder with the current editor
DVT-11260 Ability to generate custom dvt_build.sh report
DVT-13663 Breadcrumb: Add preference to disable notifications
DVT-13671 Breadcrumb: Notifications should be displayed only when opening a file
19.1.29 (20 August 2019)
DVT-13655 Force Adwaita theme when starting in GTK3
DVT-13656 Set default colors for notifications, breadcrumb, filter boxes and tooltip
DVT-13653 UI slow-down when displaying huge flat trees with shallow depth
DVT-13659 Breadcrumb: Updates should be triggered only when the input changes
19.1.28 (14 August 2019)
DVT-13597 Ability to specify editor associations using +dvt_editor_association_override build config directive
DVT-13586 Show warnings promoted to error in the Console View build log
DVT-13615 False UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER semantic errors when using field type constraints, when field type is a when sub-type
DVT-13616 Semantic error not triggered when using [n] (list item select) to select a bit instead of [n:n] (bit select)
DVT-13620 Syntax Coloring: Highlight does not work for files outside project
19.1.27 (2 August 2019)
DVT-11250 & DVT-12413 Report XML errors for compile waivers
DVT-9287 Suppress irun.history file generation when irun is invoked at startup
DVT-11956 & DVT-13595 Settings Management: Keyboard shortcut deletion is not handled correctly
DVT-13589 Breadcrumb: Resizing editor while breadcrumb is read-only forces a refresh
DVT-13590 Breadcrumb: Icons change their vertical position when resizing the editor
DVT-13595 Settings Management: Keyboard shortcut deletion is not handled correctly
19.1.26 (26 July 2019)
DVT-12457 Improved Breadcrumb Navigation Bar performance
DVT-11261 Ability to see to how many problems a compile waiver was applied in the dvt_build.log file
DVT-12069 Ability to specify the icon path of a Run Configuration relative to the path of the .launch file
DVT-13584 Run configuration’s generated icons contain graphical artifacts on newer JREs
19.1.25 (19 July 2019)
DVT-11760 Show a visual indicator in the UI when automatic build for a project is turned off
DVT-13561 Console filters stopped working on Eclipse 4.11 due to API change
19.1.24 (11 July 2019)
DVT-13444 DVT CLI: Add new rebuildProject command
DVT-11537 DVT CLI: openFile command should support multiple file arguments
DVT-12553 Add a link in diagram editor preferences dialog to open workspace diagram preferences
DVT-13004 CDT Integration: Do not show anonymous elements in the Types View for typedef’d structs/enums/unions
DVT-13354 Ability to hide “User Operation is waiting” dialog (when saving a file during build/restore)
DVT-13481 Diagrams: Display the number of edges and nodes created until the diagram generation fails
DVT-12847 DVT CLI: Invoking the dvt_cli.sh script right after closing DVT causes “did not respond to probe” errors
DVT-13525 ‘as computed’ fails to evaluate if the expansion literal contains empty lines
19.1.23 (4 July 2019)
DVT-13406 CDT Integration: Reduce the number of Codan checks enabled by default
DVT-13489 CDT Integration: Improve navigation performance in large C/C++ files when in scalability mode (patch for Eclipse 4.4.1, 4.6.3 and 4.7.2)
DVT-13420 CDT Integration: New C/C++ Extended perspective
DVT-10416 CDT Integration: Ability to set the CDT file types using the +dvt_cdt_file_type_map build configuration directive
DVT-12558 CDT Integration: Add IEE std. sv_vpi_user.h, svdpi.h, vpi_compatibility.h, vpi_user.h to DVT predefined libs and use them in +dvt_init+dvt
DVT-13114 CDT Integration: Automatically set CDT file types for all source and header files detected in the scanning phase of a C/C++ project
DVT-13150 Ability to use random colors in diagram filters
DVT-13426 CDT Integration: Ability to specify when CDT Codan should run using +dvt_run_codan+FULL+INCR
DVT-9241 CDT Integration: Hyperlink to #included file should always open the C Editor
DVT-13405 CDT Integration: Disable all CDT Codan launch triggers by default
DVT-13414 CDT Integration: Non-top C/C++ files are not excluded from indexing during the first build after project creation
DVT-13486 ‘as computed’ macro expansion issue when boolean variable converted to string (lowercase instead of uppercase)
DVT-13487 ‘as computed’ single line comment inside expansion literal leads to unexpected syntax errors
DVT-13504 Paging through opened editors gets stuck in DVT build configuration editors
DVT-13505 ViPlugin: Fixed ExecutionException on Eclipse 4.11
19.1.22 (1 July 2019)
DVT-13409 Ability to customize GTK2 theme font in the new DVT Theme Engine
DVT-13482 Ability to customize all editor fonts in the new DVT Theme Engine
DVT-13184 NotHandledException thrown when double clicking on commands from Quick Access bar
DVT-13457 Custom Pragmas preference page is unreadable in dark themes
19.1.21 (21 June 2019)
DVT-13425 Syntax Coloring: Syntax and semantic highlighting performance improvement
DVT-12835 Add support for jumping outside brackets
DVT-13416 Improve New Project Wizard look & feel
DVT-13443 Add predefined API global.sn_plusarg_exists()
DVT-12965 CDT Integration: Ability to add C/C++ natures from New DVT Project Wizard
DVT-13014 Verification Breadcrumb: Navigating using breadcrumb in diagram editors generates wrong diagram for multiple layered elements
DVT-13113 CDT Integration: CDT GCC Built-in Compiler Settings command is not expanded correctly
DVT-13407 DVT CLI: The “-include auto” flag should not hide project settings
DVT-13419 CDT Integration: C/C++ files are still indexed after being removed from default.build
DVT-13424 CDT Integration: Sometimes Codan errors are not cleared by a full build
DVT-13427 Search View is not populated when “Pin the Search View” option is enabled
DVT-13436 Custom Pragmas: Selected color is not used in the editor
19.1.20 (7 June 2019)
DVT-12856 Autocomplete inside a_struct.as_a() does not show type-compatible proposals when the struct definition is in a different package
DVT-13157 Autocomplete should prepend the package name to avoid ambiguities
DVT-13158 Wrong insertion offset when autocompleting ‘when’ subtypes
DVT-13164 Autocomplete should not propose already specified sub-types when declaring a field/variable of package qualified type
DVT-13395 Exception thrown during project clean leads to unexpected semantic errors after project full build
19.1.19 (4 June 2019)
DVT-13389 DVT CLI issues “Unknown command” for all commands except createProject, openFile, compareFiles
19.1.18 (31 May 2019)
DVT-7198 & DVT-11685 New DVT Theme Engine for editors and widgets based on Eclipse Color Themes plugin
DVT-8271 Add Theme Engine support for Python (PyDev plugin)
DVT-9705 Add preference to invert diagram colors
DVT-10084 Add Theme Engine support for LUA (LDT plugin)
DVT-12001 Add Theme Engine support for TCL (TCL DLTK plugin)
DVT-12541 Add Desert theme to Theme Engine
DVT-13127 Add diff command to DVT CLI
DVT-13324 Call Hierarchy View: Add ability to see all method calls from relevant layers of the trigger method layer
DVT-11048 Do not restore when using CLI createProject command
DVT-11640 Disable default Eclipse Font Zoom commands for Eclipse 4.6 (Neon) and newer
DVT-13060 Black on white background in Console View with Dark Theme when running a run configuration
DVT-13206 Add separated color preferences for notifications and filter boxes
DVT-13315 Syntax Coloring: Previewer in Preference Page does not get updated properly on Windows
DVT-13318 In ius.irun compatibility mode -cds_implicit_tmp_dir, -parseinfo, -bbox_create, -bbox_link directives are generating errors
DVT-13319 False UNEXPECTED_TYPE semantic error when using keep <expr> => { … }
19.1.17 (16 May 2019)
DVT-13295 False UNEXPECTED_TYPE semantic error when using “in list” expression
DVT-13297 UML Diagrams: Avoid useless bends in association edges when they have no label
DVT-13299 Call Hierarchy View: Stack Overflow is thrown for recursive method invocation
19.1.16 (10 May 2019)
DVT-13291 False errors after restore due to version change
19.1.15 (9 May 2019)
DVT-10061 e Language method Call Hierarchy View
DVT-1444 Node locked license doesn’t work when the bound network interface is down (fix for Linux)
DVT-13226 Sequence Tree: Sequence calls collected from all the TCM layers are not considering the determinant
DVT-13261 Verification Breadcrumb: Breadcrumb is not hidden when switching from UVM Components Diagram to UML Diagram
DVT-13287 Fixed the support for directory license sources to scan for license files (*.lic)
DVT-13288 Sometimes an exception is thrown when a deleted file is still open in the editor
19.1.14 (6 May 2019)
DVT-13261 Verification Breadcrumb: Breadcrumb is not hidden when switching from UVM Components Diagram to UML Diagram
DVT-13262 Add support for ‘count’ predefined type
DVT-13260 Duplicate method proposals in auto-complete for predefined methods extended by user (even after the extend layer is removed)
DVT-13263 False UNDECLARED_IDENTIFIER semantic errors on template struct instance when sub-type fields
DVT-13275 Scripts warn about “unset GTK_IM_MODULE=1 not a valid identifier”
DVT-13276 SVN and GIT plugins can’t be installed using dvt_kit_installer.sh inside Eclipse 4.11 distros
19.1.13 (25 April 2019)
DVT-13259 Removed 32 bit Linux and Windows distros
DVT-13230 Add new distros based on Eclipse 4.11
19.1.12 (19 April 2019)
DVT-12383 Compare Viewer is very slow on huge files
19.1.11 (16 April 2019)
DVT-13195 Syntax Coloring: NullPointerException thrown when creating a file using “Create File” Quick Fix
19.1.10 (11 April 2019)
DVT-10413 Improved UML diagram generation time for a very large number of structs
DVT-13192 Syntax Coloring: Preview pane in the Preference Page does not get updated properly
19.1.9 (5 April 2019)
DVT-13152 Improved incremental build time (build duration degrades in time)
DVT-13108 CDT Integration: Add predefined content filters for C/C++ system headers, PSS C headers and SystemC headers
DVT-13109 Add +dvt_skip_compile support for C/C++
DVT-13151 Custom Dialogs: <dvt:Container> enabler attribute should support Combo and Text widgets
DVT-11271 Build config: +dvt_skip_compile directive does not apply to test files
DVT-12825 Search View: Label always shows 0 matches when inspecting a previous search result from search history
DVT-13087 Search View: When inspecting previous search results, the active filters are not working
DVT-13119 Search View: Wrong number of matches are reported in file labels when content/category/quick search filters are applied
DVT-13160 +dvt_skip_compile+<test_file_path> directive ignored for test files (+dvt_test+<test_file_path>)
DVT-13161 File compiled incrementally even if +dvt_skip_compile+<file_path> directive is set for that file
DVT-13162 False NON_EXISTING_TYPE semantic error in non top file although the type is defined
19.1.8 (28 March 2019)
DVT-13140 Improve build time for project containing many defines (> 200k)
DVT-13091 Breadcrumb: Focus first element which matches the search filtering
DVT-13101 Add predefined API vt.template_to_html() vt_util.show_html_file() vt_util.add_row()
DVT-13106 False DUPLICATE_NAME semantic errors reported after macro expansion
DVT-13136 ArrayIndexOutOfBounds thrown by DLTK plugins when collecting task tags (patch for Eclipse 4.4.1, 4.6.3 and 4.7.2)
DVT-13141 Breadcrumb: Special characters should not be appended in quick search bar
19.1.7 (25 March 2019)
DVT-13100 Editor highlight is broken for multiline comment /…/ before code section <’…’>
19.1.6 (22 March 2019)
DVT-13070 Syntax Coloring: Improving Semantic Coloring performance for big files
DVT-12964 DVT CLI: Ability to get the path of the currently edited file
DVT-12970 ViPlugin: Ability to see the total number of matches when performing a search
DVT-13041 Breadcrumb: Ability to filter elements while navigating in the dropdown children list
DVT-13065 Disable “Show most recently used tabs on overflow” preference in DVT distros
DVT-13079 Prompt to refresh files which are out of sync when searching for instances
DVT-13099 Support for multiline comment style /* … */
DVT-13051 No search hits reported when inspecting previous “search for instances” results in search history
DVT-13072 Add support for end line anchor “$” in Console Filters
DVT-13078 Custom defined console filter pattern displays wrong hyperlink position for indented message
DVT-13080 No search matches reported for out-of-sync files
DVT-13085 Show only files with errors in Compile Order view is not working for C/C++
19.1.5 (14 March 2019)
DVT-13028 Add new distros based on Eclipse 4.9
DVT-2070 Ability to Show Hierarchy (F4) on variable type
DVT-11534 Add ${selected_resource_line} variable to launch configurations
DVT-12494 Search View label should show the full name of the searched element
DVT-13030 CDT Integration: Ability to set and run DVT external builders on C/C++ only projects
DVT-13032 Project Templates: Add “year” predefined parameter
DVT-12912 Verification Breadcrumb: Wrong root element when having multiple layers
DVT-12913 Verification Breadcrumb: Select Instance in diagram editors should update the diagram
DVT-12914 Verification Breadcrumb: Instances under “when” are not collected in dropdown menus
DVT-12993 CDT Integration: Content Filters not working for element-text and for element-type=LINKAGE
DVT-13003 Semantic check that ‘keep <expression>’ evaluates to a bool
DVT-13012 Verification Breadcrumb: Incomplete other instances computation
DVT-13026 UVM predefined Console Filters do not match instances containing single quotes
19.1.4 (8 March 2019)
DVT-12903 Breadcrumb: Use down arrow to access dropdown children list
DVT-12923 CDT Integration: Add support for cflags with whitespace separator (like -D NAME=value)
DVT-12972 DVT CLI: For the createProject command, demote non-existing -lang error to warning
DVT-10288 Build config: -defineall directive does not define C preprocessing symbols
DVT-12385 Breadcrumb: Drop-down menu search description is not visible
DVT-12905 Scope Breadcrumb: Package element should not be selectable
DVT-12911 Breadcrumb: Display tooltip for root elements
DVT-12966 CDT Integration: Sometimes source paths extracted from .so files contain are based in the build directory instead of the actual location
DVT-12973 Build config: Ability to specify mappings for file extensions containing the dot ‘.’ character
DVT-12980 CDT Integration: Compile Order View is not populated after enabling C/C++ Extended Language for a pre-19.1.1 mixed SV+C project
DVT-12995 ViPlugin: Visual-line-mode edit operations should not be allowed on read-only files
DVT-12997 Breadcrumb: Toggle button takes effect only on visible editors
19.1.3 (4 March 2019)
DVT-12827 ViPlugin: Add support for ‘G’ command to move to the endline while in visual block mode
DVT-12798 ViPlugin: Abbreviations should not expand if the there is an alpha-numeric string before the abbreviation
DVT-12829 ViPlugin: Visual mode edit operations should not be allowed on read-only files
DVT-12894 ViPlugin: Copy paste in block visual mode should not add a new line at the end of each copied row
19.1.2 (28 February 2019)
DVT-12846 Reduce memory footprint for e Language projects
DVT-12925 Add log4j.config in DVT distros to disable EGit stdout warnings
DVT-12922 CDT Integration: The gcc scan is not triggered during the first build after creating a project via the DVT CLI
DVT-12926 Sometimes incremental build never ends after a project restore
DVT-12951 Force license status indicator on the right side of the status bar
19.1.1 (22 February 2019)
Starting with the 19.1.1 major release our products are no longer compatible with old FlexLM license servers (<11.14).
Note: Some of the highlights below were rolled-out in 18.1.# hotfix releases for early adopters.
New Scope Breadcrumb Navigation Bar in editors
New Verification Breadcrumb Navigation Bar in editors and UVM Components Diagrams
Ability to define code regions with customizable editor behavior using Custom Pragmas
Enhanced C/C++ support including the ability to browse C/C++ elements in Types View, Macros View, and Compile Order View
DVT-3913 Removed support for DVT specific file licenses, migrated to FlexLM file licenses
DVT-12877 Removed support for FlexLM tools and daemon versions <11.14
DVT-12880 CDT Integration: Remove +dvt_gcc_link_system_headers build configuration directive
DVT-12845 Switched to G1 garbage collector in DVT distros
DVT-6546 Queue on the license server when all licenses are in use
DVT-7325 CDT Integration: Show C/C++ files in the DVT Compile Order View
DVT-10948 Navigate UVM component instance hierarchy using code/diagram editor breadcrumb
DVT-12106 CDT Integration: Ability to pass additional arguments to gcc while scanning the included files and to CDT project settings
DVT-12350 CDT Integration: Show C/C++ defines in the DVT Macros View
DVT-12567 CDT Integration: Exclude from CDT indexing the C/C++ files which are located within the project but not part of the DVT build configuration
DVT-12878 Added license status indicator in the status bar
DVT-12882 CDT Integration: Show C/C++ files in the DVT Compile Types View
DVT-12883 CDT Integration: Add built-in Content Filters for common libraries (C/C++ system headers, SystemC, PSS C)
DVT-2497 Ability to use DVT_LICENSE_FILE environment variable for FlexLM licenses
DVT-7307 CDT Integration: Re-index C/C++ projects when DVT build is triggered
DVT-12694 CDT Integration: Ability to create a standalone C/C++ project using the DVT CLI
18.1.50 (27 February 2019)
DVT-12926 Sometimes incremental build never ends after a project restore
18.1.49 (21 February 2019)
DVT-12870 Improve memory footprint for scope breadcrumb
DVT-12875 Restored file is incrementally re-compiled when opened in the editor
DVT-12887 ConcurrentModificationException thrown when scope breadcrumb updates during incremental compilation
18.1.47 (15 February 2019)
DVT-12848 Allow multi-backslash quoting of quotes in define directives like +define+\”some_string\”
18.1.46 (14 February 2019)
DVT-12842 Go to Import from the Compile Order View or Editor does not not work for imports that use environment variables
DVT-12844 ‘as computed’ compiler errors on Windows when installation folder contains whitespaces
18.1.45 (13 February 2019)
DVT-12808 False UNEXPECTED_TYPE error when writing to a tlm_analysis interface_port of list of structs
DVT-12809 Add missing predefined API rf_value_holder.get_value_unsafe()
18.1.44 (4 February 2019)
DVT-12794 ‘as computed’ compiler errors on Windows due to java.net.URISyntaxException
18.1.43 (1 February 2019)
DVT-8022 New scope breadcrumb navigation bar replacing scope information in the status bar
DVT-12757 New DVT File -> Pick Template dialog does not work on Windows
DVT-12760 CLI importProject command closes other existing projects even when -close_others is not specified
DVT-12762 Add external tools filter for IUS UPF / CPF errors
DVT-12763 Content assist in Perforce unadded file triggers checkout warning
DVT-12769 ‘as computed’ macro execution issue when using for each loop
DVT-12770 Wrong UNDEFINED_METHOD semantic errors for ‘set’ predefined API min(), int_min(), uint_min()
DVT-12771 ‘as computed’ expression macro execution issue when using tables
DVT-12772 False syntax errors when comments are used inside multiline define
18.1.42 (15 January 2019)
DVT-12552 “Select Top” in Verification Hierarchy View is slow for big projects
DVT-12726 Update all distro plugins to the latest version
DVT-12753 Avoid unnecessary Design Hierarchy View updates on incremental compilation
DVT-12676 Ability to change the separator when copying the hierarchical path of an instance or signal
DVT-12746 Add new external tools variable ${dvt_clipboard} which solves to the clipboard contents
DVT-12705 Support for comments after line continuation backslash ‘' delimiters
DVT-12706 False unrecognized expression error ‘(…) not in_table {…}’ inside a covergroup ignore clause
DVT-12718 StackOverflow error thrown for variables of template type which indirectly extends from itself
DVT-12725 Downgrade Perforce plugin to version 2018.1 to avoid NullPointerException
DVT-12759 Semantic highlight broken when using toggle comment or replace all in a file
18.1.41 (13 December 2018)
DVT-12239 Ability to define Custom Pragmas with customizable editor behavior: folding, background color, “read-only” visual indication when edited
DVT-12143 Semantic highlight is broken after refactoring operations which touch inactive open editors
DVT-12537 False UNEXPECTED_TYPE semantic error when variable of enum type compared with NULL
DVT-12614 False UNEXPECTED_TYPE semantic error when variable of template type is used as method argument
DVT-12684 False UNRECOGNIZED_EXPRESSION syntax error when preprocessing used in case action
DVT-12686 False UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER semantic error on enum item when used in <enum_type_keyed_list>.key_exists(<enum_item>)
DVT-12688 False UNEXPECTED_TYPE semantic error due to operators precedence order of “&” vs “is [not] in” operator
DVT-12691 Opening files with dvt.bat on Windows doesn’t work
18.1.40 (7 December 2018)
DVT-12666 Add new “Show Instances” hyperlink action to see all instances of an unit
DVT-12326 DVT CLI: Ability to create resource filters that match symlinks using -exclude|include flags
DVT-4776 +dvt_auto_link_root+ should take into account the environment variables defined through +dvt_setenv+
DVT-12605 Layers shown on <event> should be consistent with the layers shown on on_<event>
DVT-12606 Types View members panel should not display the variables
DVT-12609 False REDEFINED_METHOD semantic error when extending struct template
DVT-12610 Support for more types and methods from template reflection API
DVT-12617 Add “[in template]” indication to the message of all semantic errors triggered inside templates
DVT-12632 False UNDEFINED_TYPE semantic errors in template sequence definition passing type parameters to other members
18.1.39 (29 November 2018)
DVT-12495 No search results when re-running a previous search query after full build
DVT-12586 Sometimes Project Templates history is not recording previous parameter values
DVT-12589 Separate errors from warnings when limiting the number of problems of a certain kind in a particular file
DVT-12591 Wrong UNRECOGNIZED_EXPRESSION syntax error when using my_var + = 1 (space between ‘+’ and ‘=’)
DVT-12592 Wrong syntax error on template struct definition when using parameters of type uint(bits: NOF_BITS)
DVT-12593 ‘as computed’ macro not correctly evaluated when string passed as argument contains ‘–’ or ‘//’
DVT-12594 False UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER semantic error when using “{<enum_item>} in list of list of <enum_type> variable”
18.1.38 (19 November 2018)
DVT-12575 CDT method completion is slowed down (patch for CDT 9.2.1, 9.4.3, Eclipse Bug 534189)
DVT-12576 java.lang.NoSuchMethodError thrown in multiple UI components on Eclipse Luna 4.4.1 distros
18.1.37 (15 November 2018)
DVT-10103 Project colors: Color background instead of foreground by default
DVT-12561 Add deprecated license daemon notice
DVT-9349 CDT Integration: Sometimes CDT hangs due to an improper DVT listener
DVT-12064 CDT Integration: DVT CDT Builder does not run for a project created via the DVT CLI
DVT-12104 CDT Integration: Remove the language specification argument from gcc invocation when scanning the C/C++ included files
DVT-12566 Build config: In ius.irun mode all extension mappings should be taken into account for each top file
18.1.36 (9 November 2018)
DVT-12503 UML Diagrams: Types selector is slow in big projects
DVT-12108 Ability to change hyperlink color
DVT-12191 Build config: New +dvt_skip_directive which allows skipping any subsequent build config directive
DVT-12496 Semantic error markers disappear when checking out files using Cliosoft SOS revision control system
DVT-12508 CDT Integration: Sometimes source paths extracted from .so files contain an additional whitespace
18.1.35 (2 November 2018)
DVT-12456 Local license client takes a long time to respond leading to UI freezes
DVT-12480 Fixed memory leaks when opening large files
DVT-12493 Add support for Find Next/Prev actions in the Console View
DVT-7155 Variables set via +dvt_setenv are not expanded in compile waivers “path” attributes
DVT-12361 Variables set via +dvt_setenv are not expanded in compile waivers tags
DVT-12400 Search View: Scope information is missing for cross-language hits
DVT-12416 DVT CLI: createProject -include auto:<threshold> should not affect the .dvt folder
DVT-12455 Macros of ‘struct_member’ syntactic category are not recognized inside interfaces
DVT-12420 Support for “simulator.ml_lib_unilang_active()” predefined API
DVT-12466 Support “for each in_set” syntactic construct
DVT-12482 Inherited methods in interfaces are not recognized
DVT-12483 False REDEFINED_METHOD semantic error in different specializations of templates
DVT-12484 List instance of parameter type in a template causes false IS_INSTANCE semantic error
18.1.34 (25 October 2018)
DVT-12443 Improved build time performance when TCL plugin performs checks on non-script files
DVT-12449 Opening a relative path from the embedded terminal might be slow on large projects
DVT-12442 Added dvt_cli.sh -svn flag to createProject and importProject commands for automatically associating a project with the Subversive SVN plugin
DVT-12355 Open path under cursor from embedded terminal using Ctrl + click instead of double click
DVT-12437 Add “Copy Workspace Path” command to quickly copy to clipboard the path to the DVT workspace directory
18.1.33 (18 October 2018)
DVT-12405 False UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER for hierarchical access under a type constrained field
DVT-12407 Type constraints show up as fields with no label in the Types Members View
DVT-12410 False REDEFINED_FIELD error reported for type constrained fields in specific editing scenarios
DVT-12412 Syntax Coloring: Predefined enumerated types are not colored as constants
18.1.32 (12 October 2018)
DVT-12371 Removed “Show in Local Terminal -> Terminal” context menu action overlapping “Open Terminal Here” action
DVT-12382 Quick search in Search View is very slow for projects shared over a slow revision control connection
DVT-2991 Add Bash Editor plugin to DVT distribution
DVT-5511 & DVT-6201 & DVT-11928 Ability to use some DVT generic features without having a DVT project opened by setting a license force checkout system variable
DVT-11853 Add Gerrit Code Review plugin to DVT distros (except for Eclipse 4.4.1)
DVT-12234 Add Collaborator (v11) plugin to DVT distros
DVT-5475 DVT CLI should use by default the Java network client implementation
DVT-10714 Build Config: +dvt_setenv+ should not trigger warning on left hand operand in appends
DVT-12354 Semantic Search (Ctrl+H) should open the appropriate search page regardless of the file extension
DVT-12369 Update all distro plugins to the latest version
DVT-11289 Create waiver from a problem whose message contains newlines fails on Windows
DVT-11949 Downgrade Pydev (Python) plugin to version 5.2.0 for Eclipse 4.4.1 distros to avoid incompatibilities
DVT-12250 Content Filters throws NullPointerException when view-set is not specified in the XML file
DVT-12368 ViPlugin: Undo checkpoints are not created when moving the cursor between edits
18.1.31 (2 October 2018)
DVT-12338 Rename refactoring dialog: Reduce new name sanity checks time
DVT-12334 Rename refactoring dialog: Refactored element name is too cluttered
DVT-12336 Rename refactoring dialog: Automatically select all text in new name input box
DVT-12194 Syntax coloring: Non-alphanumeric characters in Build Config Editor comments are not colored with grey
DVT-12321 Build config: False error reported on the argument of -cdn_vip_root directive
DVT-12327 Folding is broken for files with more than 15k lines
18.1.30 (25 September 2018)
DVT-12233 Syntax coloring: Ability to customize the color of hyperlinks in comments
DVT-12310 Support for reflection rfStruct.is_contained_in() method
DVT-12311 Support for or_all() list pseudo-method
DVT-12312 Support for defining macros in macros using default values for replacement terms enclosed in <>
DVT-12279 Syntax coloring: Whitespaces must be marked with gray color when “Show Whitespace Characters” is enabled
DVT-12297 StackOverflowException due to infinite recursion on an ‘as’ macro call
DVT-12306 DVT CLI: createProject -force should not preserve opened auto-linked files which are not compiled any more
DVT-12313 Wrong UNEXPECTED_TYPE semantic errors when NULL or UNDEF in the left side of an expression
DVT-12314 ‘as computed’ macro issues when global struct contains references to reflection elements used by macro evaluation
DVT-12318 Disk space check on save should verify the drive where a file is saved instead of the workspace
18.1.29 (13 September 2018)
DVT-12238 Preference to enable disk full check on editor save action
DVT-12178 Wrong name for searched elements in Search View
DVT-12263 Exceptions thrown when closing a cloned editor with files containing macros
18.1.28 (6 September 2018)
DVT-9756 Design Hierarchy View and Verification Hierarchy View showing ‘No data’ instead of default input message when not populated
DVT-12237 Check for disk full doesn’t run periodically
18.1.27 (30 August 2018)
DVT-12225 Add support for sequence template declaration
DVT-7482 Layers View buttons are not visible until resize of view
DVT-12213 DVT CLI: Using -include auto fails because path to JRE is not computed correctly
18.1.26 (27 August 2018)
DVT-5836 Add support for Content Filters in Checks View
DVT-5837 Add support for Content Filters in Coverage View
DVT-12185 Clean-up element types used in Content Filters and Outline View filters
DVT-10460 False build config error in ius.irun mode: -R takes another directive -nclibdirname as argument
DVT-11353 Build config: False error for the ‘-spectre_args’ directive that receives another directive as argument
DVT-11663 DVT CLI openFile command on a file inside a project should refresh the file’s parent directory
DVT-12203 Diagram engine doesn’t take into account port labels when computing node size
DVT-12212 Predefined UVM e Content Filters should not filter elements defined by UVM macros
18.1.25 (9 August 2018)
DVT-12096 Add support for predefined global.adapter_manager (get_argv, get_argv_make_recursive) API
DVT-12140 UML class diagrams don’t show some cyclic field associations
18.1.24 (3 August 2018)
DVT-12018 DVT CLI: Ability to automatically create resource filters at project creation time, based on the build configuration
DVT-6626 False references hits for method ports with same name and type
DVT-12042 Automatically insert single proposal does not work for Code Template proposals
DVT-12115 Wrong UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER semantic error for “it” inside “for each file matching”
DVT-12129 NullPointerException thrown in Annotations preference page when it contains annotations with no labels (patch for Eclipse 4.4.1, 4.6.3 and 4.7.2)
18.1.23 (26 July 2018)
DVT-4414 Ability to configure the maximum number of lines in file and maximum number of matches for Mark Occurrences
DVT-12060 Wrong UNRECOGNIZED_EXPRESSION syntax error triggered for named constraint on a variable named ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘not’ (e.g keep a_range is a == 1;)
DVT-12076 Build Config: Unmatched single quote errors are not reported
18.1.22 (20 July 2018)
DVT-11982 Improve the performance of problems management in projects with large filesystem hierarchies
DVT-11164 DVT CLI: Add support for listCompiledFiles on e Language projects
DVT-11979 Show compile indices as part of the file info for any Inspect View input
DVT-12014 Search View should not trim the tabs of every hit line content
DVT-12043 Escape special XML characters when creating a compile waiver from an existing marker
18.1.21 (6 July 2018)
DVT-3985 Ability to open files from embedded terminal using double click
DVT-10797 Inspect View: Show compile syntax when selecting a file
DVT-10991 DVT CLI: openFile command should support relative paths
DVT-11740 Ability to reverse arrow key controls in diagrams
DVT-11963 Autocomplete should propose existing cover item names when defining a new item
DVT-11661 False METHOD_CALL_ARGUMENTS for same function defined with different signatures in multiple e Language test files
DVT-11975 False UNEXPECTED_TYPE semantic errors when using template struct members
18.1.20 (28 June 2018)
DVT-11858 ViPlugin: Show warning when searching for non-existing word
DVT-11862 ViPlugin: Add “hls” command as shortcut for “highlightsearch”
DVT-11958 Add -close_others option to dvt_cli.sh importProject and createProject to close all open projects
DVT-11856 ViPlugin: Adding a character in the middle of the searched word in command line moves cursor to the end of the word
DVT-11860 ViPlugin: Searching with regular expressions highlights wrong number of characters
DVT-11863 ViPlugin: Visual block mode must start with a selection of size 1
DVT-11864 ViPlugin: In visual mode, the last character on a line cannot be selected without the newline
18.1.19 (21 June 2018)
DVT-11936 Diagram filter “show” rules for instances should also make parents visible
DVT-11926 Unexpected exception when accessing DVT -> Icons preference page
DVT-11950 Fixed java.lang.NoSuchMethodError while using Project Colors in Eclipse 4.4 distros
18.1.18 (15 June 2018)
DVT-11925 DVT specific eclipse.ini is missing from Linux and Windows Eclipse 4.6 and 4.7 distros
18.1.17 (14 June 2018)
DVT-11420 UVM Components Diagram filters
DVT-11765 References of an enumerated type has false hits on cover items with same name
DVT-11833 Show Constraints action in views’ context menu only for randomizable variables
DVT-11903 DVT specific eclipse.ini is missing from MacOS Eclipse 4.6 and 4.7 distros
DVT-11904 Wrong eclipse.ini path specified in the error message of MacOS Eclipse 4.6 and 4.7 installations
DVT-11909 Apply Increase/Decrease Editor Font Size to all editors
18.1.16 (31 May 2018)
DVT-10294 Sometimes autocomplete may show and insert proposals for a prefix shorter than the one typed
DVT-11807 Custom Dialogs need platform restart after ParseException caused by misplaced layoutData attribute
DVT-11808 Switching the active build configuration leads to memory leaks
DVT-11813 Color handle leaks in viPlugin leading to “No more handles” error
DVT-11814 Image handle leaks in editors leading to “No more handles” error
DVT-11818 Content assist should not propose the Override Methods wizard after dot
DVT-11816 Hyperlink to table define in table … with table_name construct
DVT-11829 Syntax Coloring: The colors are not updated when opening search results from different files
DVT-11830 Code Folding: Folding positions are not updated when opening search results from different files
18.1.15 (17 May 2018)
DVT-11477 Improve Positional Tooltips performance
DVT-11380 Hyperlinks for JavaDoc @link tags in comments
DVT-11789 Tooltip and auto-complete does not work for set_of_values/full_set_of_values
DVT-11792 Add support for set_of_values/full_set_of_values in ‘as computed’ macros
DVT-11729 Exception thrown when invoking autocomplete after a bracket character in the Build Config Editor
DVT-11771 ‘as computed’ compiler errors printed on standard err instead of build console
DVT-11800 Sometimes DVT triggers IndexOutOfBoundsException in block selection mode when the selection is on the last line
18.1.14 (10 May 2018)
DVT-10450 Ability to specify custom depth for UVM Components Diagrams
DVT-10666 Add “Step Into” action for UVM Components Diagrams
DVT-11750 Large letter spacing on Windows when using the new diagrams engine (patch for Eclipse 4.7.3)
DVT-11754 Prevent sporadic StringIndexOutOfBoundsExceptions thrown when Search View is populated
DVT-11762 Prevent sporadic NullPointerException when opening a diagram while other diagrams are opened
18.1.13 (7 May 2018)
DVT-11747 Build config: Add support for non-standard specification of shared libraries using -sv_lib and -sv_liblist with file extension
DVT-11743 GUI freeze at startup due to race condition favored by project colors enablement
18.1.12 (4 May 2018)
DVT-11694 CDT Integration: Auto-Link C/C++ files used to build .so files specified in default.build
DVT-11465 Editor tab remains green for different files in different project
18.1.11 (27 April 2018)
DVT-11683 ‘as computed’ compiler back-end enhancements
DVT-11684 Ability to disable Cairo graphics through dvt.sh and dvt_cli.sh on Linux
DVT-11692 Add support for interface and template interface types
DVT-10710 Format multiple files should continue format of writable files and skip read-only files
DVT-11264 Report an issue in DVT wizard should not close when save to zip action is canceled
DVT-11633 Override Methods Wizard: Previously checked methods are not generated if filtered when changes are applied
DVT-11669 Dot character not supported as repetition syntactic argument separator in ‘as computed’ macros
DVT-11702 Override Methods Wizard: Unable to filter by class/struct name
DVT-11703 Crash on Linux when expanding the Find/Replace history combo containing a very large entry (patch for Eclipse 4.4.1, 4.6.3 and 4.7.2)
18.1.10 (16 April 2018)
DVT-11637 False UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER semantic error on template <exp> parameter initialization when using enum
DVT-11638 Formatter not working properly when white-spaces on lines before e code section open char sequence (<’)
DVT-11639 Rename refactoring on a field does not change the associated cover item name
DVT-11656 False UNEXPECTED_TYPE semantic error triggered for bit concatenation expression assignment
DVT-11659 False UNRECOGNIZED_STRUCT_MEMBER syntax error on coverage group when instance name is (e_path() ~ “something”)
18.1.9 (12 April 2018)
DVT-10713 Highlight the matching identifier in show constraints
DVT-11621 Resource leak potentially leading to “no more handles” error
DVT-11622 dvt_kit_installer.bat doesn’t support multiple versions of the same plugin on Windows
DVT-11627 Improper “is first” method layer execution in ‘as computed’ macros
18.1.8 (5 April 2018)
DVT-11505 Improve Select Type performance for UML Diagrams
DVT-11578 Improve first build time when switching to a new version
DVT-11587 Improve Inspect View performance for very large files
DVT-11597 Hyperlink not working for template struct instance
DVT-11598 False AMBIGUOUS_QUALIFIER semantic error for template struct when sub-type layer
18.1.7 (2 April 2018)
DVT-11550 Incremental build view update performance issues on loaded CPU
DVT-11560 Slow semantic analysis of environments containing many fields of list type
DVT-11544 Custom Dialogs: Enter should apply and close the dialog when the output of the focused widget is not redirected
DVT-11555 CLI listCompiledFiles command does not list library files (specified using -y or -v)
DVT-11559 dvt_build.log file no longer created for a new project
DVT-11565 Wrong syntax error triggered for keep <list_type_field> is not empty => <do something>
18.1.6 (29 March 2018)
DVT-11456 Inspect View: Add keyboard shortcut to cycle through multiple inputs
DVT-11501 Labels in UVM Components diagrams are not consistent with the Verification Hierarchy View
DVT-11513 External tools: dvt_SPECMAN_PATH variable is always solved to the empty string
DVT-11516 DVT license is checked-out on exclusive C/C++ projects when using the hyperlinks
DVT-11518 False UNEXPECTED_TYPE semantic error when method argument is list of template type
DVT-11519 False UNEXPECTED_TYPE semantic error in field/variable assignment of template types
DVT-11520 Wrong UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER semantic error per instance cover extension
DVT-11528 Predefined struct rf_method_layer should inherit from rf_struct_member_layer
DVT-11529 Inspect View does not update when brought back from minimized state
DVT-11538 Generate HTML Documentation should not proceed when the full build is canceled
DVT-11541 False semantic errors reported after rename refactoring that affects multiple files
18.1.5 (22 March 2018)
DVT-10186 Inspect View: Add keyboard shortcut to increase / decrease the number of context lines
DVT-11178 Search View: Add toolbar button to show/hide potential matches
DVT-11423 Support for conditional sum() and all_different() predefined list pseudo-method
DVT-11417 Wrong ILLEGAL_TYPE_CATEGORY syntax error for exp template parameter <exp>:uint
DVT-11425 Table StringIndexOutOfBounds exception when CSV file not defined
DVT-11428 Show Extended Help from Problems View does not work
DVT-11451 False syntax errors reported when instantiating a template using default parameter values
DVT-11452 False UNEXPECTED_TYPE semantic error when using static method access in expressions
18.1.4 (15 March 2018)
DVT-11100 Provide functionality on e Language non-top files (outline, types, problems, etc.)
DVT-11179 Search View: Potential matches foreground coloring preference is not taken into account
DVT-11400 False positive match in Specman native regex algorithm (e.g HELLO_WORD ~ HELLO returns true instead of false)
DVT-11410 Empty line in CSV file should end the current table
18.1.3 (8 March 2018)
DVT-11144 Wrong highlight in Search View for “on event” references
DVT-11152 Compile Order View is re-created if not visible when re-applying waivers
DVT-11364 Content assist in case action blocks should also propose “default” keyword
DVT-11368 False UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER semantic error triggered for prev_<item_name> when using transition on a cover cross item
DVT-11382 Wrong message in the Console View when the build log file is disabled
18.1.2 (2 March 2018)
DVT-11121 Syntax Coloring: __ID__ template identifiers are not colored for e Language
DVT-11227 Add Show Usages hyperlink on predefined elements
DVT-11228 Add Show Layers hyperlink on all elements
DVT-11345 Semantic error when extending struct name as an enum type or the other way around
DVT-9795 Build config: +dvt_auto_link_file sometimes triggers “Illegal attempt to modify an immutable tree” exceptions
DVT-11146 References of “on <event>” does not show all event references
DVT-11300 Syntax Coloring: String color in Build Config Editor is updated only when reopening the editor
DVT-11307 ‘as computed’ evaluation fails if macro contains multi-line strings
DVT-11317 Wrong variable type when the type is inherited from an expression containing struct.copy() predefined method
DVT-11320 Wrong UNEXPECTED_TYPE semantic error triggered when method type returns a list of elements
DVT-11330 Fixed sun.security.validator.ValidatorException by updating JRE certificates
DVT-11332 Platform freeze after full build due to race condition
18.1.1 (22 February 2018)
Note: Some of the features below were rolled-out in 17.1.# hotfix releases for early adopters.
Enhanced type checking. See Semantic Checks
Improved support for recently added e Language constructs (e.g. tables)
Seamless execution of ‘as computed’ macros. The dedicated +dvt_e_as_computed_translate_method compilation directive is no longer required.
Redesigned UML Diagrams engine (look and feel, functionality, performance)
Semantic source code coloring
Coloring of editor icons and view labels per project. See Project Colors.
DVT-10341 Removed Eclipse accounts toolbar button in Eclipse 4.7 (Oxygen)
DVT-11246 Removed Eclipse 3.8 and 4.5.1 distros
DVT-11287 Replaced dvt_kit_installer.sh PERFORCE with PERFORCE.2015 and PERFORCE.2016
DVT-10259 & DVT-11245 Add Perforce 2018 in DVT distros
DVT-11239 Add Lua plugin in DVT distros
DVT-11244 Update all distro plugins to the latest version
DVT-9917 New semantic check: non-boolean types used in conditional expressions
DVT-10046 Semantic check of compatible types in assignments, list containment, number of method arguments
DVT-11082 Naming Conventions: Add pattern matching information in documentation and in the description of the predefined conventions
DVT-10904 XML files in hidden folders are not validated by the XML plugin using the DTD (patch for Eclipse 4.4.1, 4.6.3, 4.7.2)
DVT-11292 Deadlock when generated default.build.auto.X file is refreshed during build
17.1.45 (19 February 2018)
DVT-11270 Editor freeze when opening large files (over 100k lines)
DVT-11269 ‘as computed’ NullPointerException when call get_context_name()
DVT-11273 ‘as computed’ issues when multiple macros share global struct content (content lost between macro invocations)
DVT-11283 IllegalArgumentException in DVT views due to disposed image
17.1.44 (8 February 2018)
DVT-11105 Types View: Hide packages with all content filtered
DVT-11110 Content Filters: An element should only match a path-set if all its declarations are matched
DVT-11231 Added predefined API for ‘any_struct’, ‘do_abort_on_expect’, ‘apply_abort_on_struct’, etc.
DVT-11216 Wrong UNDEFINED_TYPE semantic error when using a template struct
DVT-11230 ‘as computed’ NullPointerException thrown during evaluation of math operations on real numbers
DVT-11235 Suppressed internal error message for Syntax Coloring
DVT-11240 Resource leak potentially leading to “no more handles” error
17.1.43 (1 February 2018)
DVT-11184 Syntax Coloring: Increase priority for semantic highlight over keywords for e Language
DVT-11145 ‘as computed’ macros fail to expand due to semantic errors inside ntv extensions
DVT-11166 Show usages on “if” struct finds all textual occurrences
DVT-11183 Duplicate field error not triggered if field is defined first in a when sub-type and then in the base struct
DVT-11186 Fail to execute ‘as computed’ macro because preprocessing not applied on matching terms after macro match
DVT-11197 Macro defined as “something.<name>” should match “something.NAME”, and “something. NAME” (where dot is followed by white-space)
DVT-11200 ‘as computed’ macros not expanded correctly when using floating point literals
17.1.42 (25 January 2018)
DVT-11083 Mixed-case custom task tags do not work
DVT-11100 No functionality on non-top files
DVT-11150 Type Hierarchy on method doesn’t work
DVT-11153 False UNDECLARED_IDENTIFIER semantic error for when sub-type when the optional struct name is missing
DVT-11154 False UNDECLARED_IDENTIFIER on cover item referred on a cover group in a different struct sub-type
DVT-11160 Tooltip doesn’t correctly display comments containing angle brackets
DVT-11161 False multiple semantic errors due to “is a” expression inside an #ifdef block
DVT-11174 False UNDECLARED_IDENTIFIER semantic error on method argument referred within the default value of an argument that follows
DVT-11175 Wrong ‘list of uint’ type of variable instead of ‘set’ when using [n..m] syntax
17.1.41 (19 January 2018)
DVT-10333 Syntax Coloring: Improve semantic coloring performance
DVT-11023 Show a warning if _JAVA_OPTIONS or JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS system variables are set before running the tool
DVT-11098 Content Filters: Ability to use variables defined using +dvt_setenv when specifying paths
DVT-10098 Crash on MacOS when expanding/collapsing tree nodes in views
DVT-10689 Syntax Coloring: Color as template ID identifiers with name surrounded by x_ and _x
DVT-10706 DVT spell checker does not work on non-DVT files
DVT-11107 Search View label should show total number of matches after content and category filters are applied
DVT-11123 Predefined pseudo-method double_to_specman_scale() expects 3 parameters instead of 2
DVT-11125 False UNDECLARED_IDENTIFIER when specifying the default value for a method parameter of anonymous enum type
DVT-11134 Return type for <list of list of>.pop0() wrongly computed as the inner list element type
17.1.40 (11 January 2018)
DVT-10487 New +dvt_init+gcc compatibility mode
DVT-9606 Option to show linux header files in DVT Auto-Linked
DVT-10771 CDT Integration: Remove duplicate arguments when invoking GCC
DVT-11077 CDT integration: Change default timeout to 40 seconds when running GCC to collect all compiled C files
DVT-10469 Build config editor: Autocomplete does not list C as a possible language for +dvt_ext_map directive
DVT-11059 Code Formatting: Single line comments defined in { } empty scope should be indented
DVT-11075 CDT Integration: No C files are auto-linked when using -imacros directive
17.1.39 (8 January 2018)
DVT-11032 ‘as computed’ support for bit slice operator
DVT-10951 Syntax Coloring: User defined keywords are not colored as keywords
DVT-11010 False errors reported on comments in ‘as computed’ macro expansion
DVT-11021 False UNDECLARED_IDENTIFIER semantic error when using variables defined inside check that action block
DVT-11034 Infinite loop during serialization of the problems database
DVT-11035 False UNDECLARED_IDENTIFIER semantic error when sub-type defined using qualified name and range modifier
DVT-11036 False DUPLICATE_ENUM semantic error triggered when declaring a sub-type of a scalar enum type
DVT-11047 Custom Dialogs: Snapshot does not restore previous selection for a Directory Files Listing
DVT-11055 #ifdef/#ifndef preprocessing directive should be removed by str_expand_dots()
DVT-11056 Naming Conventions do not work properly with Settings Management
DVT-11058 Template struct defined by ‘as computed’ macro generates false syntactic errors
DVT-11060 SPECMAN_PATH not exported correctly when loading a file in Specman
DVT-11061 Missing ‘;’ after import statement not reported as syntactic error
17.1.38 (18 December 2017)
DVT-9976 Improve performance for Alt + / word completion
DVT-8734 Show quick fix proposals in tooltips of identifiers affected by errors
DVT-10171 Show error details in tooltips of identifiers affected by errors
DVT-10971 ‘as computed’ macros support for integers with more than 32 bits
DVT-10910 Show the current file info in Inspect View when nothing is found at the cursor location
DVT-10969 False UNDECLARED_IDENTIFIER semantic error for TRACE_SEQUENCE predefined message_tag enum item
DVT-10970 False UNDECLARED_IDENTIFIER semantic error for template struct method extended in a template struct instance
DVT-10988 Sometimes error decorations in Project Explorer are hidden by warnings
DVT-11009 False PREPROC_REDEF_DEFINED_CONSTANT syntax error when duplicate definition (if define value depends on other defines)
17.1.37 (6 December 2017)
DVT-10836 Seamless translation/execution of methods required by ‘as computed’ macros
DVT-10923 ‘as computed’ macros should be executed in ntv struct context instead of global
DVT-10902 DVT Resource Filters don’t work in Windows for partial subdirectory selection
DVT-10911 Wrong UNDECLARED_IDENTIFIER semantic errors for enum items used inside in_table {…} construct
DVT-10924 ‘as computed’ appendf issue when boolean value is used as string (%s)
DVT-10925 ‘as computed’ 0xffffffff translates to negative integer and leads to unexpected results
DVT-10926 Hyperlink from ‘as computed’ execution console not working
DVT-10952 Build config: incorrect number of expected arguments for xcelium directives
DVT-10953 Do not automatically show the Inspect View if it is closed
17.1.36 (24 November 2017)
DVT-10878 Automatically generate run configuration custom dialog starting from makefile
DVT-10831 Ability to add whitespace before/after stuttering
DVT-10883 Increased default heap size to 3g and default stack size to 4m for all 64 bits distros
DVT-10898 ‘as computed’ support for rf_field.is_physical() predefined method
DVT-6691 Specador: Configuration wizard appears before build is done
DVT-10879 Custom Dialogs: Snapshot does not restore previous directory for a Directory Chooser
DVT-10895 False UNDECLARED_METHOD semantic error for covers.sample_cg() predefined API
DVT-10896 ‘as computed’ to_string() returns wrong name of enum item if name contains ‘_’
DVT-10897 List split() method returns wrong type instead of list of struct_list_holder
17.1.35 (17 November 2017)
DVT-10834 Settings Management: Ignore unusually large preference files (more than 32M)
DVT-10846 Naming Conventions: Change preference page look and feel to add more space for convention description
DVT-10874 ‘as computed’ support for rf_numeric and rf_list types
DVT-10875 ‘as computed’ support for get_all_like_subtypes, get_declaration, get_type and get_element_type reflection API
DVT-10132 Renamed *.scr files contained in the distro to avoid antivirus false alerts on Windows
DVT-10835 Jump from in/out method to corresponding bound out/in port not working
DVT-10847 Build Config: Keywords are black in Moonrise theme
DVT-10849 Syntax Coloring: Constructs requiring compilation are not properly colored for dark themes
DVT-10853 ‘as computed’ blocked during macro execution in str_match() call
DVT-10860 ViPlugin: Save macros in an Eclipse compatible format
DVT-10870 UVM Components Diagrams: If filtering regex is invalid, the diagram fails to generate
17.1.34 (10 November 2017)
DVT-10353 Improved Inspect View response time by limiting it to 1000 lines of code
DVT-10832 Optimize generation, compilation and execution time for ‘as computed’ macros
DVT-10819 Support for ‘table’ construct
DVT-10115 Add the Inspect View in a separate panel inside the perspective
DVT-10791 Ability to disable classic Eclipse theme, XULRunner, GTK theme and GTK2 through dvt.sh and dvt_cli.sh on Linux
DVT-10790 Do not set GTK theme through GTK2_RC_FILES when theme file doesn’t exist
DVT-10825 Content Assist: Method autocomplete jumps to incorrect position after modifying arguments
DVT-10833 Debug info not shown in console when +dvt_e_as_computed_enable_log is set
17.1.33 (1 November 2017)
DVT-10740 Syntax Coloring: Color set as type without requiring compilation
DVT-10781 Fixed Inspect View Copy Path with a double click
DVT-10784 Build log file truncated when specifying +dvt_build_log_to_console+false
17.1.32 (25 October 2017)
DVT-10695 Semantic Coloring: Color covergroups as events
DVT-10734 ‘as computed’ support for when sub-types
DVT-10743 ‘as computed’ support for methods with default arguments values
DVT-10752 Content assist and tooltip inside ‘as computed’ macro body
DVT-10753 Trigger missing +dvt_e_as_computed_translate_method+ directive in default build for method calls inside ‘as computed’ macros
DVT-10697 False UNDECLARED_IDENTIFIER semantic error for ‘gen … keeping’ action item name
DVT-10698 False REDEFINED_EVENT semantic error on cover group event when event is defined in a parent struct
DVT-10699 False UNDECLARD_IDENTIFIER semantic error on cover instance_name identifier when using per_unit_instance
DVT-10700 ‘as computed’ rf_manager.get_type_by_name() returns NULL for list of type or scalar type having width modifier
DVT-10704 dvt_build.log file handle is not released on project close
17.1.31 (20 October 2017)
DVT-10670 NullPointerException when generating UVM Components diagram containing undefined elements
DVT-10671 Override Wizard: No Override Methods proposal after CamelCase prefix of inherited method
DVT-10672 Unsupported appendf() format specifier in as computed macro execution
DVT-10673 Autocomplete should not insert space after non-identifier characters
17.1.30 (13 October 2017)
DVT-9555 Type Hierarchy View: Ability to open the Override Wizard from members panel context menu
DVT-10501 Override Methods Wizard: Add ‘is’ extend option
DVT-10449 Syntax Coloring: Wrong highlight for numbers with two or more digits after dot
DVT-10502 Override Methods Wizard: Wrong ‘:’ inserted for method with no return value
DVT-10532 Override Methods Wizard: Add event when overriding TCM
DVT-10640 Compile waivers should support paths containing /../
17.1.29 (6 October 2017)
DVT-10547 Autocomplete: should not insert proposal after keyword without a delimiter
17.1.28 (28 September 2017)
DVT-10555 Don’t show a light-bulb indication on the Problems View markers that don’t have a quick fix
DVT-10585 Compile waivers created automatically from Problems View context menu and Quick Assist incorrectly escape ampersand ‘&’ characters
DVT-10610 UVM Components diagram is not generated if the verification hierarchy contains recurrent instances
17.1.27 (22 September 2017)
DVT-9979 Performance: Incremental build will not recompile touched files unless content has actually changed
DVT-10417 Add option to customize diagram generation timeout limit
DVT-10422 Add option to filter elements from UVM Components diagrams
DVT-10560 DVT CLI: Ability to create include resource filters when using the createProject command
DVT-10533 Code formatting: Single line comments defined at the end of the enclosing scope should be indented
17.1.26 (14 September 2017)
DVT-646 Ability to quickly jump to next/prev error or warning in the Console View
DVT-5701 Ability to specify some global directives which are valid for any other invocation using +dvt_prepend_init
DVT-10381 Ability to chose which builders should run before/after the execution of a run configuration (internal/external/both)
DVT-10457 DVT CLI: Ability to use java network client implementation instead of linux netcat by specifying -jnetcat flag
DVT-10476 Build config editor autocomplete should take into account prefix when ordering proposals
DVT-10479 False UNDECLARED_IDENTIFIER when using “inst” predefined pointer inside a covergroup with “instance_no_collect”
DVT-10488 Wrong as computed macro expansion when using list slicing operator
17.1.25 (31 August 2017)
DVT-9774 Ability to jump to the “import(s)” of the current file from the editor context menu
DVT-10448 Display “Create Waiver” proposal only on lines with semantic/syntactic markers
17.1.24 (24 August 2017)
DVT-10175 Syntax coloring: Ability to specify style per semantic category or language constructs
DVT-2858 Syntax coloring: Highlight ‘change, rise, fall, any_change, MVL_0_to_1, MVL_1_to_0, MVL_X_to_0, MVL_0_to_X, MVL_Z_to_1, MVL_1_to_Z’
DVT-9167 Always capitalize the task tags inside Tasks View
DVT-10423 Hyperlink on semantic elements of string matched by a macro syntactic argument on multiple levels of macros
DVT-1490 Syntax coloring: Wrong highlighting for ranges with single quotation marks
DVT-10001 Open file from right click on DVT Auto-Linked folder can link the file in a wrong directory
DVT-10338 Syntax coloring: Preference page IndexOutOfBounds exception when searching for inexistent category
DVT-10349 Task tags inside comment blocks starting with non-alphanumeric characters are not collected
DVT-10401 Load in Specman console hyperlink for absolute file path is opened with gray editor
DVT-10427 Syntax coloring: Task tags with text longer than 10 characters (without spaces) are not correctly highlighted
DVT-10433 Multiple task tags inside comment blocks are not collected
17.1.22 (10 August 2017)
DVT-10397 ViPlugin: Improve search with alternate operator “|”
DVT-2403 Ability to format multiple files at once
DVT-3159 Ability to generate UVM Components Diagrams with TLM port connections
DVT-7136 Ability to match beginning / end of string when searching in views
DVT-10045 Method autocomplete should place cursor at the end of the method after insertion
DVT-10283 Project colors: Use the current project color for views info label
DVT-10329 Hyperlink on semantic elements of string matched by a macro syntactic argument
DVT-10382 UML Diagrams: Ability to group structs or units by package
DVT-10044 First argument should be selected when inserting method with parameters from autocomplete
DVT-10148 The disable tooltip preference should not disable F2 action
DVT-10213 Positional tooltips and content assist proposals don’t work on read only files
DVT-10374 Wrong UNRECOGNIZED_TYPE syntax error on ‘new (name) with { … }’ expression
DVT-10378 False UNDECLARED_IDENTIFIER when using “inst” predefined pointer inside a cover cross with “instance_ignore”
DVT-10379 False UNDECLARED_METHOD when using get_mvl_list() on an indexed port
DVT-10380 False UNDECLARED_IDENTIFIER when using the result implicit variable in a port-returning method
17.1.21 (3 August 2017)
DVT-10297 Sometimes editing is laggy due to frequent Inspect View updates
DVT-8969 Add support for variables set via +dvt_setenv in compile waivers tags
DVT-10185 Ability to waive a problem back to the originally reported severity
DVT-10265 Task tags in multi-line comments should only show the current line as Tasks View description
DVT-10344 Add support for project relative paths in compile waivers tags
DVT-10343 Verification Hierarchy includes components with “when” subtypes incompatible with their parent’s subtype
17.1.20 (28 July 2017)
DVT-10155 Expand selection to word, brackets and enclosing scopes
DVT-10245 Autocomplete should not suggest a keyword immediately after the same keyword
DVT-10300 Autocomplete is stuck “Loading…” proposals in Eclipse 4.7 (Oxygen)
17.1.19 (27 July 2017)
DVT-10276 Add new distros based on Eclipse 4.7 (Oxygen)
DVT-10277 Update all Eclipse 4.6 (Neon) distro plugins to the latest version
DVT-10278 Add support for predefined API any_simple_port.release()
DVT-10279 Add support for predefined API any_unit.get_hdl_path_list()
DVT-10099 Allow only alphanumeric characters in custom task tag names
DVT-10100 Suggest restart when changing DVT theme
17.1.18 (21 July 2017)
DVT-10002 Improve problems database serialization time
DVT-10133 Show compile index in Inspect View
DVT-10156 Show the full path of a file when hovering over an editor tab
DVT-10214 Show Usages: Highlight the searched element background in the preview line
DVT-10223 Add non-standard predefined API global.ilog(x : int)
DVT-8935 ViPlugin status bar information collides with scope information
DVT-9866 Skipped files decoration is broken after editing a build config file
DVT-10153 Content assist not working for message(…) and messagef(…)
DVT-10216 Hyperlink not working in defaul.build when it is imported in a different build file
DVT-10218 DVT Auto-Linked throws exceptions in Eclipse 4.7 (Oxygen)
DVT-10222 List slicing operator does not work for ports
DVT-10232 Settings Management: NullPointerException when the platform shuts down
DVT-10237 False UNDECLARED_IDENTIFIER semantic error on method call action when using used defined expression macro
17.1.17 (12 July 2017)
DVT-10093 UML Diagrams: Add array indication in association edge labels
DVT-10129 Custom Dialogs: Add support for spinner and slider widgets
DVT-10134 Add non-standard predefined API file.role
DVT-10144 Add non-standard predefined API module.relative_path
DVT-10008 Build Config: Internal error when specifying +dvt_compilation_root+$NON_EXISTING_ENV_VAR/some/path
DVT-10091 UML Diagrams: Apply content filters to node members
DVT-10105 Override wizard does not work for CamelCase prefixes
DVT-10116 Quick fix declare variable inside do/gen keeping { … } does not insert the variable declaration in the correct scope
DVT-10123 Content assist on struct sub-type (determinant) does not delete the prefix
DVT-10124 Content assist on struct sub-type (determinant) does not match CamelCase prefix
DVT-10179 False UNDECLARED_COVER_ITEM semantic error when item is used on an inherited struct cover layer
DVT-10201 New File Wizard is blocked by ClioSoft’s SOS check-out dialog fixed by creating the file asynchronously
17.1.16 (30 June 2017)
DVT-9609 Add preference to jump to first search match in diagrams
DVT-9959 Ability to quickly autocomplete code template in New File Wizard
DVT-9972 Settings management: Add support for external tool log_styles.xml
DVT-9973 Show Usages: Highlight the searched element in the preview line
DVT-9995 UML Diagrams: Ability to customize default preferences
DVT-10024 Ability to set the location of distribution’s Eclipse and JRE folders using DVT_ECLIPSE_HOME and DVT_JAVA_HOME
DVT-10036 Add predefined field ‘name’ of ‘file’ struct type
DVT-10037 UML Diagrams: Selecting a struct/unit member should also select the corresponding edge
DVT-10041 Allow multiple -top/+nctop+ directives set in the default.build
DVT-10042 Allow modules to be specified as -top/+nctop+ in the default.build
DVT-7199 UML Diagrams: Cannot search for package name in select types dialog
DVT-9290 Views are not updated when maximized after the first full build on Eclipse 4.6 (Neon)
DVT-10034 UML Diagrams: Show package access modifier (~) for struct/unit members
DVT-10035 False semantic errors reported due to wrong return type of ‘split’ list pseudo-method
DVT-10043 UML Diagrams: Duplicate template struct nodes with no “Go To Source” action when gathered as parent or association
DVT-10079 ‘as computed’ macros fail to expand when referencing a type defined as bit or nibble
DVT-10080 ‘as computed’ macros repetition syntactic argument assigned to string variable inserts superfluous brackets “[]”
17.1.15 (16 June 2017)
DVT-1170 & DVT-1338 & DVT-3358 UML Diagrams: Ability to show/hide members per type
DVT-7510 UML Diagrams: Ability to pan and zoom
DVT-2730 UML Diagrams: Option to hide text of association edges
DVT-3102 & DVT-5540 UML Diagrams: Ability to jump from association edges to field declaration
DVT-6752 UML Diagrams: Ability to jump to members’ declaration
DVT-7747 UML Diagrams: Array indication for members
DVT-9961 UML Diagrams: Ability to show method signature
DVT-14 UML Diagrams: Parents are not shown for implicit when subtypes
DVT-5537 UML Diagrams: Edges in association diagrams have incorrect names
DVT-9998 Build Config Editor: Bad syntax coloring for words containing -dvt
DVT-10000 External tools: Unbinding a shortcut does not release it for DVT Run Configuration use
DVT-10009 False UNDECLARED_IDENTIFIER on method argument references when a preceding method declaration contains a gen .. keeping .. all of block
DVT-10010 False UNRESOLVED_IDENTIFIER for hierarchical access in a variable declared using var vname := cond ? NULL : value
DVT-10011 False UNDECLARED_IDENTIFIER when a method port is called with an enumerated constant as argument value
DVT-10013 False UNDECLARED_IDENTIFIER in “for i from 1 to var_name_ending_with_step to {}”
DVT-10019 Define ‘as’ or ‘as computed’ macro erroneously matched on hierarchical function call
DVT-10020 ‘as computed’ macros fail to expand when a repetition syntactic argument is assigned to a string
DVT-10021 Add support for rf_manager.get_all_defines() predefined API
DVT-10026 Build config: -uselic directive should take one argument
DVT-10027 External tools: IllegalArgumentException thrown when setting a DVT Run Configuration shortcut to an incomplete key sequence
17.1.14 (12 June 2017)
DVT-9607 Quick fix/assist don’t work on read only files
DVT-9982 ‘as computed’ macros fail to expand when referencing an enumerated type with more than 3K elements
17.1.13 (31 May 2017)
DVT-9903 Sometimes the DVT CLI shuts down after a period of inactivity
DVT-9921 Project Colors: Project Explorer labels in black/dark themes are broken
DVT-9968 Show Usages: Scope information not shown in Search View for hits in symlinked files
DVT-9970 Cancel does not work in Syntax Coloring preference page
17.1.12 (26 May 2017)
DVT-9967 Optimization when ‘as computed’ macro fails to execute due to errors
DVT-9913 Add support for using list select in bit variable (e.g. bit_var[0..0])
DVT-9919 False UNDECLARED_IDENTIFIER semantic error when using ‘it’ inside ‘for each line in “file”’
DVT-9927 ‘as computed’ str_replace(“/[ ]+/”) erroneously matches some non-whitespace characters
DVT-9952 False semantic errors triggered after incremental build in some files (after full build or restore)
DVT-9956 Autocomplete does not show relevant proposals for sequence item
DVT-9965 Show usages not working on macros
17.1.11 (19 May 2017)
DVT-9876 Editor title icon decorations not shown in split editor mode
DVT-9918 Wrong editor cursor position after auto-complete on a method without parameters
17.1.10 (15 May 2017)
DVT-9533 Inspect View: Inspect elements in UVM Sequence Tree View
DVT-9842 Dark themes not applied on Verissimo report
DVT-9900 On some systems editor icons are missing when Project Colors are enabled
DVT-9910 ‘as’ expression macro not matched correctly due to strict terminal ‘exp’ checking
DVT-9914 NullPointerException thrown at startup when plain text files are opened and Project Colors are enabled
17.1.9 (2 May 2017)
DVT-9620 Use distinctive editor icon colors for files in different projects
DVT-9362 Inspect View: Show line number in a left-hand side vertical ruler
DVT-9367 Inspect View: Open code snippet in editor by clicking the hyperlink on file name
DVT-9534 Inspect View: Show physical file path and read-only status
DVT-9594 Inspect View: Double click on file paths to copy to clipboard
DVT-9608 Inspect View: Show expanded macros on macro calls
DVT-9848 Add non-standard predefined API scheduler.current_thread
DVT-9852 Add non-standard index() list pseudo-method
DVT-9853 Add non-standard predefined API message_logger.flush_frequency
DVT-9844 ‘as computed’ macros fail to expand when referencing structs with “external_pointer” fields
DVT-9851 False DUPLICATE_NAME semantic error inside a for loop when declaring a variable with the same name as the loop index
DVT-9858 Inspect View: Shows only one nature for multi-nature projects
17.1.8 (18 April 2017)
DVT-9819 All views: expand/collapse speed-up
DVT-9823 Add support for -snload in ius.irun build configuration compatibility mode
DVT-9825 Add support for non-standard “foo() is foreign C” method declaration
DVT-9826 Add support for -loadpli in ius.irun build configuration compatibility mode
DVT-9829 Allow code section close and reopen on the same line (‘><’)
DVT-6114 Add to default build actions should honor revision control flows
DVT-8061 Checking out a file using the checkout hook doesn’t change the read-only editor decoration
17.1.7 (10 April 2017)
DVT-8227 Previous/Next in Problems View does not respect the displayed marker ordering
DVT-9651 Annotations not visible in dark themes
DVT-9742 Skip compile patterns don’t work in Windows for certain paths containing only Linux separators
DVT-9778 Quick fix: Create missing file from Build Config Editor not working from Problems View
DVT-9780 Wrong UNDECLARED_IDENTIFIER semantic error on ‘result’ of a method defined in a template struct
DVT-9781 Wrong UNDECLARED_METHOD semantic error when calling rf_type(expr)
DVT-9796 Specador: Go to element from global search does not work for mixed-language documentation
17.1.6 (31 March 2017)
DVT-9584 New Quick Fix: Create missing file from Build Config Editor
DVT-9717 CamelCase autocomplete for directives in Build Config Editor
DVT-9750 DVT_SPECMAN_PATH predefined waivers don’t work when the variable is defined using +dvt_setenv+
DVT-9751 False UNDECLARED_METHOD semantic error reported on simulator.get_hdl_path_size(…) due to missing predefined API definition
DVT-9752 False SELECT_IN_NON_LIST semantic error reported due to wrong associated type of ‘it’ member of list of list variable
DVT-9753 False DUPLICATE_ENUM due to wrong evaluation of <enum_type>.all_values() in ‘as computed’ macro
DVT-9754 False NOT_A_SUBTYPE and UNDECLARED_IDENTIFIER semantic errors reported due to wrong evaluation in ‘as computed’ macro
DVT-9755 False UNDECLARED_IDENTIFIER semantic error reported inside new with {…} expression
17.1.5 (23 March 2017)
DVT-9513 Silently ignore import “evc_util/e/evc_util_top.e”
DVT-9702 Incremental build false UNDECLARED_IDENTIFIER semantic errors reported in non-active tests
DVT-9757 Quick fix: Declare Enum Constant adds unnecessary comma when declaring the only value in enumerated type extension
17.1.4 (20 March 2017)
DVT-3001 Added “Go to Import” in Compile Order View context menu
DVT-9678 Tooltip for function parameters on auto-complete
DVT-9669 UVM Sequence Tree should analyze only layers from modules up to and including the module where the view is triggered
DVT-9664 SPECMAN_PATH not correctly determined in when multiple invocation in build.config (mixed-projects)
DVT-9668 “dvt_plugin_installer.sh list” doesn’t list any plugins when the system installed awk is mawk
DVT-9670 Wrong return type for list of list ‘last()’ pseudo-method
DVT-9673 False syntax error on “print (macro 1, 2)”, where macro define string is “macro <e1’exp>, <e2’exp>”
17.1.3 (14 March 2017)
DVT-9628 Add support for UVM ML proxy unit “child_component_proxy”
DVT-9629 Add support for scalar type “set_of_values()” and “full_set_of_values()” pseudo-methods
DVT-9630 Add support for “normal()” distribution global pseudo-method
DVT-9631 Add support for UVM ML data type mapping “uvm_ml_type_match”
DVT-9662 Add support for the Shell Script Editor plugin when using the Moonrise DVT theme
DVT-8087 Exception triggered on first right click in Build Config Editor
DVT-9315 Autocomplete doesn’t work for import comma-separated files
DVT-9489 Skip compile patterns don’t work in Windows for certain paths specifying drive letter
DVT-9619 exp.copy() should return the same sub-type exp (currently returns only the base type struct)
DVT-9632 False UNDECLARED_METHOD semantic error on “connect()” method of a method port
DVT-9634 GUI freeze on tooltip and/or inspect view when editor cursor placed on non-identifier characters (e.g ++, +=, etc.)
17.1.2 (3 March 2017)
DVT-1857 Show enum item value in tooltip
DVT-2274 Autocomplete sequence subtype for “do”
DVT-9200 Missing hyperlink/tooltip for keyed list key reference
DVT-9509 Don’t show “predefined” on user enum items on predefined enum types
DVT-4130 Content assist/tooltip for list of lists API
DVT-9549 Missing predefined iterator ‘it’ variable for ‘all_different’ list pseudo-method
DVT-9567 False UNDECLARED_IDENTIFIER semantic error reported when enum item used as argument of key_index keyed list pseudo-method
DVT-9568 False UNDECLARED_IDENTIFIER semantic error reported when enum item used in expressions inside template struct/union
DVT-9587 Sequence driver get_next_item() method does not return the item sub-type (if specified) but base item struct
DVT-9588 Cover item ‘inst’ variable returns wrong type when using per_unit_instance[=unit-type] but unit-type is not specified
17.1.1 (24 February 2017)
Re-designed the compiler for enhanced semantic checking. Now it validates all identifiers and flags missing function calls, missing variables etc, see Semantic Checks
Improved support for recently added e Language constructs
New UVM Browser View as an the entry point for exploring all the classes of an eRM/UVM-based verification environment
New UVM Sequence Tree View to explore the sequence call tree
Ability to see all the places where a random variable is constrained, see Show Constraints
Ability to quickly inspect an element (struct, method, field etc.) when a clicking a name in the editor or selecting an element in a view, see Inspect View
Show scope information in the Search View
Ability to customize icon colors, see Changing Icon Colors
DVT-2224 Ability to Show Constraints of a variable
DVT-2269 New Inspect View
DVT-9094 New Quick assist: Waive Compilation Problems
DVT-9162 New UVM Browser View
DVT-9163 New UVM Sequence Tree View
DVT-9174 Ability to customize icon colors
DVT-9496 New Quick fix: Declare variable
DVT-9497 New Quick fix: Declare argument
DVT-9498 New Quick fix: Create file for imported file not found
DVT-9499 New Quick fix: Declare enumerated type constant
DVT-9500 New Quick fix: Declare event
DVT-9501 New Quick fix: Declare field
DVT-9502 New Quick fix: Did you mean
DVT-1267 Report missing declaration
DVT-1315 Report missing declaration on method call
DVT-1515 In struct: keep some_field in [1..5]; - semantic check that some_field exists
DVT-1798 Show layers for named constraints
DVT-1566 Packing / unpacking pseudo-methods not available in content assist
DVT-3016 No autocomplete for string pseudo-methods (e.g. append)
DVT-3276 Semantic check a.b.x does not exist
DVT-3721 Semantic check for the TCM sampling event (e.g. tcm_name()@non_existing_event)
DVT-4544 Semantic Check Struct/Unit/etc. declaration and usage order is undetected
DVT-4853 Trigger error for when subtype extension before enumerated type declaration
DVT-5474 error () {…} syntax not supported
DVT-5563 Add to predefined e Language API sn_cfg_cover_mode
DVT-5727 Add support for time-conversion pseudo-methods
DVT-6904 Add the predefined sn_double_matrix type
DVT-6905 Add support for abort, stop, start … temporal operators in event/expect
DVT-8404 Semantic check: variable not (yet) defined
DVT-8428 Add support for “template extend” and “template parameter boundaries”
DVT-8456 Add support for predefined struct_list_holder type
DVT-8865 Semantic error not reported for calling a list method on an expression that is not a list
DVT-8987 Show scope information in Search View
DVT-9125 Ability to show Ctrl + click (hyperlink) actions using Ctrl + F3
DVT-9164 Add support for instance_ignore
DVT-9226 Add support for static field/method/event syntax
DVT-9292 Support for tooltip and hyperlink on named constraints
DVT-9403 Add predefined strength_val type and related port API and literals
DVT-9536 Support for execution of actions inside an expression “evaluate (…) {…}”
DVT-5748 Unrecognized action error reported only after incremental build when using define as macros defined in test files
DVT-6674 Incorrect scope for variables defined after “ is a type (variable_name)” operator
DVT-7522 False UNRESOLVED_BIND_ARG error when using deep hierarchical access after ‘SUBTYPE as argument of do_bind
DVT-8361 Missing hyperlink/tooltip/content assist for field inside constraint definition for gen keeping soft action
DVT-8422 False UNDEFINED_COVER when using as computed macro
DVT-8623 Missing hyperlinks/content assist/tooltips for second expression of boolean implication
DVT-8639 Missing hyperlink/tooltip/content assist for local variable created with “is a” operator
DVT-8640 Missing hyperlink/tooltip/content assist for arguments inside method call of apply() predefined method
DVT-8940 As computed macros fail to expand when global struct refers types with same name from multiple packages
DVT-9006 No autocomplete/hyperlink/tooltip for struct filed in list pseudo-method when the filed is argument of another method called inside
DVT-9007 No autocomplete/hyperlink/tooltip for struct filed in list pseudo-method when the filed is used as ternary operator result
DVT-9199 Missing hyperlink/tooltip/content assist for field of like child struct inside ‘with’ action of ‘new’ operator
DVT-9251 As computed macros called with K and M multipliers for literal numeric constant replacement terms should use 1024 multiplier instead of 1000
DVT-9254 Hyperlink points to field from wrong package when there are multiple fields with same name but in different packages
DVT-9272 Missing hyperlink/tooltip/content assist for struct field used as parameter for the ‘first’ list pseudo-method
DVT-9339 Support #ifdef, #ifndef pre-processing inside constraints
DVT-9346 Missing hyperlink/tooltip/content assist for variable of ‘for each’ inside ‘keep’ constraint
DVT-9453 Private members in different package than the struct definition are not visible in Type Hierarchy members view
DVT-9505 ‘as computed’ get_items() on scalar enum type returns null
DVT-9531 ‘as computed’ support for str_trim() string routine
16.1.37 (24 February 2017)
DVT-9448 Ability to specify Custom Dialog snapshots file location
DVT-9391 e Language TODO markers missing after full build
16.1.36 (10 February 2017)
DVT-9316 Autocomplete: ordering of camel-case matched proposals should take into account the index of the matched segment
DVT-9436 Wrong compiled file decoration on macros in Outline View
DVT-9459 Access label decorator doesn’t work for certain views
16.1.35 (1 February 2017)
DVT-3478 Lint configurations with empty project names will run on the selected project
DVT-9156 Add parameter to StructSelector widget to control displayed inheritance hierarchy
DVT-8609 Using ${dvt_dialog_prompt} as argument in a CDT Run Configuration for a defined project throws an error if no project is selected
DVT-9401 Lint configurations proposal dialog is showing the same configuration multiple times
16.1.34 (13 January 2017)
DVT-8408 Content Filters don’t work for path patterns ending with path separator and “*” in Windows
DVT-8410 & DVT-9323 Compile waivers patterns don’t work in Windows
DVT-8522 Build log file is also generated in project root when +dvt_build_log_file_location+ is used
DVT-8523 Empty build log file when using +dvt_build_log_file_location+ directive on Windows
DVT-9347 Custom Dialog snapshots are not saved when there is no selected project
DVT-9354 Build config: relative paths specified after +dvt_init in a file included with -F are not solved correctly
16.1.32 (22 December 2016)
DVT-9317 Predefined Code Templates: Wrong %id processing
16.1.31 (9 December 2016)
DVT-8154 Comments are not restored on project open
DVT-9274 Only show format specifier autocomplete after % character
DVT-9235 Suggest using Quick Views when maximizing editor / switching from an editor to a view filter
16.1.30 (24 November 2016)
DVT-7389 CDT Integration: Add predefined gcc filters for external tools integration
DVT-8771 CDT Integration: Add simulator specific gcc incdirs and defines per compatibility mode
DVT-8772 CDT Integration: Auto-Link C/C++ files included from outside the project
16.1.29 (14 November 2016)
DVT-8328 Add Copy Full Path action in Search View context menu
DVT-8599 Add e Language StructSelector widget for Custom Dialogs
DVT-9099 Editor context menu: add Show > Usages and sort entries alphabetically
DVT-8058 Launching the debugger should not fail if the *.launch file is read-only
DVT-9221 Error is shown when *_prompt variables are used in a launch configuration and the dialog is canceled
DVT-9230 Create project from template using the dvt_cli.sh does not work
DVT-9234 “Premature end of file” exception at startup breaks hyper-links and colors in the console (DVT build / Run configurations / External builders)
16.1.28 (2 November 2016)
DVT-9187 Quick Macros and References in Current File have conflicting key bindings, changed Quick Macros to Shfit + Ctrl + D
DVT-9197 Saving ViPlugin preferences in user area can lead to OutOfMemoryError due to UTF characters duplication
DVT-9203 Patched potential platform start-up deadlock (patch for Eclipse Neon 4.6.1-4.6.2, Eclipse Bug 502095)
16.1.27 (28 October 2016)
DVT-9188 Add closeFile command to DVT CLI
DVT-9141 Increase the incremental compilation default limit of max number of lines (change from 7k to 15k)
DVT-9142 Add an indication in Problems View that there are errors in files outside the project
DVT-9176 Set top for Verification Hierarchy / Design Hierarchy when build_config.xml is not writable should trigger a notification
DVT-6249 Cannot set top Verification Hierarchy when .dvt/build.config.xml is not writable
DVT-9180 Missing hyperlink/tooltip/content assist for struct field after block comment (multiline comment)
16.1.26 (17 October 2016)
DVT-9107 ‘as computed’ ellipses replacement term array contains only elements up to the first empty one
DVT-9113 E language code formatting is broken
16.1.25 (9 October 2016)
DVT-9089 Applying compile waivers after incremental build takes a significant amount of time on large environments
DVT-9071 Trigger error for sequence of enum items containing empty item
DVT-9084 False semantic error for field declared in both IntelliGen and Pgen generators
16.1.24 (22 September 2016)
DVT-8442 Autocomplete format specifier in strings
DVT-9024 Code Formatting: Ability to disable trim of whitespace lines
DVT-9028 Add [project_name] or [workspace] prefix indication in Search View label
DVT-4571 Syntax coloring preferences preview window doesn’t get updated when modifying string-related preferences
DVT-8849 Show usages sometimes collapses hits on same line
DVT-9045 Suppress messages “First launcher.execute()” from ClearCase plugin (patch for distro ClearCase plugin)
DVT-9046 Revert to the old Perforce plugin version (2015) in DVT distros
16.1.23 (14 September 2016)
DVT-9029 Remove debug messages from the terminal where the application is launched
DVT-9034 Perforce plugin included in the distribution is not starting after the last update
16.1.22 (12 September 2016)
DVT-8878 Update all distro plugins to the latest version
DVT-8999 Add new distros based on Eclipse 4.6 (Neon)
DVT-9015 Check if files in “gray editors” became part of the compilation after rebuild and reload them
DVT-9019 Prompt to save out-of-project files before rebuild
DVT-8714 Sometimes the History View is not showing anything in perspectives not contributed by revision control plugins (Eclipse Bug 471782, fixed in Eclipse 4.6 distros)
DVT-8975 Inactive code highlight not working
DVT-9008 No autocomplete/hyperlink/tooltip for struct filed when it is used as initial value of variable
DVT-9021 Content assist shows only one pseudo-method for list of struct fields (only for the first field with specified prefix)
16.1.21 (26 August 2016)
Ehnancements - DVT-8090 Build config: add support for specifying environment variables in TCL syntax $env(VAR) or $::env(VAR) and Makefile syntax $(VAR)
DVT-8436 Build config: unable to locate paths crossing a forward symlink with an updir reference
16.1.20 (12 August 2016)
DVT-8755 Settings Management: Slows down in editor operations (the preferences are now saved in user’s preferences.ini only when DVT is closed or by using Window -> Settings Management -> Force Save Preferences)
DVT-8918 Cancel state checking leads to views update performance degradation on large environments
DVT-8529 Added a new DVT color theme inspired from Moonrise color theme
DVT-8879 Add support for “struct-exp is a subtype (name)” constructs for define as computed macros
DVT-8913 Custom Dialogs: add support for +dvt_setenv+ defined variables in Files Listing widget
16.1.18 (25 July 2016)
DVT-6837 Code Formatting: Ability to vertically align only consecutive lines
DVT-8808 Ability to cancel the build process during build configuration analysis phase
DVT-8830 Show total number of word occurrences in a file when hovering a match annotation marker in the right vertical bar
DVT-8920 Add support for auto-linking user-specified files using +dvt_auto_link_file+<path/to/file>
DVT-7948 Settings Management: Job starts while running an external builder preventing any tool interaction
DVT-8040 Settings Management: Doesn’t handle hierarchical preferences
DVT-8756 Settings Management: NullPointerException when the platform shuts down
DVT-8812 Waiving from Problems View context menu does not work when waivers.xml is opened and dirty
DVT-8838 DVT external builders defined in shared preferences should inherit the enabled/disabled state
DVT-8919 Enable printing on DVT Linux distributions based on Eclipse 4.4 and 4.5
16.1.17 (15 July 2016)
DVT-8795 Code Formatting: Add option to ignore lines starting with specified prefixes
DVT-8801 Autocomplete / hyperlink / tooltip not working if file contains multiline strings (scope offsets are wrong)
16.1.16 (8 July 2016)
DVT-8135 Check that executed script is part of the same distribution where $DVT_HOME points to
DVT-8715 DVT external builders defined in shared preferences should not be disabled in new projects
DVT-8761 CDT builder is disabled when the project is configured using DVT
16.1.15 (30 June 2016)
DVT-8741 Add support for in_table construct
DVT-7131 Check arguments of dvt_cli.sh -p4 and fail if mandatory ones are not specified or empty
DVT-7051 Project templates engine should not scan binary files
DVT-7202 UML Diagram struct selection dialog is not resizable
DVT-7483 Label for logger pointer in diagram contains unpaired parenthesis
DVT-7980 Shortcut conflict between “Macro Collapse Inline Expansion” and “Toggle Split Editor”
16.1.14 (17 June 2016)
DVT-1563 Wrong type of field ‘x = {“A”;”B”};’ string instead of list of string
DVT-8548 Specman predefined Console Filters do not match messages on multiple lines
16.1.13 (10 June 2016)
DVT-8665 Wrong syntax highlight for arguments of arithmetic operators
DVT-8664 Syntax highlight is broken for real numbers
DVT-8676 dvt_cli.sh quit command should do nothing if DVT isn’t already running
16.1.12 (1 June 2016)
DVT-8641 Add support for type category in template parameters
DVT-8651 Detect and report infinite recursion when replacing a user defined ‘as’ or ‘as computed’ macro
DVT-8652 Allow return action in ‘as computed’ macro followed by other (unreachable) actions
DVT-7681 ‘as computed’ macro not expanded correctly when not using str_expand_dots on return statement
DVT-8643 Run configuration launched from another run configuration throws an error
DVT-8645 Wrong syntax error generated when using multiple temporal_operators in event or assume/expect declaration
DVT-8650 ‘as computed’ macro execution fail when list of string replacement terms contains empty elements (e.g. X,,,Y)
DVT-8657 ConcurrentModificationException thrown while SVN updates the cache for project with linked resources
16.1.10 (16 May 2016)
DVT-8610 No local history entry is saved when reloading a file modified outside of Eclipse
16.1.9 (9 May 2016)
DVT-8583 DVT-Settings slows down the platform while using features that temporally change preferences
DVT-7496 HTML Documentation: Expand on e Language checks page groups doesn’t work
DVT-8582 Auto-complete proposal should replace the selected text (instead of prepending it to the selected text)
DVT-8587 Reusing code templates with DVT-Settings doesn’t work for templates missing id attribute
DVT-8590 Task tags should be case insensitive by default
16.1.8 (30 April 2016)
DVT-8575 Platform lag when view content (Type, Outline, etc.) is updated with thousands of elements
DVT-8576 Platform lag and slow filtering of elements in Outline View (content filter)
DVT-8234 Camelcase auto-complete is not working for code templates
16.1.7 (25 April 2016)
DVT-8505 “Open terminal here” should appear in all views containing files
DVT-8506 ‘as computed’ macros fail to expand due to illegal escape character
16.1.6 (18 April 2016)
DVT-8467 Added DVT Theme support for Makefile editors syntax highlight
DVT-8488 Support for abort, start, exclusive_start and stop temporal operators in expect struct member
DVT-5473 Check that (…) then {…} else dut_error(…) {…} syntax not supported
DVT-8414 DVT Theme is not correctly applied on XML Editors syntax highlight
DVT-8502 Sometimes opening a file from the Search View throws exception
16.1.5 (8 April 2016)
DVT-8459 Incremental build slow on file containing many ‘as computed’ macro invocations (10x slower full build)
DVT-8407 Reopen DVT-Settings project when it’s closed
DVT-8333 Build config editor: no hyperlink on duplicate .f file
DVT-8415 “Open Terminal Here” is missing in Eclipse 4.5.1 distros
DVT-8432 Editor freezes on a slow filesystem when detecting hyperlinks
DVT-8436 Build config is unable to locate paths crossing a forward symlink with an updir reference
DVT-8440 Missing override indication on methods for like inheritance
DVT-8443 CDT Automatic configuration through DVT default.build is disabled in Eclipse 3.8.1 distros
DVT-8444 Debugger Add-on: sometimes Expressions View throws exceptions
DVT-8445 Debugger Add-on: unable to watch expressions containing :: or . characters
DVT-8449 File permissions not changed for group and other when the file is checked out using the editor
DVT-8450 Skip compile using …./* is not working properly on Windows
DVT-8451 On Windows, adding +dvt_autolink_root+name=/path/to/ should not require deleting DVT-AutoLinked by hand
16.1.4 (30 March 2016)
DVT-7305 Configure C/C++ project using default.build arguments -I, -include, -l, -L, -D, -imacro (when DVT CDT Integration feature is installed)
DVT-8393 Ability to overwrite an existing Predefined Project in the workspace
DVT-8437 Re-creating a project with dvt_cli.sh -force does not preserve opened editors
16.1.3 (10 March 2016)
DVT-8384 Fixed parsing performance degradation when compiling many small files located in a slow filesystem
DVT-7055 “Collect Project Statistics” throws NPE when no project is selected
DVT-8360 Custom Dialog buttons row is not visible until resize of dialog
DVT-8368 New Content Filters XML Wizard does not work
DVT-8387 Auto-config does not work when the path to the project contains whitespace characters
16.1.2 (3 March 2016)
DVT-8343 New MacOS specific launcher DVT.app that runs $DVT_HOME/bin/dvt.sh
DVT-8192 Hide waived errors / waiving messages from the Console View (print only in dvt_build.log)
DVT-8309 Build config editor: show environment variable values in tooltip
DVT-8345 Build config editor: content assist for paths and environment variables when used as directive arguments
DVT-7332 Missing hyperlink/tooltip/content assist for field after boolean operators
DVT-8091 Missing hyperlink/tooltip/content assist for field in an expression of type list1.list2[index].field
DVT-8168 Duplicate Open Declaration hyperlink option for method ports
DVT-8269 Skip compile directives should match path delimiters cross-platform
DVT-8340 Wrong Java path in MacOS distros
DVT-8353 ‘as computed’ issue when string contains ‘\n’ characters
16.1.1 (24 February 2016)
DVT-8102 Removed MacOS 32 bit distribution, Eclipse no longer supports this platform
DVT-7872 Ability to drag and drop files and directories to build configuration editors (from Project Explorer View, OS file browser, etc)
DVT-8103 Switch to Eclipse 4.5.1, including the update of all complementary plugins from DVT distributions
DVT-8131 Quick access to Getting Started and Predefined Projects from Project Explorer
DVT-8132 Switch to Project Explorer View instead of Navigator View
DVT-7876 Accessible build configuration editor quick reference
DVT-7870 Automatically open default.build when nothing is compiled during a full build
DVT-7978 Updated JRE in distribution to version 1.8.0u66
DVT-8275 Build with Java 8, minimal JRE required version increased to 1.8
DVT-8297 Multiple Ctrl+Space after ‘.’ doesn’t always switch the proposals kind (remains blocked if no proposals)
DVT-8299 str_expand_dots() should remove the new lines, and trailing ‘;}’ should be replaced replaced by ‘}’
DVT-8300 str_match() fails to correctly interpret the ‘…’ pattern
DVT-8301 ‘as computed’ macro debug console hyperlink no longer working
DVT-8303 ‘as computed’ StackOverflowException when str_expand_dots() called on a large expression string
DVT-8038 Build log is not displayed in the console if dvt_build.log is read-only
DVT-8063 The last line from build console (total time) is not saved in the build log
DVT-8334 Remove Source > Format option from the project’s context menu
15.1.41 (10 February 2016)
DVT-7831 & DVT-8274 Updated AnyEdit, Git, Python and Perforce plugins in Eclipse 4 distros
DVT-8276 Improve performance of build configuration analysis
DVT-8241 Add support for expect … [using temporal_operators] syntax
DVT-8247 Proposals are not recomputed after ‘.’ if the content assist window is already open
DVT-8252 Search for field/method/etc. is always case sensitive regardless of the case sensitive setting in the search dialog
DVT-8256 Build config: +dvt_compilation_root directive not working in files included with -F
DVT-8258 Hyperlink incorrectly opens an Auto-Linked file with the same basename as the intended target
DVT-8265 Add support for specman-matlab integration predefined types
DVT-8272 Sometimes e Language Override Methods entry does not show up in autocomplete proposals
15.1.40 (26 January 2016)
DVT-8244 Build config: -log directive should take one argument
15.1.39 (14 January 2016)
DVT-8209 When skipping the refactoring preview page, DVT_CHECKOUT_HOOK is not called
DVT-8219 dvt_cli.sh errors out on -f and -F arguments (Unrecognized option)
15.1.38 (7 January 2016)
DVT-8167 Add option to copy full path in Compile Order View
DVT-8178 Add company name prefix to files and units in the x_uvm_x_e_ve_template project template
15.1.37 (23 December 2015)
DVT-7693 Ability to close the automatically activated content assist pop-up after typing ‘;’
DVT-8166 ViPlugin: “word” vi abbreviations do not work when word boundaries are colliding with imap characters like ‘;’
DVT-8171 User preferences.ini continuously changing due to key bindings when two or more DVT instances are opened
DVT-8172 Content assist toggles between defaults/templates/instances windows while continuous typing
DVT-8179 If multiple blocks open on the same line, folding should be done on the outermost one
15.1.36 (11 December 2015)
DVT-8073 ViPlugin: Ability to define “word” vi abbreviations that should not trigger if preceded by word char and should trigger if followed by non-word char
DVT-7370 Questa predefined Console Filters do not match suppressible errors
DVT-8133 In the Build Configuration Editor, directive tooltips containing < and > are not correctly shown
15.1.35 (4 December 2015)
DVT-7867 Ability to add Git repositories by DVT CLI createProject and importProject commands
DVT-8136 Updated ViPlugin for DVT to 2.14
15.1.34 (28 November 2015)
DVT-7386 Missing hyperlinks/tooltips/content assist for field inside ‘with’ action of ‘new’ operator
DVT-8055 Shorthand notation “.field” is not recognized in “for each” expression
15.1.32 (18 November 2015)
DVT-7998 Option to specify depth of children/parents/associations in struct diagrams
DVT-8071 Show warning for top files specified multiple times in the same invocation
DVT-6993 Compile waivers are applied in reverse order
DVT-8085 Sometimes license checkout fails when using the latest FlexLM server (11.13.1)
15.1.30 (2 November 2015)
DVT-7472 Override methods for e Language
15.1.29 (30 October 2015)
DVT-7973 ‘as computed’ macro fail to expand due to missing implementation of arithmetic subroutines
15.1.28 (16 October 2015)
Support for JVM-style memory arguments in dvt.sh (-Xms, -Xmx, -Xss) is deprecated and will be dropped in a future release. Use -heap_size <size> and -stack_size <size> instead.
DVT-7937 Custom Dialogs containing empty <dvt:Container> tags fail to open
DVT-7941 Add JVM memory arguments to dvt_cli.sh
DVT-7953 dvt.sh freezes under El Capitan when displaying the Eclipse splash screen
15.1.27 (8 October 2015)
DVT-7902 Refactoring/usages of scalar type not shown in files containing only scalar_t’scalar_value references
DVT-7907 Build console is color highlighted after total number of lines output
15.1.26 (28 September 2015)
DVT-7773 Add predefined console filters for VCS assertion log messages
15.1.25 (22 September 2015)
DVT-7836 Specador: Ability to create URL for HTML frame content in order to simplify sharing links to specific pages
15.1.24 (18 September 2015)
DVT-7700 Show override decoration in views
DVT-7893 Decorators in the Layers View should appear only in the ‘Name’ column
DVT-7894 Double click on an element in the Types Members View opens both the declaration and definition
15.1.23 (9 September 2015)
DVT-7549 Custom dialogs: ability to enable / disable a group of widgets based on a radio button / checkbox selection
DVT-7735 Ability to create a non-modal custom dialog
15.1.22 (2 September 2015)
DVT-7771 Periodically check for disk full and fire a warning for potential data loss
DVT-7829 Add diagram generation process timeout (1 minute)
DVT-7789 Network files specified in default.build using the network path are not auto-linked in Windows
DVT-7828 dvt_cli.sh -clearcase flag works only when a project is created
DVT-7830 Race condition in settings management at startup
15.1.21 (25 August 2015)
DVT-2214 Add dvt_cli.sh -clearcase flag to share project with ClearCase
DVT-7794 Support paths with whitespace for DVT_LICENSE_FILE variable in dvt.bat script
15.1.19 (18 August 2015)
DVT-7178 “Open Terminal Here” not working for DVT Auto-Linked folders
DVT-7756 ViPlugin search and replace commands should not escape n, r, t
DVT-7772 “Copy Full Path” returns path relative to DVT Auto-Linked folder when auto linked root is used
15.1.18 (10 August 2015)
DVT-7605 No proposals after type cast to template unit
DVT-7742 Double-click on a line without whitespace jumps to the beginning of the editor
15.1.17 (3 August 2015)
DVT-7703 Added ViPlugin support for “:g/<old>/s//<new>/g”
DVT-6902 Double-click in whitespace should select all whitespaces
DVT-7726 DVT CLI: Ability to show in Navigator a file opened with the openFile command
DVT-6884 Content filters ConcurrentModificationException
DVT-7110 Do not select any item when opening quick outline view as it causes flicker
DVT-7712 “Open First Implementation” hyperlink missing for extended methods
15.1.16 (27 July 2015)
DVT-7634 ‘as computed’ macros support for writef() pseudo-method, rf_struct.get_fields(), rf_manager.get_struct_by_name()
DVT-7635 ‘as computed’ macros with references to rf_enum predefined struct fail to expand
DVT-7667 Don’t modify the capitalization of the first word in the sentence if that word is in fact the identifier name
DVT-7655 Startup sanity check dialogs are blocking the UI on Eclipse Mars 4.5
DVT-7663 Use portable awk syntax in scripts
DVT-7690 Build config: the argument of a -cpp directive is wrongly considered a top file
DVT-7691 Build config: -assert directive does not support a+b style arguments
15.1.15 (10 July 2015)
DVT-7642 False changes are detected in default snapshot when Custom Dialog contains a Class Selector widget
DVT-7643 -assert should also accept enable_hier as parameter
15.1.14 (6 July 2015)
DVT-7304 Ability to set CDT nature using DVT CLI
DVT-7306 Auto-link C/C++ files specified in default.build
DVT-7076 Delete action for Custom Dialog snapshots
DVT-7612 Changed hyperlink labels to be more consistent
15.1.13 (19 June 2015)
DVT-7534 Content filters path patterns should support “/” on Windows
DVT-7595 Run Configurations: Add the custom hyperlink variable to the variables list
DVT-7566 Sometimes project restore after platform startup triggers exceptions
DVT-7593 Pressing backspace while executing a ViPlugin imap command prints a Unicode character
15.1.12 (5 June 2015)
DVT-7477 Updated AnyEdit, Git and Python plugins in Eclipse 4 distros
DVT-7419 When overwriting/saving a Custom Dialog snapshot, special XML characters are stored literally
DVT-7527 “Lint As” menu entry appears in DVT view’s context menu instead of the Navigator View
DVT-7546 Invalid graphviz syntax for tooltip attribute
15.1.11 (20 May 2015)
DVT-7474 License error due to a NullPointerException in FlexLM
15.1.10 (15 May 2015)
DVT-7451 Workspace “Refresh on access” enabled by default in DVT distros
DVT-6046 & DVT-7458 DVT CLI race condition when workspace is unlocked
DVT-7439 ‘as computed’ macro issue when rf_enum is used as variable type
DVT-7446 High CPU usage when concurrent access to semantic search algorithm
15.1.9 (8 May 2015)
DVT-7211 Added new DVT Slim Perspective
DVT-7425 Run “sh” scripts from run configurations in Windows using Busybox included in the distribution
DVT-5185 Added missing toolbar actions to application menu
DVT-7234 Removed some AnyEdit entries from editor context menu
DVT-7423 Added “Editor Emulation Mode” to editor context menu
DVT-7424 Removed some of the toolbar buttons in DVT perspectives added by other plugins
DVT-7384 Resizing the diagram editor below a threshold hides the scrollbars
DVT-7405 Invalid combinations of +dvt_incremental_compile_checks and +dvt_full_compile_checks setting are reported on wrong line
DVT-7406 Default value of +dvt_incremental_compile_checks should be PKG/POFF when +dvt_full_compile_checks is PKGS/OFF
DVT-7430 Automatically insert single proposal is broken
15.1.8 (24 April 2015)
DVT-6730 Consider to auto-insert ‘<=’ when typing “..”
DVT-7365 Hyperlink doesn’t contain the entire file name in Console View if the file name is long
DVT-7376 Debugger integration: unable to set breakpoints in Windows
15.1.7 (21 April 2015)
DVT-7321 Replaced unmaintained “Terminal View” plugin in Eclipse 4 distributions with Eclipse TCF Terminal
DVT-7340 After invoking autocomplete in a context with many proposals, editing slows down (move cursor / typing)
DVT-5969 Code Formatting: Ability to call a user script before and after code formatting
DVT-7173 Added Eclipse TCF Terminal with support for Windows
DVT-7201 Added ViPlugin support for “w!” command as an alias to “w”
DVT-7233 Class selector example should also include a usage of baseClassName attribute
DVT-7339 Added HTML Wizard option to open or not the generated documentation in browser
DVT-7301 dvt_kit_installer.bat script should take into account parameters when run with “cmd /c”
DVT-7316 Type Hierarchy Members buttons are partially visible until resize of view
DVT-7323 Dialog warning about changes in snapshot appears when selecting a different snapshot for a custom dialog
DVT-7327 Value attribute does not work for Custom Dialog ClassSelector widget
DVT-7328 Platform crash when external builders are automatically triggered during platform startup
DVT-7344 Support paths with whitespace in Windows scripts
DVT-7350 Remove “()” from the autocomplete of list field name pseudo-method
DVT-7357 Wrong inheritance diagram generated for method type
DVT-7358 Wrong class diagrams nodes generated for each layer
15.1.6 (6 April 2015)
DVT-7048 Missing tooltip/hyperlink/content assist inside “do … on … keeping {}”
DVT-7082 Sometimes after “is a” tooltips, hyperlinks, references are not working on local variables
DVT-7292 Coverage View go to element should not select the entire line
DVT-7300 References and refactoring not working after project restore
15.1.5 (30 March 2015)
DVT-7251 Removed bare DVT distributions from site, DVT KIT remains the only available distribution for download
DVT-7252 Removed dvt_updater.sh script, the same functionality can be achieved with dvt_plugin_installer.sh
DVT-7179 Added Ruby plugin to KIT distros and updated GIT, CDT, JDT, TCL plugins
DVT-7253 Ability to list installed plugins using dvt_kit_installer.sh
DVT-7258 Added Undo/Redo actions to run configuration’s command area
DVT-7272 Cleanup build log messages
DVT-7241 Wrong syntax highlight for as computed error in build console
DVT-7243 Wrong tooltip for parameter of value() pseudo-method
DVT-7254 dvt_kit_installer.sh is using incompatible arguments for sed and readlink under MacOS
DVT-7265 Platform crash when build is automatically triggered during platform startup
15.1.4 (23 March 2015)
DVT-7158 Variables view context menu should not show detailPaneBreakpointFactory
DVT-7162 Editor emulation modes stop working after manually changing key binding scheme
DVT-7166 In ‘as computed’ macros <some’exps>.size() expression is not correctly solved as integer
DVT-7167 DVT Debug launch configurations check out an e Language debug license regardless of the project nature
15.1.3 (16 March 2015)
DVT-7121 Sometimes HTML Wizard does not generate the documentation
DVT-7150 Eclipse 4: Problems/Tasks View not updated after full build (patch for Eclipse Luna 4.4.1)
15.1.2 (6 March 2015)
DVT-7114 NullPointerException when running a CustomDialog with old serialization mechanism data
DVT-7116 Selecting the only available (default) snapshot in a CustomDialog with old serialization mechanism data should not be considered undo operation
DVT-7117 ClassSlector always reports selection of an identical snapshot as undo operation
DVT-7147 Show only files with errors in Compile Order doesn’t work for symlinked files
15.1.1 (27 February 2015)
Complete switch to Eclipse 4, including the update of all complementary plugins from DVT distributions
Ability to store Custom Dialog Snapshots
DVT-7075 Removed IP-XACT plugin from distributions
DVT-4460 Ability to store Custom Dialog Snapshots
DVT-5825 & DVT-7074 Added KIT distro for Windows. See dvt_kit_installer.sh
DVT-6767 Custom dialog serialization should support id attribute to be specified for any widget
DVT-6946 & DVT-6968 Updated all plugins in distribution
DVT-7016 Ability to launch a configuration in debug mode from toolbar button
DVT-7065 Build for Java 7, minimal JRE required version increased to 1.7
DVT-6550 Eclipse 4: DVT CLI importProject -workingset does not set the workingset correctly due to some changes in the Eclipse Platform (patch for Eclipse 4.4.1)
DVT-6768 Custom dialog serialization is broken for multi-line Text widget content
DVT-7086 Eclipse 4: First run after a crash or a forced termination results in a crash or a disabled functionality
3.5.37 (13 February 2015)
DVT-7053 Increased initial memory (Xms) for better performance and MaxPermGen to avoid crashes in distributions
3.5.36 (9 February 2015)
DVT-4672 ‘as computed’ support for get_current_line_num() and get_current_module() rf_module global routines
DVT-7001 Files created outside of Eclipse and added to the default.build are auto-linked even if they are in the project directory
DVT-7017 Linked files in autolink roots are removed after updating autolink roots
3.5.35 (30 January 2015)
DVT-6402 “Change DVT nature” allows adding the C/C++ nature when CDT is available
DVT-6954 Switch between eclipse, vi and emacs editor modes using shortcut or toolbar button
DVT-5953 vi mode state should be preserved between workspaces
DVT-6365 Automatically set the key scheme for vi plugin when vi mode is enabled
DVT-6397 Show vi command line under the editor instead of the status bar
DVT-6455 Show a larger vi command line
DVT-6960 External builder multi-line errors/warnings are not added to the Problems View on Windows
DVT-6992 Go to field from Types Members View does not work
3.5.34 (16 January 2015)
DVT-5377 Paths don’t resolve correctly on Windows in wizards
DVT-6947 ‘for each in’ variable type not correctly inferred for {a; b; c} lists
DVT-6948 Questa multi-line errors/warnings are not matched correctly by predefined console log filters
3.5.33 (12 January 2015)
DVT-6679 Ability to copy element name in views
DVT-3463 & DVT-3602 & DVT-5673 & DVT-5812 & DVT-6031 Add unified context menu to all views
DVT-6928 Search for text should look into all compiled files regardless of their content type
DVT-6944 Types View Members label is not cleared when changing project
3.5.32 (18 December 2014)
DVT-4498 Enclose selected text when typing bracket or quote
DVT-6580 Eclipse 4: Tool Bar Customization / Dynamic Launch Configuration Toolbar category is showing icons from every toolbar refresh
DVT-6581 Eclipse 4: Commands for Dynamic Launch Configurations are persisted after the launch configuration is deleted
DVT-6915 Search for references should look into all compiled files regardless of their content type
DVT-6918 Refactoring should be performed into all compiled files regardless of their content type
3.5.31 (5 December 2014)
DVT-6603 Eclipse 4: Build toolbar should resize on large build names instead of displaying a drop-down
DVT-6662 Eclipse 4: Updated ViPlugin for DVT to 2.13.1 (fixes for Eclipse 4)
DVT-6883 ViPlugin: Fixed “invalid stream header” error and some NullPointerExceptions
DVT-6885 New DVT File Wizard doesn’t allow selecting the directory in the DVT Auto-Linked hierarchy
DVT-6894 New DVT File Wizard doesn’t recognize paths on shared partitions
DVT-6896 DVT Editor line delimiter should be set by the “New text file delimiter” workspace and project preferences
DVT-6909 Wrong auto-indentation when adding new line immediately before a string
3.5.30 (28 November 2014)
DVT-3222 Ability to create a project from template using dvt_cli.sh
DVT-6027 Add capability to use commands to open custom hyper links created by run configuration filters
DVT-6864 Removed UVM library <uvm_config_structure_full’statement> macro limitation
DVT-6866 Added predefined Specman API for HAL linter
DVT-6873 Add +dvt_env_no_override build directive
DVT-6865 User defined expression macro issue due to missing reparse back-tracking
DVT-6867 Pre-processing macro (define) defined after import directive visible in imported file
DVT-6872 Build log file is not automatically refreshed if it resides inside the workspace
3.5.29 (21 November 2014)
DVT-6625 Further specialization by as_a on a variable/field declared as sub-type does not work
DVT-6824 Eclipse 4: NullPointerException in ContentMergeViewer$ContentMergeViewerLayout.layout (patch for Eclipse Luna 4.4.1, Eclipse Bug 348429)
3.5.28 (16 November 2014)
DVT-5743 Add expand all in current scope to code folding
DVT-6028 Match Questa errors and invoke “verror” tool to open them
DVT-6467 Comments on method arguments are not collected
DVT-6826 Using many Auto-Linked roots results in “Value is too long” error
3.5.27 (7 November 2014)
DVT-6783 Ability to customize run configurations console title according to the output of the process
DVT-3633 Debugger shouldn’t allow two simultaneous connections to same host:port / socket file
DVT-4263 Debugger variables and expressions views are not updated on step over
DVT-6765 Sometimes dictionary save fails at platform shutdown
DVT-6778 “Conflicting handlers” log entry for each run configuration button
DVT-6781 DVT crashes after CentOS and RHEL updates with “_cairo_operator_bounded_by_source: Assertion `NOT_REACHED’ failed” (fixed in distributions)
DVT-6782 dvt.sh -eclipse_args doesn’t work with -vmargs
DVT-6788 Suppress “First launcher.execute()” messages from ClearCase plugin (patch for distro)
DVT-6791 Debugger disconnects after a few step over commands and cannot reconnect
DVT-6802 Debugger stack frame stop being updated when stopping in breakpoint
3.5.26 (31 October 2014)
DVT-5420 Ability to trim trailing whitespace on save (Preferences -> General -> Editors -> AnyEdit Tools)
DVT-5832 Disabled incremental build should also disable view updates
DVT-5988 Show value, file and line information in Macros View
DVT-6029 Support for URL hyper-links in run configuration filters
DVT-6241 Ability to customize run configurations console title
DVT-6766 Specador: Use new HTML look & feel by default
DVT-6773 Added AnyEdit plugin in all distributions and updated CLEARCASE, PERFORCE, PERL and PYTHON plugins
DVT-6030 Run configuration filters of type NOTE not working when ${line} is not used inside pattern
DVT-6148 Dynamic run configuration buttons should be filtered by working sets
DVT-6760 Preprocessing macro comments are not collected correctly
3.5.25 (23 October 2014)
DVT-6725 Project Statistics yields all metrics zero when full build option is checked
DVT-6728 After restart with multiple windows opened, rebuild buttons only show on main window
3.5.24 (10 October 2014)
DVT-6704 Auto-complete window does not remember the width and height between invocations
DVT-5548 Setting a template as auto-insertable doesn’t work
DVT-6700 Waive Problem from Problems View context menu does not escape less than < greater than > and quote “ characters
DVT-6719 Added XULRunner library in Linux distributions to avoid crashes when the internal browser starts on old systems
3.5.23 (2 October 2014)
DVT-6243 @param tooltip comments should take newline into account
DVT-6479 No build after CLI createProject on a project that was previously deleted
DVT-6604 Eclipse 4: Settings management eclipse.ini merger doesn’t support case sensitive arguments
DVT-6640 Wrong scope for nested methods with implicit “it” variable
DVT-6641 Quoted arguments of dvt_cli.sh -<name>.build are not handled correctly
DVT-6643 Non-deterministic build config errors on large build configurations of mixed-language projects
DVT-6644 Wait for clipboard contents hangs (Eclipse Bug 241957 patch)
DVT-6657 DVT CLI does not accept DVT as argument of -perspective option
DVT-6669 Editor preferences for autocomplete not working
DVT-6681 When DVT_USER_SETTINGS or DVT_COMMON_SETTINGS point to a location inside a project no links are created in DVT-Settings project
3.5.22 (9 September 2014)
DVT-6377 Ability to specify current build configuration name and content by dvt_cli.sh
DVT-4767 Example Makefile.dvt for a predefined project
DVT-4911 Run configurations: improve error handling and visibility of project / working dir resolution
DVT-6533 Types Members View does not show members which override/extend OOP parent definitions
3.5.21 (3 September 2014)
DVT-6026 Ability to specify path to Custom Dialog swtxml as relative to the location of the run configuration
DVT-4149 Don’t jump to files from other projects when double-click in views
DVT-5323 Build configurations are not correctly parsed when -ncelabargs is encountered
DVT-6357 Compile waivers don’t work for problems whose description contains newlines
DVT-6601 When creating a content_filters.xml views are not refreshed
DVT-6620 Search view quick search is shown at the bottom of the view instead of the top
DVT-6627 ‘as computed’ macros are not executed
3.5.20 (28 August 2014)
DVT-5000 Add ‘show usages’ hyperlink entry
DVT-6608 Add more debug info for ‘as computed’ macro execution fail
DVT-6595 e Language Test File decoration is broken
DVT-6599 E Language content filters don’t work for packages
DVT-6605 2-step autocomplete for struct subtypes is broken
DVT-6612 Members sorting in Types/Verification Hierarcy Views is unstable
3.5.19 (21 August 2014)
DVT-6592 Ability to browse and search type members in Types View
DVT-4050 Add -perspective switch to dvt_cli.sh importProject
DVT-5418 Ability to specify prefixes that trigger autocomplete
DVT-6051 Hierarchical search in Types View
DVT-6158 Cross-platform Quick Search clear button
DVT-4736 Eclipse 4: Dynamic Launch Configuration Shortcuts key bindings do not work
DVT-6570 Specador: FileNotFoundException (Not a directory) when generating documentation using the new HTML style
DVT-6558 ‘as computed’ macros that call rf_manager API fail to expand
DVT-6587 Automatically show Types Members / Verification Hierarchy Ports and select first match when search string includes dot
DVT-6596 Settings management engine doesn’t always work on key bindings with parameters
3.5.18 (1 August 2014)
DVT-5715 F2 on identifier should show tooltip
DVT-6211 Highlight javadoc pragmas
DVT-6234 Custom Dialogs: DirectoryFilesListing widget should support listing directories
DVT-5829 Quick Macros and Print have conflicting key bindings, changed Quick Macros to Shfit + Ctrl + M
DVT-5883 In autocomplete, preprocessing defines use the define as icon
DVT-6065 Eclipse 4: Waive Problem in Problems View context menu doesn’t work
DVT-6066 Eclipse 4: SVN plugin throws an error when DVT Auto-Linked is created
DVT-6209 Fixed cause for “Job found still running after platform shutdown” message on exit
DVT-6250 Sometimes project open causes a NullPointerException
DVT-6459 New DVT File wizard throws NullPointerException when filling in file name with .build extension
DVT-6461 Eclipse 4: No content in Problems/Tasks View when focus is on a different stacked view (patch for Eclipse Luna 4.4.0)
DVT-6482 Eclipse 4: Missing Copy Full Path action in Navigator View context menu
DVT-6513 Eclipse 4: Tool Bar Customization / DVT Build category shows multiple empty buttons
DVT-6537 ‘as computed’ str_split() should return a list of white-space trimmed values
3.5.17 (25 July 2014)
DVT-5560 Specador: Ability to customize the HTML look & feel when new HTML style is used
DVT-6487 Specador: Ability to inject HTML in generated documentation when new HTML style is used
DVT-6113 Ability to “add as -y library”, similar with “add as incdir” from Navigator right click menu
DVT-6526 Specador: Watermark footer missing in new HTML style
DVT-6528 Predefined rf_manager type is not recognized
DVT-6529 Content assist does not work correctly for declaration of ‘when’ subtype
DVT-6530 Number of displayed instances in Verification Hierarchy is different after building project
3.5.16 (8 July 2014)
DVT-6485 Specador: New HTML look & feel
DVT-4345 Show instance tree for instantiated unit having ‘when’ sub-types
DVT-4775 Ability to insert single proposals automatically
DVT-5197 File not opened in the correct folder, but in DVT Auto-Linked
DVT-6210 Specador: Fixed JavaDoc @link hyperlink extraction when similar links are used
DVT-6432 Specador: Refresh web browser after new documentation is generated
DVT-6469 If an irun version newer than 13.10 is installed in the system, do not automatically locate ovm_e
DVT-6477 No hyperlink/tooltip/content assist inside when action block when using string match variable(e.g $1)
DVT-6478 Refactoring/references does not work for list of multi-extended subtype field name list pseudo-method
DVT-6492 Rebuild fails after adding a nature to a project
DVT-6498 Eclipse 4: Fixed java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError in AbstractTextEditor affecting some versions of Eclipse 4.2
DVT-6499 NullPointerException when DVT_COMMON_SETTINGS is used and DVT_USER_SETTINGS is not set
DVT-6504 Performance degradation when creating Auto-Linked resources
3.5.15 (8 July 2014)
DVT-6414 Refactoring/references does not work on multi-dimensional list of struct field name pseudo-method
DVT-6415 Missing hyperlink/tooltip/content assist for variable declared with the type omitted
DVT-6416 Missing hyperlink/tooltip/content assist for method returning a list of extended subtype
3.5.14 (24 June 2014)
DVT-6372 Unify the task tags and comments collection with the parsing of the file
DVT-6408 Changed notification mechanism during compilation for speed-up
DVT-6391 Do not restore when using CLI createProject command
DVT-5968 Read-only pop-up not working for file with rw:r:r permissions when opened by other user
DVT-6376 Read-only indication not working for file with rw:r:r permissions when opened by other user
3.5.13 (13 June 2014)
DVT-6331 Specador: Wrong hyperlinks when including external documentation directories
DVT-6333 Specador: Show the external documentation title under the ‘Referenced Documentation’ section in TOC
DVT-6338 Exception while searching in Design Hierarchy
DVT-6339 Paths containing symlink segments should not be translated in evip2dvt.sh
DVT-6348 Layers View displays wrong information when invoked on an element while the view is hidden
3.5.12 (10 June 2014)
DVT-5469 Editing a file during build freezes the GUI
DVT-6288 Specador: FileNotFoundException when documentation is generated with diagrams in same location for multiple projects
DVT-6293 Missing hyperlink/tooltip/content assist for struct field used as parameter for successive list pseudo-methods
DVT-6294 Missing hyperlink/tooltip/content assist for list of extended subtype field name pseudo-method
DVT-6295 Type of a variable is not correctly computed for large expressions
DVT-6308 License checkout error not reported properly due to an exception in FlexLM
3.5.11 (30 May 2014)
DVT-5598 Support for hyperlink/tooltip/refactoring for in-place enumerated types
DVT-6056 Open files compiled by DVT with the corresponding DVT editor (for example from Navigator)
DVT-6069 Open problems reported by DVT with the corresponding DVT editor (for example from Problems View)
DVT-6159 Inconsistency: Outline/Quick Outline/Type Hierarchy filters dialog should have Select/Deselect All buttons
DVT-6236 Types View not showing a field defined multiple times in when sub-types
DVT-6257 ‘as computed’ reject_match() call should not stop the matching algorithm for the current item (statement, struct member, etc.)
DVT-6244 Sometimes Show Whitespace Characters throws an error
DVT-6248 Missing hyperlink/tooltip/content assist for struct field used as parameter for the sort_by_field pseudo-method
DVT-6273 When same sources are Auto-Linked multiple times go to declaration (from view/hyperlink) asks user to chose project
3.5.10 (22 May 2014)
DVT-4129 HTML Documentation: by default show inherited API collapsed
DVT-1023 HTML Documentation: show physical (%) or generate (!) information on fields
DVT-6208 Settings management engine should handle .dvt.gtkrc settings
DVT-6230 Provide an example Makefile wrapper for dvt_cli.sh in the uvm-ubus predefined project
DVT-5478 HTML Documentation: boolean values in dvt_export_html.xml that contain empty spaces are not recognized
DVT-5884 “define as” icon appears in Layers View for “define as computed” macros definition layer
DVT-6207 Fixed ConcurrentModificationException preventing DVT CLI daemon to start
DVT-6220 Compare Dialog is not using the editor background color
DVT-6223 Missing tooltip/hyperlink/content assist when struct field is declared key for a list
DVT-6229 Changed Quick Search default messages
3.5.9 (12 May 2014)
DVT-6174 Remove support for +dvt_reparse_duplicate_top_files+ build directive
DVT-5821 Added category sort button in Coverage and Checks Views
DVT-6156 ‘as computed’ support for keyed lists
DVT-6128 Add non-standard predefined API “any_unit.elaborate()”
DVT-6104 Search view Quick Search should be reset between searches
DVT-6105 Search view is populated slower when Quick Search is active
DVT-6157 Build configurations: in ius.irun compatibility mode, SPECMAN_PATH is ignored
DVT-6166 Eclipse 4: Fixed org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Invalid thread access when running “dvt_cli.sh -newwindow”
DVT-6167 Eclipse 4: Fixed java.lang.NoSuchMethodError in AbstractTextEditor caused by a bug in DVT Patcher
DVT-6172 Refactoring/references does not work on list of struct field name pseudo-method
DVT-6173 Invoking a single External Build Configuration triggers a full rebuild with all the External Builders
DVT-6181 HTML Documentation: cannot trigger a project rebuild from the documentation wizard
3.5.8 (30 April 2014)
DVT-6147 Issue a warning at startup if incremental build (Project > Build Automatically) is disabled
DVT-4645 Copy/Paste doesn’t always work (Eclipse Bug 368354 patch)
DVT-4657 dvt_cli.sh -newwindow opens two windows if DVT was not already running
DVT-5736 Sometimes when closing a project files remain open and display an error message
DVT-5842 Added Outline View button for configuring element filters
DVT-6035 dvt_cli.sh openFile command issues an error if -line is not specified
DVT-6068 Restrict default content filters to */uvm_pkg.sv not *uvm_pkg.sv
DVT-6133 Views should update when OVM/UVM Compliance window is selected
3.5.7 (22 April 2014)
DVT-4747 Filter out API defined by UVM macros or inherited API in class diagrams when Content Filters are enabled
DVT-5002 Ability to show only selected parents and children in class diagrams
DVT-6036 Build config: incorrect number of expected arguments for -no_error directives
DVT-6099 Build config: warn of unknown +dvt directives regardless of +dvt_enable_unknown_directive_warnings
DVT-6122 Ability to use $DVT_PROJECT_LOC environment variable in build config and external tools
DVT-5157 External builder markers disappear when paths in default.build are target files of symlinks from project
DVT-6012 Views should not be updated when they are not visible
DVT-6077 Wrong jump to file from external builder console error when the path is relative
DVT-6097 Dynamic Launch Configuration Shortcuts should not be visible if they refer to closed projects
3.5.6 (15 April 2014)
DVT-5771 Ability to copy hierarchy path in Verification Hierarchy View
DVT-5831 Ability to Show Type Hierarchy when inside a struct or unit
DVT-5888 Hierarchical search in Compile Order View
DVT-6010 Add support for recording_config API
DVT-6011 Add support for non-standard “specman patch” construct
DVT-6016 Incremental compilation should not be performed for a build config file opened with an e Language editor (for example when using -f my_list_of_files.e)
DVT-6018 Allow various operations like jump to definition or show hierarchy for the “after cursor” identifier
DVT-3877 Last external builders marker takes over previous markers on same file/line
DVT-4796 Errors reported by external builder incremental build are not displayed in Problems View
DVT-6005 Compile Order view in “Show only files with errors” mode should refresh after reapplying compile waivers
DVT-6021 Views are not updated across multiple Workbench Windows when building a project
DVT-6047 External Tools: “Note” filters should use the same color
DVT-6095 Sometimes when opening symlinked files they get recompiled
3.5.5 (1 April 2014)
DVT-5945 Add “Prepend Package Name” button to the Verification Hierarchy View
DVT-5967 Ability to control “Disable code folding if file exceeds ### lines”
DVT-5938 Non DVT projects should not show in specific DVT project selection dialogs
DVT-5956 Layers View: wrong name for an empty enum type
DVT-5961 Adding a DVT nature to a project should create the .dvt sub-directory if it does not exist
DVT-5962 Strange behavior of dvt_cli.sh when using “-newwindow -workingset”: no console, workingset visible on focus, old window updates
DVT-5980 Console Log Filters: missing hyperlinks for relative paths starting with “../../”
DVT-5981 Wrong default template when creating a new file with explicitly specified extension in a mixed language project
DVT-5982 Do not notify views when incremental compilation is not performed (for example because of max number of lines)
3.5.4 (21 March 2014)
DVT-5887 Search View Quick Search should bold the matched parts of branches like in all other views
DVT-5930 Missing read-only notification when formatting a read-only or unchecked out file
DVT-5918 Infinite loop sometime when BadLocationException is thrown in tooltip parser
DVT-5925 Default content of a New > DVT Content Filters XML may filter out all tasks in windows
DVT-5928 Wrong vertical align by parenthesis close, bracket close or curly close
3.5.3 (14 March 2014)
DVT-5816 Although only fields should be visibile in Type Hierarchy Show All Predefined Members also shows functions
DVT-5843 Content filtered indication for Type Hierarchy should be right above the members panel
DVT-5894 Quick Hierarchical Search in Coverage and Checks Views does not match any element if the filter starts with “.” or contains a “!” character
DVT-5903 Content Filters: Errors and tasks in simlinked files are not filtered
DVT-5905 Content filters do not apply for problems reported on files outside project
3.5.2 (11 March 2014)
DVT-5879 Certain regular expressions are not matched correctly during as computed macro execution
DVT-5801 False error: UNDEFINED_TYPE: No type called ‘pkg::uint’ in for each loop
DVT-5878 Support non-standard struct like unit definition
DVT-5886 Quick Search does not perform prefix matching on CamelCaseStrings
3.5.1 (7 March 2014)
DVT-5788 Copy full path of multiple resources
DVT-5818 Content Filters: ability to filter Search View by element text
DVT-5700 HTML Documentation Generator should not report progress for each diagram
DVT-5795 HTML Documentation Wizard does not refresh all the settings when changing the project
DVT-5796 False UNRESOLVED_BIND_ARG error for do_bind(get_enclosing_unit(package::unit), …)
DVT-5797 False REDEFINED_EVENT error under different sequence/struct aspects
DVT-5800 False UNRESOLVED_BIND_ARG error for do_bind(package::unit, …)
DVT-5807 Unwanted messages in console <AST>:0:0: Unexpected end of subtree
DVT-5808 Performance improvements for Content Filters
DVT-5809 Performance improvements for Checks and Coverage Views
DVT-5810 Outline should not reveal the first matched element when new content is added
DVT-5811 Internal builder console is cleared when saving a build configuration file
DVT-5817 Wrong internal builder console coloring/hyperlink for IMPORTED_FILE_NOT_FOUND issued from test file
DVT-5823 Content Filters: Some include-children top file patterns wrongly match all files
DVT-5824 Fixed incompatibilities with Eclipse 3.6
DVT-5826 Fixed dvt.sh issues on MacOS
3.5 (27 February 2014)
Ability to use Content Filters in order to eliminate unnecessary information overload.
Redesigned the tool configuration and preferences sharing capabilities. See Settings Management
Redesigned the code formatting engine. See Code Formatting
Completely unified the DVT Perspective across all languages.
Quick Search in Views available in most views
Redesigned icons (see Icons and Decorations), tool-bars and menus.
Renamed the Hierarchy View to Type Hierarchy View
Renamed the Instance Tree View to Verification Hierarchy View
DVT-4293 Remove all specman path and define variables for External Tools Integration - ${dvt_current_build_file} should be used instead
DVT-5765 Removed deprecated scripts dvt_trap.sh, dvt_xterm.sh, license_utils.sh
DVT-650 & DVT-1021 & DVT-2451 & DVT-2430 Ability to control preferences for site, team, user, project levels
DVT-1180 Link Back to Console from External Builder Marker
DVT-2382 Filter out tasks from imported OVM or UVM libraries
DVT-2943 Ability to use waivers for build configuration problems
DVT-3988 Unify OVM/UVM Compliance Review with the linting launch buttons
DVT-4017 Unify Type Hierarchy View
DVT-4049 Auto-Link files included by default.build
DVT-4337 Ability to hide UVM/Custom library content from Hierarchy, Types, Tasks, Macros … Views
DVT-4706 Added new Verification Hierarchy view. See Verification Hierarchy View
DVT-5096 Ability to include compile waivers
DVT-5128 Unify Views context menu actions: Show References, Layers, Hierarchy, Instance Tree, Diagrams
DVT-5243 Unify Macros & Quick Macros Views
DVT-5264 Unify Coverage View
DVT-5265 Unify Checks View
DVT-5277 Ability to disable format for a marked region of code
DVT-5368 Unify Layers View
DVT-532 Ability to easily share code templates at site level
DVT-4040 Unify icons across languages
DVT-4408 CamelCase support for quick views and views text filters
DVT-5068 Show matched/total number of instances in Instance Tree
DVT-5155 Ability to control memory using dvt.sh arguments
DVT-5268 Element count in top label of views should show filtered/total info
DVT-5347 Align HTML Documentation with Coverage / Checks Views
DVT-5618 Ability to control compilation timeout via build configuration directives: +dvt_file_compile_timeout and +dvt_incremental_compile_timeout
DVT-5764 Updated JRE in distribution to version 1.7.0u4
DVT-4131 e Language auto-format inserts compilation error in some situations
DVT-4614 Cursor jumps on another line after auto-format when using spaces instead of tabs
DVT-4839 Don’t indent multi-line string
DVT-5049 Format issue for check that
DVT-5210 Types View should reset after a project is cleaned
DVT-5271 Inconsistency: Macros View shows macro expression but Layers View shows macro id
DVT-5448 When the platform starts and there is no resource selected, the current project is not in sync with the highlighted project in Navigator
DVT-5493 Wrong source code format for multiple code partitions
DVT-5536 Coverage View missing from the e Language Perspective
3.4.28 (24 February 2014)
DVT-5671 Add support for predefined API eu_dummy_try_enclosing_unit and eu_dummy_get_enclosing_unit
DVT-5695 Unrecognized action unit_instance.SUBTYPE’method_port$();
DVT-5713 Missing hyperlink/tooltip/refactoring on expressions like SUBTYPE package_name::type_name
DVT-5724 Do not treat as case-insensitive gcc-like build config directives in ius.irun compatibility mode
DVT-5732 False undeclared type semantic errors shown after restoring a project
DVT-5740 External Tools custom filter does not work if the pattern text ends with space/tab/new line char
DVT-5742 External Tools can’t read from an external_builders.xml file that contains patterns with the same id
DVT-5755 Missing tooltip/hyperlink/content assist when using ‘is a’ conditional expression
3.4.27 (29 January 2014)
DVT-5704 Allow //{{‘’’ and ‘’’//}} symbols as user defined code folding region
DVT-5687 Update DVT_UVM_HOME to point to latest uvm_1.1d
DVT-5711 Allow comments in as computed macro result
DVT-5719 Unrecognized expression “%{list [ 0 ], list [ 1 ];}” using semicolon before closing curly
DVT-5586 DVT Auto-Linked folder is deleted when updating build_config.xml
DVT-5716 As computed macro fails to expand correctly (due to str_expand_dots)
DVT-5717 As computed macro fails to expand correctly (due to rf_field.get_type())
DVT-5718 Unrecognized “do {<action block>}” syntax
3.4.25 (18 December 2013)
DVT-5659 HTML Documentation: generating documentation throws an error when the option “Exclude files outside project” is set
DVT-5664 Inserting text in block selection mode skips characters in some environments, fixed for Eclipse Platform 3.8.1 and DVT distros
DVT-5668 ‘as computed’ support for “var x := new my_struct_s” syntax
3.4.24 (2 December 2013)
DVT-5616 Open non-DVT perspectives when creating project with dvt_cli.sh
DVT-5627 Add support for predefined types related to messaging (create_formatted_message, message_tag, message_format, message_manager)
DVT-5632 Instance tree should not be updated on every resource selection
DVT-5631 Tooltip/hyperlink not working for arguments following a string literal argument in a function call
3.4.23 (22 November 2013)
DVT-5481 Show the parameter descriptions instead of the parameter names in Add From Project Template dialog
DVT-5587 Add eUnit predefined API
DVT-5604 False error reported in default.build for -licwait directive
DVT-5594 ‘as computed’ macro fail to expand if the replacement contains ‘as’ macro expressions
DVT-5595 Quick show layers view is not populated when triggering the layers for a sub-type member
DVT-5605 ‘as computed’ expansion literal not always correctly expanded
DVT-5607 Long-running background activity after Replace All with many occurrences
3.4.22 (15 November 2013)
DVT-5591 Improved parser performance
DVT-5579 “Resource is inaccessible” error in DVT Auto-Linked when updating change sets for SVN
3.4.21 (14 November 2013)
DVT-5566 Added dvt_cli.sh -p4 flag for sharing project with Perforce
DVT-5565 Fixed ‘as computed’ Specman native style string matching when chars are preceded by ‘' (e.g. ‘s’ translates to ‘\s’)
DVT-5574 Internal builder console hyperlinks don’t work for locale-specific number format (like 1,234)
3.4.20 (8 November 2013)
DVT-4671 Support for <current_line_num> and <current_module_name> replacement terms inside “as” macros
DVT-5498 Added more debug info for ‘as computed’ macros
DVT-5530 dvt_cli.sh -silent flag should shut down all INFO & WARNING messages
DVT-5471 External Tools: avoid error/warning/note color nuances for automatic smart log colors
DVT-5497 ‘as computed’ macros issue when a variable declaration specifies both the type and an expression
DVT-5513 ‘as computed’ macros issue when referencing enumerated types with over 10Ks enumerated values
DVT-5531 In ius.irun compatibility mode -assert directive should take no args
DVT-5559 After platform startup, text selection in a DVT editor triggers restore from dictionary for all projects
3.4.19 (1 November 2013)
DVT-5488 ‘as computed’ macros fail to execute when a field of an undeclared type declared in ‘sys’ or ‘global’
3.4.18 (30 October 2013)
DVT-4651 Show package information in UML class diagrams
3.4.17 (29 October 2013)
DVT-5437 Change Extended help dialog title from “DVT Generic - Extended error ID info” to “Error ID info”
DVT-5438 New File Wizard stuck when changing nature and filtering template
DVT-5472 Build progress not reported correctly
3.4.16 (11 October 2013)
DVT-5465 Add from Project Template scans for default parameter values in both source and target template.config
DVT-5452 Content assist doesn’t work if the file has imports
DVT-5466 Project Template Wizards don’t work with parameterized directory names
3.4.15 (4 October 2013)
DVT-4664 Restore opened files when running dvt_cli.sh createProject -force
DVT-5361 Set active build configuration is not consistent across multiple Eclipse Workbench Windows
DVT-5426 The “please wait…” info box sometimes persists after successfully generating diagrams
DVT-5429 Sometimes refactor rename does not replace the selection on which it was triggered
DVT-5445 Hyperlinks and content assist not working for the code following a when sub-type using when construct
DVT-5449 Add From Template: add option to select a predefined project as a source directory
DVT-5450 New Project from Template and Add from Template corrupts the binary files in the template project
3.4.14 (25 September 2013)
Support for deprecated build configuration files will be removed in the next major DVT release (.dvt/.edt_top_files, .dvt/.edt_defines, .dvt/.edt_ignore_files, .dvt/.edt_test_files, .dvt/.edt_specman_path, .dvt/dvt_preference).
DVT-4273 & DVT-5410 Added dot in Windows distros
DVT-5412 Infinite loop when declaring variables/fields using template type inside the template definition
DVT-5415 Duplicated key binding Ctrl+Y for “Redo” in Windows
3.4.13 (20 September 2013)
DVT-1180 Link Back to Console from External Builder Marker
DVT-5096 Ability to include compile waivers
DVT-5165 Add “read only” file indication in Navigator View, Editors and Refactoring Preview
DVT-5314 Match brackets to the left and right of the cursor
DVT-5378 Editor setting for changing the color of the matched bracket highlight
DVT-5390 Updated ViPlugin for DVT to 2.11.0
DVT-5392 Corresponding matching bracket highlight when emulating vi
DVT-5396 Minimize number of disk accesses when writing to dvt_build.log
DVT-4654 ViPlugin state not persisted between sessions
DVT-4822 Nothing to compile dialog not shown
DVT-5384 User interface is not responsive while generating diagrams
DVT-5394 Hyperlink/autocomplete not available for the enums following an “is in” operator
DVT-5407 Ability to cancel diagram generation
3.4.12 (11 September 2013)
DVT-5147 Disable auto-complete triggering (beep) when typing a ‘.’ inside comments
DVT-5383 ‘as computed’ macros fail to expand due to missing library
3.4.11 (9 September 2013)
DVT-3091 Show project name in console title for Run Configurations and External Builders
DVT-4558 New ${dvt_cli} run configuration variable
DVT-4778 When creating/importing a project via dvt_cli.sh, auto-select “Window Working Set” in Open Resource dialog
DVT-5087 Ability to query the running status of DVT
DVT-5223 Ability to query the version of running DVT
DVT-5315 Ability to customize nchelp tool name/path to show extended help in console
DVT-5357 Add predefined e Language API (epi_uvm_*, sn_uvm_simvision_interface, handle_info)
DVT-4657 dvt_cli.sh -newwindow opens two windows if DVT was not already running
DVT-5356 Instance tree is not populated after project restore
3.4.10 (26 August 2013)
DVT-4690 dvt.sh/dvt_cli.sh should issue an error if provided a non-existing eclipse.ini
DVT-5313 Rebuild buttons are only visible in the first Eclipse Workbench Window
DVT-5338 Switching a project doesn’t update the Instance Tree View when no top module is specified
DVT-5340 Update Clearcase plugin to version 2.2.34 to fix some small issues
DVT-5341 Change distro name form DVT_CUSTOM_KIT to DVT_KIT
3.4.9 (14 August 2013)
DVT-5264 Unify Coverage View
DVT-5306 Hide “Project” sub-menu for non DVT project’s context menu
DVT-5307 Hide “Validate” and “Format Source” menu items added by XML plugins on non XML files
DVT-5308 Cancel does not work for hyperlink file selection dialog
DVT-5311 Open declaration hyperlink no longer working correctly (flickering)
3.4.8 (12 August 2013)
DVT-5120 Added support for -eclipse_args for dvt_cli.sh
DVT-5297 Add External Tools filters for SpyGlass logs
DVT-5036 Types/Compile Order Views should refresh when opening a project
DVT-5244 Compare with > Other Resource … from editor does not work
DVT-5296 Sometimes the external tools filter variable ‘${file}’ does not match correctly
3.4.7 (5 August 2013)
DVT-5243 Unify Macros & Quick Macros Views
DVT-5208 Slow hyperlink to module definitions in large designs
DVT-4749 Run configurations session wrapper doens’t check for all necessary binaries
DVT-4787 Run configurations default command/script should not use csh/tcsh with -i flag
DVT-4788 Run configurations generated script doesn’t run the last when using csh/tcsh
DVT-5266 External builders persistence file defaults to the deprecated .dvt/.dvt_builders instead of external_builders.xml
DVT-5269 External Build button should invoke all external builders instead of the last ran builder
DVT-5284 Disabled EMACS+ plugin auto activation in distros to prevent clipboard problems
3.4.6 (26 July 2013)
DVT-4896 Added KIT distro for Linux and MacOS. See dvt_kit_installer.sh
DVT-5252 Added support for predefined ‘set’ type
DVT-5234 HTML Documentation: spacing and tabs indentation problems for NaturalDocs formatting
DVT-5246 Compile Order View: collapse all does not work
DVT-5248 ‘as computed’ macros fail to expand when using keyed_list.key_exists()
3.4.5 (22 July 2013)
DVT-4509 Build configurations: +dvt_auto_link_root (without trailing +) issues “unknown directive” instead of “badly specified directive”
DVT-4820 Build configurations: allow usage of +dvt_auto_link_root only in first invocation
DVT-4960 Survive duplicate directives like “-liblist -liblist arg”
DVT-5009 View filters should cancel an ongoing search operation when filter text is changed and trigger a new search (Instance Tree/Types/Compile Order)
DVT-5080 Ability to redraw diagrams on demand instead of auto-update
DVT-4663 dvt_cli.sh exit code should reflect the operation result
DVT-5215 DVT views flicker after building projects that shouldn’t affect them
DVT-5222 Eclipse Juno - “Cannot get the parent identifier from an undefined context…” exception
DVT-5229 Cross language hyperlinks open the file in wrong editor
DVT-5233 Code Templates View: no error message when creating a template with un-escaped “$” characters
3.4.4 (9 July 2013)
DVT-5188 Removed support for DVT Auto-Linked language specific subfolders (“SystemVerilog”, “e-Language” and “VHDL”)
DVT-4033 Report an Issue: “save as zip” not closing the wizard
DVT-4768 F3 is not working in the Build Configuration editor
DVT-4870 Trigger an error when using DVT-defined Environment Variables for +dvt_auto_linked_root
DVT-5092 Cancel does not work while generating HTML Documentation with diagrams
DVT-5116 Formatter hangs with certain vertical alignment token sets
DVT-5138 Wrong editor tab tooltip for DVT Auto-Linked files starting with e-Language/SystemVerilog/VHDL prefixes
DVT-5156 Double click on Compile Order View during build freezes the DVT
DVT-5194 New File Wizard does not show an error message when creating a new file in a virtual folder
DVT-5196 HTML Documentation: open index.html in the platform’s internal web browser (instead of the default editor)
3.4.3 (21 June 2013)
DVT-5093 Display the relevant documentation when requesting the legend for UML diagrams
DVT-4856 EDT sometimes incorrectly shows all comments as being tasks
DVT-5038 Types View: after platform restart icons are not visible
DVT-5098 Missing hyperlinks for Specman log in console
DVT-5139 Run configurations session wrapper throws errors in some “sh” replacements (e.g. dash in Ubuntu) due to non POSIX syntax
DVT-5142 Refactor rename not working properly when more than 10 files are changed
3.4.2 (14 June 2013)
DVT-4992 Disable “Use dot from distribution” checkbox in non-linux environments
DVT-4858 Quick filter in Types View should expand the tree and select the first match
DVT-5035 Types View search filter sets focus on wrong type if project has multiple natures
DVT-5060 Search for references using Ctrl+H doesn’t work
DVT-5076 Add to default.build does not add build configuration files
DVT-5077 Always open with DVT editor when double click in Compile Order View
DVT-5091 Instance Tree View memory leak
DVT-5094 All refactoring operations should only validate editing of the files that will be modified (make writable/check out)
3.4.1 (7 June 2013)
DVT-5073 Performance improvement on DVT-Auto Linked files creation (part 2)
DVT-4827 Print total build time in human-readable form
DVT-5026 Diagram preference page incorrectly manages invalid dot executable
DVT-5034 Quick Types/Compile Order Views should show Select Project dialog if no project is selected
DVT-5040 False semantic error on cover item using text
DVT-5046 Quick Types/Compile Order Views do not close when trying to open an element that is already opened in an editor
DVT-5053 HTML Documentation Wizard overview description file error if the file “readme.txt” is not found
DVT-5063 Path hyperlinks are improperly formatted when file name contains ‘&’ character
DVT-5064 Path hyperlinks are improperly formatted when file name contains whitespace
DVT-5069 Hyperlink jumps to right location but override annotation goes to gray file
3.4 (2 June 2013)
Override Annotations in the Editor See Override Annotation
Extend Annotations in the Editor See Extend Annotation
Unified Types and Quick Types Views across languages. See Types View
Unified Compile Order and Quick Compile Order Views across languages. See Compile Order view
Unified Tasks Tags Preferences across languages. See
DVT-5032 Performance improvement on DVT-Auto Linked files creation
DVT-141 Mixed Language Support: Unify Compile Order View and Quick Compile Order View. See Compile Order view
DVT-147 Mixed Language Support: Unify Types View and Quick Types View. See Types View
DVT-3107 Mixed Language Support: Unify Task Tags Preferences. See
DVT-4724 Mixed Language Support: Unify Project Statistics.
DVT-4933 Add an indication in the editor that a struct/unit method is overridden/extended. See Override Annotation and See Extend Annotation
DVT-3131 Remove checkboxes from the entries in Tasks View
DVT-4499 Build configuration: in ius.irun compatibility mode, lookup e Language top files in $SPECMAN_PATH
DVT-4634 Mixed Language Support: Quick Types View should show information for all languages instead of asking to select a language
DVT-4987 Enable “Change DVT Nature” popup menu action, regardless of current perspective
DVT-4990 Mixed Language Support: Quick Compile Order should show information for all languages instead of asking to select a language
DVT-4674 Diagram “Save as” should update supported extensions when dot binary changes
DVT-4929 Add support for simple wildcards (* and ?) for Instance Tree filtering
DVT-4973 Relative paths in environment inherited $SPECMAN_PATH are not resolved as relative to compilation root
DVT-5005 Build Config Editor - Some top files include patterns don’t get recognized under Windows
3.3.8 (24 May 2013)
DVT-5008 Rename of a variable/field having the same name as the type fail (e.g. ‘var aaa : aaa;’)
3.3.7 (17 May 2013)
DVT-4985 Performance degradation in methods with large action blocks due to translation for ‘as computed’ support
DVT-3139 Allow creating a new file under the DVT Auto-Linked folder using the New File Wizard
DVT-4815 Fixed MacOS dot crashes by disabling orthogonal routing option for this platform
DVT-4834 Files under DVT Auto-Linked roots are not removed when added as linked resources
DVT-4978 Autocomplete sometimes does not work toward the end of a large file
DVT-4979 ‘as computed’ macros “reg_def” and “mem_obj_def” from vr_ad 12.10.008 are not executed/expanded correctly
DVT-4986 Wrong non-existing type semantic error reported when type declared in the same import cluster
DVT-4993 Prevent a dictionary restore when a full build will follow
3.3.6 (27 April 2013)
DVT-4661 Build Config: turn off “Unknown directive” warnings by default
DVT-4662 Build Config: add support for +dvt_enable_unknown_directive_warnings
DVT-4626 On MacOS dvt.sh issues an error (tee: illegal option – -)
DVT-4803 Custom Dialogs: Directory Files Listing widget presents an empty list on the first run
DVT-4920 Project statistics no longer reports the metrics about the environment API
DVT-4922 Project right click > Add to default.build should work if .dvt directory does not exist or is empty
DVT-4923 Project right click > Add to default.build should refresh default.build file after updating it
DVT-4941 Project right click > Ignore Files does not add the correct path to default.build
DVT-4943 DVT Wizards menu entries not visible in DVT Perspective in project right click menu
DVT-4947 Some images are not displayed in the built-in documentation
DVT-4949 Wrong compilation when the multi-line comment contains word ‘import’
DVT-4950 Wrong replacement of preprocessing macros inside strings (e.g ‘define TEXT “TEXT”’)
DVT-4954 Moved ‘vt’ (e.g. vt_page, vt_table, etc.) API in the ‘vt’ package instead of ‘main’
DVT-4955 Jump from types view to an extend layer of a predefined type jumps to a wrong file
3.3.5 (22 April 2013)
DVT-4876 HTML Doc Wizard: enhanced support for absolute paths for documentation output directory path
DVT-4899 HTML Doc Wizard: enhanced support for system variables in paths
DVT-4914 Improve Instance Tree filtering performance
DVT-4921 Document Instance Tree View filtering
DVT-4849 Predefined Projects: launch configurations might not work because of 32/64 bits compatibility problems
DVT-4877 HTML Doc Wizard: open index.html in web browser after generating documentation in a directory outside the project
DVT-4902 New File Wizard shows an error message when trying to create a new file inside a virtual folder
3.3.4 (15 April 2013)
DVT-4731 Limit the number of proposals on autocomplete
DVT-4851 Code formating is slow when applied to large files
DVT-4603 Content assist option to combine both search algorithms (CamelCase and prefix match)
DVT-4799 Add pointers to Code Template property pages in New File Wizard
DVT-4800 Predefined Projects - uvm-1.1d library and uvm-1.1d_ubus project added
DVT-4813 Updated FlexLM libs to v.11.11.1 to add support for “INCLUDE … PROJECT” option
DVT-4592 Fixed dvt.sh to work with “-eclispe_args -pluginCustomization …” arguments
DVT-4794 New Project Wizard should not overwrite existing default.build
DVT-4824 Ctrl+H search for message enters an infinite loop
DVT-4830 “Resource is inaccessible” error when the DVT Auto-Linked folder is cleaned
DVT-4842 dvt_plugin_installer.sh delete directive uses only the last delete argument and ignores the rest
DVT-4864 Generating HTML Documentation does not work if a build job is in progress
DVT-4872 Duplicate error message missing first hyperlink if element declaration line number > 999
DVT-4875 Hyperlink/autocomplete not available after global method call
3.3.3 (2 April 2013)
DVT-4742 Slow hyperlink to definition or tooltip in very large files
DVT-4743 Slow hyperlink to assignment in very large files
DVT-4744 Slow typing or navigating (scroll) through very large files
DVT-4704 Added predefined method ‘connect(…)’ of TLM interface ports
DVT-4734 Enhanced content assist to show the siblings of the file being edited, for import proposals
DVT-4769 Rebuild buttons should have the corresponding action in the drop-down menu
DVT-1231 Diagram, HTML Documentation, and OVM/UVM Compliance editor windows should close on project close/delete
DVT-4307 In second position of slicing operator content assist proposals are types instead of variables or fields
DVT-4700 For SVN distros, after update to 3.3.1, errors are incorrectly thrown by the DVT Auto-Linked folder
DVT-4717 Empty menu entry in Window -> Customize Perspective -> Toolbar Visibility tab-> DVT Build
DVT-4729 Copy full path doesn’t work for DVT Auto-Linked folders
DVT-4735 Dynamic Shortcuts in Eclipse 4 - generated icons are not visible on the main toolbar
DVT-4798 The +dvt_env+ build directive should accept quoting the environment variable value
3.3.2 (22 March 2013)
DVT-4604 Fixed FlexLM client to prevent opening too many threads in some situations
DVT-4693 Fixed FlexLM client reconnection problems by reducing reconnection time after idling
DVT-4707 Predefined Projects Wizard - some fields are not displayed correctly when the monitor resolution is less than 1024x768
DVT-4708 Outline view is notified multiple times after an incremental compile
DVT-4710 Compilation fail sometime when the project contains linked resources
3.3.1 (15 March 2013)
DVT-4639 Overwrite closing brackets instead of adding another
DVT-4642 Enum proposals missing if the member associated type is an alias to an enum type
DVT-4635 Autocomplete/tooltip on sequence parameters (item, sequence_type, sequence_driver_type)
DVT-4675 Diagram save as should append the .<ext> to file name specified by the user
DVT-4579 Extend automatic check-out to “Search and Replace”
DVT-4620 When autocompleting a method type without argument, an extra $ is inserted after the call
DVT-4670 Stack overflow when adding a key binding to a dynamic shortcut
DVT-4673 Importing a directory is not flagged as error, but autolink and open from console log fail
DVT-4676 Diagram preview dialog errors out with “cannot find font”
DVT-4688 Increase/Decrease Editor Font Size does not work after modifying the default font from Windows -> Preferences
3.3 (10 March 2013)
Ability to save a diagram in various graphical formats like jpeg, png, svg (see Diagrams)
Ability to specify the “Run Configuration Session Type”, mainly in order to allow for proper termination of all spawned processes when launching an external tool (see Run Configuration Session Type)
Ability to select if a run configuration is a command or a multi-line script (see Run Configurations)
Ability to specify one or more “roots” that DVT Auto-Link can use instead of the full hierarchy, in order to flatten the deep Auto-Link hierarchy (see DVT Auto-Linked)
New HTML Documentation wizard with support for mixed language projects (see Export HTML/PDF Documentation)
DVT-4370 Removed support for pre DVT 2.9.7 local licenses (DVT_LICENSE_VERSION is not used anymore)
DVT-4575 dvt_trap.sh is deprecated by Run Configuration Session Type
DVT-4577 dvt_xterm.sh is deprecated by Run Configuration Session Type
DVT-4217 Ability to specify one or more “roots” that DVT Auto-Link can use instead of the full hierarchy. See DVT Auto-Linked
DVT-4466 Integrated dvt_trap.sh and dvt_xterm.sh functionality in run configurations (see Run Configuration Session Type)
DVT-4578 Ability to select if a run configuration is a command or a multi-line script
DVT-3780 Mixed Language Support: New HTML Documentation wizard with support for projects with multiple natures
DVT-4042 When changing project nature, don’t create default.build if .*_top_files already exist
DVT-4047 Mixed Language Support: Unify toggle nature actions
DVT-4100 Ability to save a diagram in various graphical formats like jpeg, png, svg
DVT-4202 Linter HTML Report generates a ovm/uvm.compliance.html.report file that can be used to open the report from DVT
DVT-4203 Unified Linter/Compliance HTML viewers listed in Open With context menu
DVT-4321 Show inheritance tree for all structs and units in a package in the generated HTML Documentation
DVT-4365 Generate HTML Documentation in dvt_html_doc directory
DVT-4419 Add color preferences page for the *.build configuration file editor
DVT-4433 Serialize Instance Tree top struct in default.build and automatically populate the view
DVT-4469 Enhance content assist for imports
DVT-4593 Allow sub-second granularity for dvt_debug_utils.sh -thread_dump
DVT-4600 Update copyright in plugin description
DVT-4640 Don’t prompt the user for making files writable, when automatic check-out fails
DVT-2672 & DVT-3005 Console View Terminate does not work (due to background processes holding stdout) is fixed when using a new session (see Run Configuration Session Type)
DVT-4315 HTML Documentation Wizard is not in sync with the .xml settings file
DVT-4413 Shift + F4 on non-types should not clear the instance tree but bring it into focus
DVT-4557 Rename “CDN OVM User Guide” to “CDN OVM/UVM User Guide” in Preferences -> Help
DVT-4570 BuildConfig Editor doesn’t correctly match numbers
DVT-4576 Newline character is not considered in multiline comments (in HTML Documentation)
DVT-4638 New File Wizard - “Browse” button does not work if “Directory” field is empty
DVT-4646 Automatic check-out: text following ${selected_resources_loc} variable gets lost
3.2.21 (8 March 2013)
DVT-4638 New File Wizard - “Browse” button does not work if “Directory” field is empty
3.2.20 (6 March 2013)
DVT-4628 Internal builder triggers external builder for files opened from outside project
DVT-4636 Set current build complains about read-only build_config.xml
3.2.19 (5 March 2013)
DVT-4620 When autocompleting a method type without argument, an extra $ is inserted after the call
DVT-4622 Spurious internal debug messages in console
3.2.18 (4 March 2013)
DVT-4599 Set current build fails silently when build_config.xml is read only
DVT-4601’as computed’ macro issues when string argument contains escape ‘' character (e.g ‘n’)
DVT-4602 When using keyed list ‘list(key: field) of <type>’ the type is resolved as ‘list of list of <type>’ (e.g. f_field : list(key: Size) of Weel;)
DVT-4606 In OSX, generating a predefined diagram with no dot in PATH and no type compiled opens several windows that cannot be dismissed with the mouse
DVT-4609 Support import files using double slashes in path (e.g. import subdir//my_file.e;)
DVT-4613 Memory leak when importing/deleting projects several times
3.2.17 (20 February 2013)
DVT-4030 Workingset selection toolbar button is missing in DVT perspective
DVT-4302 Add buildProject command to DVT CLI
DVT-4538 Custom Dialogs: when ElementListSelectionDialog widget has many entries the previous selection is restored very slow
DVT-4552 Add -blocking flag to DVT CLI refreshProject
DVT-4610 Step size should be a template variable for the ‘for’ template
DVT-4435 Unwanted sticky selection when reloading a file that changed on disk
DVT-4545 Reference of a type doesn’t work on fields, variables or arguments having implicit type declaration
DVT-4551 Don’t auto-insert closing bracket )]} if there are characters immediately after
DVT-4556 Incorrect split by char not taking into account the strings and nested parentheses when using list replacement terms
DVT-4557 Rename “CDN OVM User Guide” to “CDN OVM/UVM User Guide” in Preferences -> Help
DVT-4563 Don’t auto-insert ‘};’ bracket if there is already a semicolon after
DVT-4565 Format preference page - NullPointerException when enabling/disabling external program formatting
DVT-4566 Format preference page - broken layout for line wrapping note
DVT-4567 Missing hyperlinks in console log
3.2.16 (11 February 2013)
DVT-1690 Hooks for scripts to perform automatic check-out when editing a read-only file
DVT-3384 Button for collapse all grayed out code (along with collapse first level etc)
DVT-4492 When using split editors, selecting a word in one of them reveals the cursor position in the other
DVT-4508 Usages of multiple struct members with same name are not determined correctly (e.g. refactoring field when event with same name exists)
DVT-4514 Fixed possible deadlock situation in DVT Launch Configuration modification listener
DVT-4515 A more informative error message if there is a name collision between an imported project and one from the current workspace
3.2.15 (28 January 2013)
DVT-4491 Run Configurations wizard is very slow when changing settings
DVT-4495 Macro expand sometime not working (throws NullPointerException)
DVT-4497 Console hyperlink is opening the wrong file when both physical and symbolic link files are under project
DVT-4500 Deadlock during incremental build of the file
3.2.14 (23 January 2013)
DVT-4490 Delete at cursor position removes text at the last selected region offset
3.2.13 (23 January 2013)
DVT-4487 Incremental build not always working (sometime not working for the files under project root)
DVT-4488 Exception thrown sometime when deleting text under vertical selection
DVT-4447 Building a C project will cause ClassCastExceptions to show up in the Error Log
3.2.12 (22 January 2013)
DVT-616 Hierarchy View - ‘when’ sub-types are not shown when in the middle of hierarchy
DVT-4403 Inconsistent quoting when reporting errors (e.g. Expecting “something”, found ‘something else’)
DVT-4468 Update Clearcase plugin to version 2.2.27
DVT-4470 Overwriting closing quotation marks after typing some text
DVT-4484 Brush-up the defaults for external builders
DVT-2188 ‘is instance’ does not show up in CA
DVT-4462 ‘as computed’ - [ 1, 3 ] should translate to a set and not to a list
DVT-4463 Wrong hyperlink from Run Configuration Filters if there are more files with the same name
DVT-4472 External builders should read from .dvt_builders if it exists but no external_builders.xml exists
DVT-4479 Dynamic Run Configurations shortcuts wizard page - cannot change “toolbar order number”
DVT-4480 Don’t autoinsert brackets in single line comments
DVT-4485 The toolbar containing New Project & File wizards is not visible on the main toolbar
3.2.11 (11 January 2013)
DVT-4426 +dvt_env+ directive should accept environment variables in variable names
DVT-4455 ‘as computed’ support for range expression
DVT-4456 ‘as computed’ support for apply(exp) using cast expression
DVT-4459 Dynamic Launch Configuration Shortcuts - show toolbar icon & consider key binding for read-only configurations
DVT-3642 Select word under cursor and find next occurrence (Ctrl + 8 <=> Alt + Shift + Up, Ctrl + K)
DVT-3765 Wildcard patters don’t work for Windows network paths like \…......
DVT-3978 Build Config Editor - Environment vars defined in the build file are not shown by content assist
DVT-3979 Build Config Editor - Content assist for relative paths will not work properly if compilation root changes
DVT-4376 In default.build, when trailing + is missing for a directive, DVT throws an IndexOutOfBounds error
DVT-4393 In IUS.IRUN compatibility mode, directives should be case-insensitive.
DVT-4423 Code Templates View automatically expands on resource change causing selection loss
DVT-4424 In default.build: allow defining env variables with names containing other env variables
DVT-4431 Allow text being selected in a single editor at a time
DVT-4437 Project Templates should not consider x_param__ or __param_x as valid parameters
DVT-4442 Wrong redefined macro message when defining an undefined macro
DVT-4444 Specman error message not recognized by run configurations filters
DVT-4445 Specifying -snpath in default.build without any prior SPECMAN_PATH definition triggers an internal error
DVT-4446 In default.build, warn when -snpath appends to an existing SPECMAN_PATH value
DVT-4448 Disable DVT section from project properties page if the project does not have any DVT natures
DVT-4453 Ability to change path pattern wildcard timeout for default.build by +dvt_path_pattern_timeout+<seconds> directive
DVT-4454 Wrong syntax error when specifying default value in method implicit type argument
3.2.10 (24 December 2012)
DVT-1363 Cancel OVM/UVM compliance when full build is canceled
DVT-3105 Change project (update views) when working with editors on config files
DVT-4279 Auto-insert pair character when typing ‘”’, ‘{’, ‘[’ or ‘(’
DVT-4309 Update external builder default command to use ${dvt_current_build_file}
DVT-4397 Support for multiple selection in Directory Files Listing (Custom Dialogs widget)
DVT-4398 New Linked Resource Wizard fields are empty when triggered after selecting an Auto-Linked file
DVT-4400 Ability to discard the id of a Custom Dialog widget, when its value is empty
DVT-4278 Diagram editor help button doesn’t work
DVT-4353 Eclipse Juno - Cancel Custom Dialog triggers an error instead of canceling the action
DVT-4394 StackOverflowError thrown sometime when ‘as computed’ refers to a type defined and extended in different packages
DVT-4399 Eclipse Juno - Add support for build buttons and dynamic Run Configuration shortcuts
DVT-4404 Refresh on external builders property page does not work after removing/modifying a builder
3.2.9 (11 December 2012)
DVT-4383 Removed Glance plugin because it was causing problems with views repainting
DVT-3809 Buttons on main toolbar for increasing / decreasing the editor’s font size
DVT-3950 DVT CLI should select the project after createProject/importProject
DVT-4147 Trigger warnings for the ignored directives encountered in default.build
DVT-4180 Add invocations list and number of waived issues to build log
DVT-4213 Add refresh command to DVT CLI
DVT-4358 Add quit command to DVT CLI
DVT-4367 Updated code templates to place cursor in right position after insertion
DVT-4371 Console button for printing build log summary
DVT-4379 Cleaned formatting for code templates
DVT-4387 Autocomplete after sublist selection, e.g ‘list_of_items[ 2..0 ].<no list members proposal>’
DVT-4169 On some OSs, after Quick actions (ex. Quick Layers) the focus is lost for entries in the current file
DVT-4184 Cannot delete project from disk, in windows and some linux OSs due to dvt_build.log still held open
DVT-4366 File extension resets to default when changing file’s name in New File Wizard
DVT-4378 Console logs filters don’t properly highlight some log message regions
DVT-4382 Code templates preview does not use the global font settings
DVT-4384 The -f include tree is printed multiple times in the build console for mixed language projects
DVT-4385 Semantic errors are not reported in Build Console
DVT-4389 Fixed Project -> Add to Test files, incdir… for Eclipse Juno
3.2.8 (4 December 2012)
DVT-4361 Removed key binding for “Select Project” because it was in conflict with the new binding for “Redo”
DVT-3984 Added back the key binding Ctrl+Y for “Redo” as it was changed in Eclipse to Ctrl+Shift+Z
DVT-4362 Fixed empty key bindings for rebuild internal and external commands
3.2.7 (3 December 2012)
DVT-4069 Updated Eclipse Platform to 3.8.1 and all the plugins from distribution
DVT-4156 Semantic references search in the current file
DVT-4222 Hierarchical Filtering in the Instance Tree View using slash (/)
DVT-4272 Run Configurations Launch Command - add support for Windows
DVT-4311 Show file extensions based on project’s natures in New File Wizard
DVT-4318 Added default.build editor color preferences in DVT Themes
DVT-4339 Disabled Eclipse Update Site in distributions to speed up the updates (to enable use Preferences -> InstallUpdate -> Available…)
DVT-4346 Show instance tree not available when selecting a when subtype in hierarchy view
DVT-3792 Added “Any context” for e Language code templates
DVT-4164 Fixed default spelling dictionary for DVT distros
DVT-4330 Spurious AssertionFailedExceptions might occur when switching current build
DVT-4331 Fail to set breakpoint when working with symlinks
DVT-4344 Hierarchy members view wrong declaration info for predefined extended struct members
DVT-4347 Right-click show instance tree inside instance tree not working as expected
DVT-4348 When hyperlink show layers should not change to associated types layers if Shift+F3 pressed
DVT-4349 For predefined enum types show layers must show the predefined layer as well
DVT-4350 Autocomplete issue when method argument name matches one of the template variable name (e.g ‘file_name’)
DVT-4351 Missing toolbar labels (in Window -> Customize Perspective -> Toolbar visibility)
3.2.6 (19 November 2012)
DVT-3987 Emulate sn_which.sh using default search paths
DVT-4185 Added Custom Dialog screenshot to documentation
DVT-4216 Right-clik on a folder in DVT Auto-linked and Link Resource in Project Root
DVT-4254 Inserted code template by drag & drop from Templates view now indents the code
DVT-4257 Added a Build tab for DVT Generic Launch Configuration
DVT-4264 Added +dvt_as_computed_translate_method+main::global.vr_ad_reg_def_macro_2_e to default.build by default
DVT-4285 Update the problem markers differentially
DVT-4137 Code templates editor now has the same background color as the DVT editor
DVT-4145 Explicit temporary variable type not inferred correctly in a for each loop
DVT-4256 Autocomplete list methods for list_of_struct.struct_field
DVT-4262 vr_ad reg_def macro not expanded correctly (even if default.build contains main::global.vr_ad_reg_def_macro_2_e)
DVT-4269 Slow editing when block selection mode is used on hundreds lines of code
DVT-4283 Sometimes opening a file causes its error markers to disappear
DVT-4284 Incremental build disables marker limits for the semantic problem markers
DVT-4286 In default.build, some windows paths are interpreted as unicode
DVT-4295 Open declaration (F3, hyperlink) on imports to relative paths containing ../ and no .e extension not working
DVT-4296 Environment variables not expanded for paths specified using +dvt_test
DVT-4297 Code Templates View hangs when creating a new template
DVT-4300 Sometimes semantic errors are not restored at platform restart
3.2.5 (6 November 2012)
DVT-3975 Removed outline view link with editor feature (not always working correctly on lazy tree)
DVT-3827 Update error markers when opening a file with errors but no markers (due to Problems View marker limits)
DVT-4221 Ability to Show Instance Tree on right-click on a node in the Instance Tree View
DVT-277 ERR_ERROR_XZ Specman patterns not colored/hyperlinked
DVT-4132 Custom dialog example missing from File > New > Example menu
DVT-4144 When using ‘append(” … n”)’ in an ‘as computed’ macro, the ‘n’ appears literally in the macro expansion
DVT-4146 System variables not expanded for +dvt_compilation_root directive
DVT-4148 The +dvt_compilation_root should be automatically added to the $SPECMAN_PATH
DVT-4170 Autocomplete inside ‘do <item> on <driver> keeping {…}’ should propose from ‘item’ instead of ‘driver’
DVT-4171 Redefined field error multiplied too many times
DVT-4173 Specman path specification (with : separated paths) does not work on Windows OS
DVT-4198 ‘real’ type not supported in ‘as computed’ macros
DVT-4200 Un-escaping of strings in default.build does not work
DVT-4236 Removed ‘any_sequence.done’ event (false errors reported)
3.2.4 (26 October 2012)
DVT-4116 Parsing performance degradation in environments containing many types and ‘as computed’ macro calls
DVT-4117 Parsing performance degradation in environments containing many constant defines (> 100k defines)
DVT-4102 Predefined Projects - uvm-1.1c library and uvm-1.1c_ubus project added
DVT-4110 Support for ‘name’ macro definitions (e.g define <some’name> “custom_<type>_s” as { … };)
DVT-4113 Added ‘enum_descriptor’ predefined type
DVT-4114 Added ‘source_ref’ predefined type
DVT-4112 Redefining a constant with the same value should is legal syntax (e.g define CONST 0; define CONST 0;)
DVT-4115 List of list field declaration triggers a false error (e.g field [ 4 ][ 5 ] : list of list of string; is a legal syntax)
DVT-4126 New Project Wizard - Unable to create a project when the project location is changed
DVT-4201 Fixed deadlock between outline and build process
DVT-4203 Removed fake HTML viewers from context menu
3.2.3 (17 October 2012)
DVT-554 Dropdown for external build button: invoke a certain external builder. See How to invoke external builders?
DVT-4088 New Project Wizard - add option to specify the project’s name. See Open a Project
DVT-4092 New File Wizard exception when creating files that are not associated with DVT editors
3.2.2 (12 October 2012)
DVT-3618 Instance Tree View: option to copy instance path (right-click menu).
DVT-4045 Store predefined diagrams (and diagrams generated via shortcuts) in the dvt_diagrams/ directory
DVT-4079 Code templates not visible when creating them from the Code Templates View
3.2.1 (11 October 2012)
DVT-4062 Show busy indicator when generating large diagrams
DVT-4071 Selection slow-down in DVT editors
DVT-4073 Too many view (instance tree, types, layers, etc.) update notifications received during build
3.2 (9 October 2012)
Support for multiple build configurations.
Unified default.build instead of .edt_top_files, .vlog_top_files and .vhdl_top_files. See Build Configurations.
Out of the box Architecture UML Diagrams and Sequences UML Diagrams.
DVT-4021 Removed eclipse.sh and eclipse.bat scripts (deprecated in 3.0.4)
DVT-3669 Deprecated .dvt/.edt_top_files. .dvt/.edt_defines, .dvt/.edt_ignore_files, .dvt/.edt_test_files, .dvt/.edt_specman_path. See Build Configurations.
DVT-3708 Deprecated dvt_cli.sh createEProject (use createProject -lang e instead) See Command Line Interface.
DVT-3883 Deprecated internal builder preference pages. See Build Configurations.
DVT-3997 Pop-up deprecation warning when using old .dvt/.*_top_files configuration files with the ability to dismiss per session. See Build Configurations.
DVT-3937 Move language specific workspace preferences under the DVT section
DVT-3938 Move language specific project properties under the DVT section
DVT-3891 Mixed Language Support: Modify “add to top files” to “add to *.build”
DVT-4053 Rename .dvt/.dvt_builders file to external_builders.xml. See External Builders.
DVT-4054 Rename .dvt/log_styles file to log_styles.xml. See Smart Log
DVT-130 Mixed Language Support: Unify the Instance Tree View.
DVT-1088 Support for multiple build configurations. See Build Configurations.
DVT-1502 OVM UVM Compliance Review.
DVT-2846 Mixed Language Support: Unify .*_top_files under default.build. See Build Configurations.
DVT-3085 Autocomplete in *.build and command (*.f) files in general
DVT-3890 Mixed Language Support: New editor for *.build files. See Build Configurations.
DVT-3893 Mixed Language Support: Unify the wizards for creating projects and files
DVT-3907 Mixed Language Support: Unify the external builders. See External Builders.
DVT-3998 Support for predefined TLM 2.0 Sockets API
DVT-68 Support for compilation root specification in default.build. See All Build Directives.
DVT-554 Dropdown for selecting a specific external builder. See External Builders.
DVT-2940 .edt_specman_path and .dvt_preference should be ignored when using default.build
DVT-3089 Propagate system variables to external tools integration. See External Tools Integration.
DVT-3252 Improved file navigation for the files exceeding 10K lines
DVT-3356 Out of the box UML Diagrams: Architecture diagrams and Sequences diagrams. See Architecture UML Diagrams and Sequences UML Diagrams.
DVT-3359 Trigger diagrams from Types View and Editor context menu. See Diagrams.
DVT-3491 Issue warning when dvt_cli doesn’t get both arguments for -map. See Command Line Interface
DVT-3578 Add support for +dvt_skip_compile+ directive in default.build. See Build Configurations.
DVT-3613 +define+ directives from default.build should also be taken into account for e-Language . See Build Configurations.
DVT-3707 Add -top and -test flags to dvt_cli.sh createProject. See Command Line Interface.
DVT-3751 Add a -perspective switch to the dvt_cli.sh createProject command. See Command Line Interface.
DVT-3796 Add external tools variable containing the path to current build file. See External Tools Integration.
DVT-3824 Support for case-insensitive directives in ius compatibility modes. See Build Configurations.
DVT-3857 Tooltip colors (mouse hover, folding, errors) can be configured from Preferences -> General -> Appearance -> Colors and Fonts
DVT-3886 Mixed Language Support: Unify “Nothing to compile” dialog with the ability to dismiss per session
DVT-3892 Update predefined projects. See Predefined Projects
DVT-3908 dvt_plugin_installer.sh for customizing the Eclipse installation works with any update site
DVT-3911 Add support for +dvt_active_test+ directive in default.build. See Build Configurations.
DVT-3923 Signal error when multiple -work flags are provided for the same invocation, and only consider the first one. See Build Configurations.
DVT-3926 Alias +dvt_setenv+ to +dvt_env+. See Build Configurations.
DVT-3927 Warn when encountering unknown +dvt_ directives in default.build. See Build Configurations.
DVT-3948 Prompt for project selection when rebuild/clean is triggered if no project is selected
DVT-3967 Added evip2dvt.sh options to extract the protected and package API
DVT-4003 Build configuration directives for controlling build log: +dvt_build_log_to_console, +dvt_build_log_to_file, +dvt_build_log_file. See All Build Directives.
DVT-4004 Add support for +dvt_macro_strict_exp_checking directive in default.build. See All Build Directives.
DVT-4006 Add support for +dvt_incremental_compile_max_lines+ directive in default.build. See All Build Directives.
DVT-4007 Add support for +dvt_auto_link+ directive in default.build. See All Build Directives.
DVT-4009 Add support for +dvt_sn_which_add and +dvt_sn_which_clear directives in default.build. See All Build Directives.
DVT-4010 Add support for +dvt_extract_sn_defines and directive in default.build. See All Build Directives.
DVT-4012 Predefined Projects wizard - add progress monitor while copying a project
DVT-4018 Mixed Language Support: Add Code Templates View to the DVT unified perspective. See Code Templates View.
DVT-4035 Add support for +dvt_perform_semantic_non_standard_checks directive in default.build. See All Build Directives.
DVT-2982 Fixed socket file handling when the run script changes the working directory. See Specman Debugger Integration
DVT-3706 Don’t allow creating a no-nature project with dvt_cli.sh. See Command Line Interface.
DVT-3749 Unexpected switches passed to dvt_cli.sh are treated as arguments of the last known switch. See Command Line Interface
DVT-3778 dvt_cli.sh should detect locked workspaces and die quickly and gracefully. See Command Line Interface
3.1.16 (5 October 2012)
DVT-4026 Optimize workingset creation via dvt_cli.sh createProject / importProject
DVT-4031 DVT Auto-linked update on rebuild doesn’t work when linked resources are changed
3.1.15 (3 October 2012)
DVT-4022 Support escaped quotes in build configuration files
3.1.14 (27 September 2012)
DVT-3992 Platform freeze sometime after pressing text formatting button
DVT-3999 ‘as computed’ variable implicit type not correctly determined (as string) when using append(…) pseudo-method
DVT-4000 ‘Insert spaces for tabs’ option no longer working correctly
3.1.13 (18 September 2012)
DVT-2326 Add support for ml_ovm and ml_uvm predefined types/methods/macros
DVT-3965 One key indentation not working when “Insert spaces for tabs” preference is selected
DVT-3971 Outline view selected element is not revealed (scroll view) when linked with editor
DVT-3977 Limit console log filters to match max. 8 consecutive lines and 256 characters per line for each error/warning message (customizable) (more details How to adjust the console logs filters matching parameters?)
3.1.12 (13 September 2012)
DVT-2675 Added new methods for Specman internal API
DVT-3084 An easier way to copy the full path to the file in the editor (more details How to copy the full path to the file in the current editor?)
DVT-3854 Updates for Specman API TLM 2.0 transaction objects passed through the core interfaces
DVT-3944 Template struct breaks ‘as computed’ macros
DVT-3956 When opening an auto-linked file from a run configuration console link it is opened as outside project
DVT-3957 Updated Clearcase plugin to latest to fix a compare from history bug
3.1.11 (7 September 2012)
DVT-3701 Directives for controlling file extension to Language Syntax mapping
DVT-3915 Internal builder logs - missing highlighting & hyperlinks
DVT-3928 When opening an auto-linked file through dvt_cli.sh it is compiled out of any context
DVT-3930 Refactoring an event trims the “on_” of the associated method
DVT-3932 Updated Clearcase Plugin to fix diff view problem
3.1.10 (1 September 2012)
DVT-3875 Updated Terminal plugin and added terminal colors in DVT themes
DVT-3887 Added launch configuration example for Questa on Windows (in uvm-1.1_ubus predefined project)
DVT-2719 Formatting issue for aligning method arguments
DVT-3137 Added exit to launch configurations interactive shell example to prevent throwing DVT in background
DVT-3807 Logger exceptions occur when restoring project rght after platform startup
DVT-3872 Unexpected char errors due to non-ASCII chars in build files
DVT-3917 Scalar type predefined layer shown in layers view & jump to declaration fail
3.1.9 (13 August 2012)
DVT-2957 Removed SOLARIS release
DVT-3090 Added Terminal plugin to Linux and MacOS distros
DVT-3441 Updated statically compiled dot and used by default in Linux distos
DVT-3848 Errors/warnings on file specified through multiple symlinks are reported as out of the project
DVT-3849 File specified through multiple symlinks is incrementaly recompiled as out of the project after platform restart
DVT-3856 Restore defaults on Internal builder page not consistent with the defaults at project creation time
3.1.8 (7 August 2012)
DVT-2898 Updated ViPlugin build
DVT-3841 Updated all plugins in distribution
DVT-3823 Auto-indent when pasting just before ‘> cuts code
DVT-3831 Hyperlink from default.build opens files specified with paths going through symlinks as gray files (outside project)
DVT-3830 File specified through multiple symlinks is incrementaly recompiled as out of the project
DVT-3842 Fixed argument passing in deprecated scripts
3.1.7 (2 August 2012)
DVT-3764 Obsolete syntax errors might re-appear on reapply waivers
DVT-3805 Exception when selecting a closed project in the DVT perspective while Types View is open
DVT-3806 Exception when selecting the Types View in the DVT perspective before restore is done
DVT-3807 Logger exceptions occur when restoring a project right after platform startup
DVT-3808 Simple #defines are not expanded when provided as “as computed” macro parameters
DVT-3812 Build console hyperlink not working for scanning messages
DVT-3821 Move Resource Filters UI to DVT Section in project properties
3.1.6 (24 July 2012)
DVT-3722 Show expects in layers and outline views
DVT-3768 Resource Filters - recursive symlinks not visible in UI
3.1.5 (11 July 2012)
DVT-3747 Add support for custom location on toolbar for Run Configuration buttons
3.1.4 (10 July 2012)
DVT-3490 Ability to avoid full build when importing a project, by restoring from a saved snapshot
DVT-3723 Performance issue when checking recursive defines
DVT-3725 Ability to specify custom per-project location for the DVT database with +dvt_db_location flag in default.build
DVT-3716 No incremental compilation on non-default extensions even if file associations and content types are properly set
DVT-3730 False semantic errors reported upon restore
DVT-3731 Waivers are not applied at project restore
3.1.3 (2 July 2012)
DVT-3574 Show only files with errors in Compile Order View
DVT-3588 Added progress dialog for Directory Files Listing widget (Custom Dialogs)
DVT-3634 Added server name and license count on DVT License Info Page
DVT-3608 Hyperlink to file having extension other than .e opens an inexistent file
DVT-3609 Resource Filters Dialog - ignore a directory linked to one of its parents
DVT-3616 Internal error when using +dvt_env+<var> without assigning a value
DVT-3630 Should only invoke internal builder when asking for project rebuild
DVT-3676 Path wildcard not taken into account when using only ‘?’
DVT-3692 Resource filters & CLI: -excluded folder doesn’t show up in project, but it shows as unexcluded in resource filters
DVT-3702 dvt_cli.sh documentation errata: excludes managed by DVT’s Resource Filters UI are only those specified by projectRelativePath
DVT-3709 +define+SYMBOL without value breaks e files compilation in mixed language project
3.1.2 (15 June 2012)
DVT-2907 Document Compile Waivers
DVT-2941 Add support for +dvt_test+ in default.build
DVT-3533 Demote ambiguous whitespace syntax error to warning
DVT-3543 Warn deprecated directive usage in build config files
DVT-3554 DVT sanity check - check for available space in .eclipse location instead of “home”
DVT-3583 Instance Tree View - ability to dump to file the list of autodetected top units
DVT-3571 Under FC15 OS the -s option of dvt_cli.sh does not suppress all messages
DVT-3575 dvt_cli.sh script documentation does not work
DVT-3582 Dynamic shortcuts - icon path support for environment variables
DVT-3585 Dynamic shortcuts - rename Accelerator > Shortcut
3.1.1 (6 June 2012)
DVT-2550 DVT CLI - ability to specify project-relative paths with -map argument
DVT-3387 Slow parsing on certain keep contructs
DVT-3423 Instance tree very slow on big hierarchies (thousands of instances) - step 2
DVT-3489 dvt_cli.sh create*Project commands should pick up existing build config files if no build config flags are specified (e.g. -f, -top, -test)
DVT-3531 Added support for non-standard construct ‘sync until’
DVT-3532 Added support for TLM UVM port declarations
DVT-3540 Automatically refresh .dvt folder at full build
DVT-3546 dvt_cli.sh should automatically infer hostname of the running DVT instance
DVT-3553 Updated predefined projects build command
DVT-3460 Misc. error logs bugfixes: vcs & specman
DVT-3547 dvt_cli.sh excludes are not taken into account at the initial refresh
DVT-3550 Switching from .*_top_files to default.build and back does not work (nothing is compiled)
3.1 (1 June 2012)
DVT-2363 Code Templates View
DVT-2450 Create new toolbar button & keyboard shortcut from run configuration (more details Custom Shortcut and Button for a Run Configuration)
DVT-3361 Resource filters wizard (more details How to create resource filters ?)
DVT-3362 Linked Resources
DVT-3436 Added dvt_updater.sh script for install/uninstall/update operations
DVT-606 Configurable source formatter
DVT-2965 Project config files - multiple selection in dialog with proposals for wildcards matching multiple paths
DVT-3041 Refactoring Rename- user must be forced to review the changes when potential matches
DVT-3165 Add support for +dvt_skip_ext+.ext
DVT-3221 Logging and debug functionality for Linux/Unix
DVT-3254 Set “Always launch the previously launched application” as default in distro
DVT-3259 Suppress dvt.bat terminal in Windows
DVT-3292 Formatting preference for line wrapping parameters : “Leave as is”
DVT-3313 Ability to use “Open with” dvt.bat in Windows
DVT-3422 Formatting should be undone in case code was deleted or added during the process
DVT-3443 Added build console preference in Preference -> General -> Appearance -> Colors and Fonts -> DVT -> Console
DVT-3451 Some errors might not be reported in default.build when multiple project natures are activated
DVT-3476 Sync DVT CLI usage in script / application / user guide
DVT-3469 Vertical alignment using comma as a token
DVT-2884 Formatter stops on “<..’..”
DVT-3042 Syntax Page - Restore defaults does not work
DVT-3062 Waive should create a single logical AND match clause using path and message
DVT-3283 Semantic check failed for any_port in bind expressions
DVT-3284 The entity “nbsp” was referenced, but not declared - sn 11 / sn_eref.xml
DVT-3374 DVT Auto-linked update on rebuild doesn’t work when linked resources are changed
DVT-3466 Unrecognized method error when using macro in a TCM’s sampling event
DVT-3467 Formatting preference for vertical alignment tokens is greyed out
DVT-3499 Formatting region should keep starting line indent as reference
DVT-3509 “Stop Current Rebuild Job” doesn’t work when “Build Automatically” is enabled
3.0.10 (23 May 2012)
DVT-3475 Predefined any_sequence_driver API: set_branch_handle() and stop_handling_item()
DVT-3322 Fixed “See all available licenses” bug when license source contains multiple servers
DVT-3459 Fixed a race condition in the license client
DVT-3474 ‘as computed’ variable type not correctly inferred from expressions containing method calls
3.0.9 (16 May 2012)
DVT-3423 Instance tree very slow on big hierarchies (thousands of instances)
DVT-3249 External Builder error decorations are not updated on incremental build
3.0.8 (9 May 2012)
DVT-2739 Enable internal builder console should be default on
DVT-3214 Disable incremental compilation of big files should be default on
DVT-3392 Refresh “dvt_build.log” file when build is done
DVT-3365 “What’s New” and “Report an Issue” buttons are visible in other perspectives
DVT-3366 Project Templates uppercase - lowercase conversion bug
DVT-3388 Specman error filter for short format “at line 6 in @module_name” (29 April 2012)
DVT-3315 When changing the top files sometime the auto-linked folder is not properly updated on the first build (24 April 2012)
DVT-3112 Ignore backslashes in command files
DVT-3121 Command files: support -flag “several arguments here treated as one” or -flag ‘some args’
DVT-3282 Support for appendf() in ‘as computed’ macros
DVT-3283 Semantic check failed for any_port in bind expressions
DVT-3291 Non-ascii characters trigger errors in argument files (.*_top_files etc.)
DVT-3302 Add from Template replaces __FILE__, __LINE__ with FILE, LINE.
DVT-3305 Ctrl+H isn’t updated with the text selection in the editor
DVT-3311 Syntax error markers are not displayed at full build after reaching the marker limits (13 April 2012)
DVT-2586 Support for mixed languages in DVT_CLI
DVT-2986 Add -eclipsespace flag for dvt_cli.sh, alias -eclipse_area to -eclipsespace
DVT-3113 Add support for -F for dvt_cli.sh
DVT-3168 Add to default list of known extensions: .a, .o, .cc
DVT-3199 Reduce memory consumption after project close/delete
DVT-3200 Reduce time for error dispatching algorithm
DVT-3201 Added more debugging info in console
DVT-3212 Add -force flag for dvt_cli.sh importProject (replace existing project with same name)
DVT-3228 dvt_cli.sh - remove constraint that the project directory should exist apriori; create if it does not exist
DVT-2851 Toggle mark occurences triggers exception when the active editor is not a DVT editor
DVT-2995 Ctrl+H doesn’t remember option selection (30 March 2012)
DVT-3013 Multiple selection dialog on -F hyperlink in top_files although only one file specified
DVT-3076 __FILE__ and __LINE__ get in the way of project templates
DVT-3110 Console log errors are not properly hyperlinked
DVT-3119 Total number of errors in console varies after successive builds
DVT-3133 When creating a linked resource to a folder, the compiled sources contained in that folder should dissapear from auto-linked on next build
DVT-3134 Removed default activation of ClearCase action set menu (use -Dro.amiq.dvt.showClearcaseActionSet=true)
DVT-3142 Sometimes semantic errors might be reported before syntax errors
DVT-3171 Copy full path on linked resource/virtual folder does not work
DVT-3192 Variables containing ‘to’ not accepted in ‘for i from inc_to down to 0’ actions (16 March 2012)
DVT-2356 SN11: “on” struct member enhancements (support for event ports and hierarchical event name)
DVT-2896 Added Cliosoft SOS plugin to distros
DVT-2992 DVT Project selector - shortcut (CTRL+SHIFT+Z) & simple list view of open DVT Nature projects
DVT-3052 Scanning process cannot be interrupted by pressing cancel in progress view
DVT-3053 Sequence temporal expression not allowed inside temporal expression preprocessing block
DVT-3073 Added JDT (Java Development Tools) plugin to distros
DVT-3063 Diagrams errors (dot executable invocation errors) during HTML Doc generation
DVT-3070 New project from template - import all files under .dvt folder
DVT-3071 Fixed error when generating diagrams in a path with spaces (8 March 2012)
DVT-2997 Added Ctrl+Shift+A as duplicated key binding for “Toggle Block Selection Mode”
DVT-3017 Infer the type of variable for tick notation assignment e.g. var x := color_t’GREEN
DVT-3025 Added support for deprecated tick notation
DVT-3049 Added “See available licenses” button in license page
DVT-3018 Type constraints are not found on references/refactoring
DVT-3045 Trimming white space characters from license variables
DVT-3050 Fixed file license multiple initialization problem (5 March 2012)
DVT-2958 Added open dvt_build.log file build console button
DVT-2959 Added cancel current rebuild job build console button
DVT-3034 Debugger - Added synchronize data debug view button
DVT-3029 Removed UseCompressedOops from 64 bits linux distros since it can cause segmentaion fault
DVT-3030 dvt.sh on MacOS doesn’t invoke the right binary
DVT-3031 Debugger - Expressions view not always in sync with the simulator
DVT-3032 Debugger - Changes in expressions view are not highlighted (yellow) correctly
DVT-3033 Debugger - Changing the value of one variable in expressions view is not reflected in variables view and the other way around
DVT-3035 Debugger - Stopping in the same thread, stack-frame, file and line number (same breakpoint) doesn’t trigger the update of variables and expressions views (1 March 2012)
DVT-2990 Add to “Compare with” menu the generic resource compare
DVT-3028 Fixed local license problem affecting a small set of features (29 February 2012)
DVT-2333 Added Glance plugin to distribution (incremental search in any view)
DVT-2535 Update Layers when opening a type with Quick Types View
DVT-2807 Search does not locate matches in unsaved files (when no incremental is done)
DVT-2981 Option to select where to save the build log file
DVT-2996 Ability to keyboard-collapse/expand the nodes in (quick) tree views using left/right arrows
DVT-2998 Support for preprocessing ifdef/ifndef in temporal expressions
DVT-2999 Perform macro expansion when text selection (text under selection is part of a macro)
DVT-3006 Autocomplete enum values in variable declaration e.g. ‘var a: enumerated_t = ENUM_NAME’
DVT-2884 Formatter stops on “<..’..”
DVT-2969 Splash and license settings validation sometimes start without using DVT functionality
DVT-2971 ‘as computed’ str_match() fail to match multiple line strings
DVT-3011 Wildcards in top files don’t work under Windows
DVT-3014 Run configuration filters - ${file} var doesn’t recognize Windows paths
DVT-3026 Updated ClearCase plugin to fix the NullPointerException
3.0.7 (13 February 2012)
DVT-48 Hyperlinks in argument files (.edt_top_files, .edt_test_files)
DVT-533 Setting system variables in DVT for full build
DVT-2312 Go to Next/Prev Problem
DVT-2903 Ability to specify project configuration for all languages in a single file
DVT-2906 Added Show Changed Preferences Dialog in Window menu
DVT-1274 Semantic check for type definition does not take into account the load order
DVT-1678 Auto-complete after an ‘as’ macro that defines an object
DVT-2289 Show nof SN encrypted and DVT encrypted files
DVT-2357 sn_which.sh takes too much when starting a new build
DVT-2419 Ability to use system variables in waivers
DVT-2443 Hyperlink ports connected via bind() or do_bind()
DVT-2444 Show method_port declaration and all method implementations in the Layers View
DVT-2446 Semantic error for in method_port without implementation
DVT-2447 Semantic checking for arguments of bind() and do_bind()
DVT-2487 Sort problems in problems view by the creation time/reporting order
DVT-2552 Ability to specify custom components to be added to SPECMAN_PATH by sn_which.sh
DVT-2453 Option to disable incremental build for large files
DVT-2623 Show if a project has multiple natures & their names as a label decorator in navigator
DVT-2669 Added support for “foo() is import C libname:funcname” (non-standard construct)
DVT-2673 Enhanced argument checking (including support for default values) in method redefinitions
DVT-2726 Highlight only the word when jumping to declaration
DVT-2750 Problems view - ability to right click and “Waive problems like this”
DVT-2753 Vertical alignment option should only align equivalent characters
DVT-2784 Autocomplete should only match from the beginning of word or right after an underscore
DVT-2840 Internal builder settings - Speedup adding SPECMAN_VERSION_X defines
DVT-2831 Added visual feedback when running graphviz dot (UI is locked, dot errors not reported)
DVT-2832 Diagrams - ability to specify custom arguments for graphviz dot
DVT-2848 Allow waivers with no name
DVT-2856 Option to copy full path in Navigator
DVT-2868 Rebuild triggers should be ignored if already building the project
DVT-2901 Hyperlink method_ports and their implementations
DVT-2924 Reapply waivers after Create Problem From waiver
DVT-2925 Refine the problem waiving message reported in the Internal Builder console (explicitly specify waiving)
DVT-2938 & DVT-2934 Select top unit - if more than 10 units open a filtered selection list
DVT-2944 Limit max number of problem markers per problem category and severity to 1000
DVT-2948 Report only first 20 errors in DVT Build Console and the total number of errors
DVT-2514 Support for multiple DVT_PREDEFINED_PROJECTS system variables
DVT-2551 Wrong duplicate semantic error reported on ‘on_event’ methods even if there is no “on event” construct
DVT-2576 When creating a new file point out that the empty template can be customized just like any other
DVT-2579 Autocomplete bug outside <’ … ‘> - show “file context” templates
DVT-2600 ‘Load In Specman’ log hyperlinks bug
DVT-2742 Instance tree misc bug fixes
DVT-2748 Formatting the source sometimes makes the cursor jump to another position
DVT-2836 Sometimes Internal Builder property page pops Rebuild Notification Now without any changes
DVT-2837 Changes to sn_which auto-add VIPs in Internal Builder Page are not taken into account after the first build
DVT-2838 False MULTIPLE_PACKAGES error when type usage is after the first definition, but type redefinitions follow in different packages
DVT-2878 Redefinition of a method is not reported as semantic error if the method is declared in a parent struct
DVT-2910 Environment variables enclosed in curly brackets not recognized in imports e.g. “import ${HOME}/my_file.e;”
DVT-2913 Fixed deadlock on workspace when a new project is created
DVT-2923 Updating markers for 25K files with problems hangs the UI
DVT-2939 Fail to create auto-linked files for network mapped files in Windows
DVT-2949 New file wizard - new file’s name changed to “new_file” (23 January 2012)
DVT-2877 Several exceptions thrown when closing a project
DVT-2881 Crash on Windows platform when outline view linked with editor is active (17 January 2012)
DVT-2842 Support for ‘as computed’ that defines preprocessing (e.g. “define A;”)
DVT-2865 Enhance problem management performance on full build
DVT-2839 False UNRECOGNIZED_WIDTH_MODIFIER in TLM export declaration
DVT-2853 Change default in SPECMAN_PATH preference page from Overwrite to Prepend
DVT-2864 e-parser to unable to restore to esv after DVT version update whitout platform restart (10 January 2012)
DVT-2729 Support for nested term replacements e.g. <driver’exp|driver.get_cpu_drv(<reg’exp>)>
DVT-2844 Too many open files exception when loading 1000s of empty files (27 December 2011)
DVT-2669 Added support for “export C …” and “foo() is import C” non-standard constructs
DVT-2699 Unrecognized syntax error when template parameter not a valid type
DVT-2759 Break on gen error breakpoints accumulate in the breakpoints view
DVT-2774 Unrecognized macro ‘msg_ended(…) {…}’
DVT-2776 Autolinked resources are no longer removed if autolink flag is unset
DVT-2794 Deadlock when refreshing during a refactoring operation
DVT-2798 NullPointerException when warnings reported outside project
DVT-2804 Incremental auto-build (time-out incremental build) doesn’t update the internal dictionary (19 December 2011)
DVT-2676 Add support for predefined HDL Assertion Callback API
DVT-2778 Added a black DVT Theme
DVT-2773 Add support for predefined recording_config API
DVT-2779 Specman Debugger Integration - license check locks the UI without any visual feedback
DVT-2793 DVT_PREDEFINED_PROJECTS_TARGET environment variable for predefined projects
DVT-2777 Fixed DVT Theme selection dialog filter
DVT-2789 Exceptions thrown when connecting to a debug session that loaded other files than DVT internal builder (12 December 2011)
DVT-2727 Search for references takes too much time on big environments (e.g. 20s for 5k files)
DVT-2740 Prepacked distro performance increased due to “-Xverify:none” vmarg
DVT-2741 “Show heap status” activated by default
DVT-2760 Debugger Integration: should not depend on sn_which.sh
DVT-2759 Break on gen error breakpoints accumulate in the breakpoints view
DVT-2761 Debugger Integration: Source lookup is unable to identify the correct file when clicking on a stack frame
DVT-2762 External builder exception - Variable references empty selection
3.0.6 (1 December 2011)
DVT-1179 Support for wildcards like *.e in top files and test files
DVT-1350 Do not allow tabs in the editor (copy/paste, using templates etc.)
DVT-1716 A ‘sys’ button on the Instance Tree View to quickly select ‘sys’ unit
DVT-2179 Perform out of sync check before search and ask for refresh
DVT-2330 Hyperlinks for progress log in Internal Builder Console
DVT-2338 A drop-down list to select from top units in the Instance Tree View
DVT-2412 Full build console - show start/end of the compiled file
DVT-2449 New custom dialog - drop-down with files from a directory
DVT-2496 Updating error/compiled/ignore properties on resources takes a long time
DVT-2532 Overwrite MALLOC_CHECK_=1 env variable to avoid crashes
DVT-2546 Possibility to add Name Checking rules for method types
DVT-2549 Exclude resources using DVT CLI at project creation
DVT-2563 Report reapply waivers time in DVT Build Console
DVT-2565 Optimize algorithm for solving workspace resources
DVT-2617 Support custom eclipse.ini in dvt_cli.sh
DVT-2644 Edit DVT Waivers button in Problems View (easy way to start a waivers file)
DVT-2670 Support for extending a template struct/unit
DVT-2882 Autocomplete on return for methods
DVT-2192 Autoindent inserts whitespace before ‘>
DVT-2238 Auto-format: indentation is reset after e close & open markers (<*>)
DVT-2307 Console hyperlinks get opened with wrong editor
DVT-2395 “real” predefined data type not graphically recognized as a keyword
DVT-2404 Removed the project context menu -> Source -> Format option that breaks .project
DVT-2465 Auto-indent ‘> to the beginning of line instead of current indent level
DVT-2502 Tool bar section title for “What’s new” & “Report an issue” buttons
DVT-2505 Hierarchy of predefined types is inconsistent (duplicate predefined structs)
DVT-2509 Refactoring enumerated type values throws NullPointerException
DVT-2529 External Tools Console log - hyperlinks created with default Specman filter
DVT-2537 Exception thrown when canceling a DVT Custom Dialog started by an external builder
DVT-2544 evip2dvt creates on_event methods for all events => duplicate method errors in DVT
DVT-2561 Macro ‘scbd_port_group’ from ‘uvm_scbd’ library is not recognized correctly
DVT-2581 Internal builder syntax warning checkbox not taken into account
DVT-2603 Wrong UNDEFINED_METHOD semantic error reported when defining event ‘is only’ without the ‘is’ layer
DVT-2620 Rename ‘include/import tree’ & ‘load order’ to ‘compile order’
DVT-2653 False UNRECOGNIZED_EXPRESSION when “[ it ].value(arg1, arg2, arg3)” (when missing ‘it’)
DVT-2654 No autocomplete/tooltip for ‘id1’ in “id = [ it ].id1” or “…, [ it ].id1” (when missing ‘it’)
DVT-2657 No autocomplete/tooltip when expression is part of an expression macro call
DVT-2660 Preprocessing not preserved on incremental build for modules including other modules that are defining preprocessing
DVT-2662 False struct layer in outline view when using “var_name.as_a(<defined_subtype>)”
DVT-2674 Unrecognized define as macro when width range used
DVT-2678 No references to macros (defines) when there is no whitespace preceding the macro call
DVT-2684 Changing the location of a file outside project requires 2 builds to correctly auto-link the file
DVT-2700 Missing scroll bar on predefined projects list
DVT-2926 Hyperlinks in project configuration files should open dialog with proposals for wildcards matching multiple paths (21 November 2011)
DVT-2518 HEX number with underscore notation causes error in ‘as computed’ macro
DVT-2567 ‘as computed’ macro fails to expand when pow() is invoked
DVT-2588 Autocomplete proposals issue after some keywords (e.g. define “event cover_event;”, autocomplete after an “emit cover” triggers inconsistent proposal replacement) (8 November 2011)
DVT-2215 Option for dvt_cli.sh to import workspace settings
DVT-2353 Added ‘logger’ and ‘realtime’ fields to ‘sys’
DVT-2372 Option for dvt_cli.sh not to exit when starting dvt.sh
DVT-2511 Q&A: evip2dvt.sh will extract modules with same name only once
DVT-2520 Added ‘keep for each’ to keyphrases list
DVT-2547 DVT CLI createProject - possibility to specify project name
DVT-2573 Ability to specify how long DVT CLI should wait for DVT to start (-timeout flag)
DVT-2442 Verilog import does not work when the verilog file contains other constructs
DVT-2452 Autocomplete with TRUE/FALSE after ‘keep read_only(a_boolean) == ‘
DVT-2521 ‘keep for each’ code template is called ‘keep soft select’
DVT-2524 Autocomplete in case statements doesn’t work when case condition is enclosed in parentheses
DVT-2526 CamelCase autocomplete doesn’t work correctly when using uppercase chars or ‘_’
DVT-2572 DVT Build timeout preference cannot be set by dvt.ini (17 October 2011)
DVT-2454 Document how to expand aliases in run configurations and change default run command to interactive mode
DVT-2458 Save all dirty editors before launching a run configuration
DVT-2192 Autoindent inserts whitespace before ‘>
DVT-2238 Auto-format: indentation is reset after e close & open markers (<*>)
DVT-2367 Autocomplete not working after . (implicit it) in expressions after a boolean operator
DVT-2368 Missing predefined sys.generate()
DVT-2429 reverse() list pseudo-method result is “list of list of” instead of “list of”
DVT-2460 Could not infer project from selection when there is selection but no focus
DVT-2465 Auto-indent ‘> to the beginning of line instead of current indent level
DVT-2467 False report of “Illegal use of ellipses” when ‘.’ used as separator in matching string (’….’)
DVT-2468 False report of “Unrecognized expression” when ‘a = one [ len-1:0:int(bits:1) ]’
DVT-2469 Unrecognized ‘as computed’ macro (expands to nothing, no tooltip)
DVT-2470 Specman debugger integration help specifies DVT_Home instead of DVT_HOME
DVT-2480 CamelCase autocomplete does not work for uppercase
DVT-2495 Replace all in a large file takes a very long time
DVT-2499 NullPointerException in DVTMarkerFactory (23 September 2011)
DVT-2290 Rename “Generic” run configuration to “DVT Generic”
DVT-2425 NullPointerException when warnings reported in files outside project (16 September 2011)
DVT-2398 Fixed source format bug that indents commented lines on each trigger
3.0.5 (10 September 2011)
DVT-1852 Rebuild button for internal builder only
DVT-1979 DVT color theme support for editors and GTK widgets and a predefined “Dark” theme
DVT-1182 System variables for External Builders
DVT-1966 Improved argument parsing for dvt_cli
DVT-2177 Hyperlink for jumping to the “associated type” of an element
DVT-2309 Enhance “Nothing to build” warning message (when rebuilding a project with no sources specified)
DVT-2314 Support for shortcuts for each rebuild kind (all/internal/external)
DVT-2336 Option to automatically save editors on rebuild
DVT-2380 Open macro declaration not working on an event scope
DVT-2385 ‘as computed’ macro - over 32 bits binary number as argument causes error
DVT-2387 Support for final untraceable method and TCM
DVT-2308 Add from template does not work in Windows
DVT-2310 Build Console does not close when closing a Project
DVT-2341 Add to top files - relative path problem in Windows (”" -> “/”) (29 August 2011)
DVT-2270 Use ‘sn_which.sh’ command to find the OVM library path (SPECMAN_PATH)
DVT-2292 ‘as computed’ macro execution fails if a template struct/unit is defined in the macro definition file
DVT-2297 Search for references sometimes fails in symlinked files (4 August 2011)
DVT-2337 Refactoring: option to preserve name collisions on rename
DVT-2266 Auto-complete no longer working for methods with arguments proposals (3 August 2011)
DVT-2244 References/rename not working on symbolic link files that are linked resources in Eclipse
DVT-2255 Semantic search potential match on define usage
DVT-2256 Fixed problems related to readlink usage in Solaris scripts
DVT-2257 Changed “Xmx” memory settings to 1024m for 32bit and to 2048m for 64bit distros
3.0.4 (30 July 2011)
DVT-2239 Scripts: eclipse.sh, run_gui_mode.sh, run_batch_mode.sh are marked for deprecation; use instead: dvt.sh, dvt_sv_lint_batch.sh, dvt_sv_lint_gui.sh
DVT-1134 Option to periodically save dirty editors
DVT-20 Hyperlink on ‘do [ KIND ] <sequence>’ to extension layer
DVT-81 Refactoring potential matches - quick filter/(un)check all
DVT-1957 Q&A: how to skip files from compilation
DVT-1990 Improved variables/arguments type recognition
DVT-2048 Run Configurations dialog/Quick Run working set filtering options
DVT-2062 Autocomplete defines proposal for ‘uint(bits:ADDR_<autocomplete_here>)’
DVT-2068 Hierarchy view - quick search for members
DVT-2086 Template parameters are proposed in the order from template.config
DVT-2088 Ability to choose a project template from $PREDEFINED_PROJECTS when creating a new project from template
DVT-2105 Enable tool-tips when ‘ALT’ key is pressed
DVT-2117 Extended support for method types
DVT-2152 Quick Filter code templates by name in preference pages
DVT-2178 When rename refactoring has potential matches - warn in the first page of the wizard
DVT-2213 Support for “C export list of byte” statement
DVT-2225 Support for ‘x_parameter_id_x’ templates
DVT-2231 Add HINT predefined task tag
DVT-2138 Added predefined type ‘sv_adapter_unit’
DVT-2159 Show workspace location in title bar
DVT-2235 Show builder errors in console with hyperlink
DVT-1973 Search for references not working when method port definition is selected
DVT-2071 DVT Auto-linked fails with error when an imported file is not found
DVT-2074 Debugger - setting a watch on a tree element deep in the tree structure doesn’t work
DVT-2076 Debugger - differences in stack view between SN and DVT
DVT-2091 Enum elements following an initialized element are not recognized (no tooltip, no refactoring)
DVT-2108 Debugger - merge breakpoints not working when no breakpoint in SN
DVT-2118 DVT CLI failed to open files in the default text editor
DVT-2124 Removed unused “N/A” context from the code template editor
DVT-2125 Exception when performing full build when files out of project are opened
DVT-2129 References triggered on method port implementation don’t find the method port references
DVT-2162 Help > DVT Quick Help broken links fixed
DVT-2165 Adding multiple files to ignore list only adds the first file in the list
DVT-2209 Custom Dialog File/Directory choosers fail to open if no “question” is specified
DVT-2229 DVT_SPECMAN_PATH overwrites SPECMAN_PATH when no preference is specified for .edt_specman_path
DVT-2234 References/rename on a define name not working (22 July 2011)
DVT-2081 dvt_cli.sh should also look for /bin/nc and /usr/bin/nc by default
DVT-2181 Potential matches are not reported in search/refactoring
DVT-2185 A tooltip with long non-whitespace sequences (1000s of characters) freezes the GUI
DVT-2191 Unrecognized state action ‘* {…}’
DVT-2196 Unrecognized property constraint when using value() (e.g keep type me.my_field.my_prop == value(me.my_prop);)
DVT-2197 Unrecognized macro when using ellipses and white-space separator char
DVT-2198 The field ‘sequence’ exists in MAIN and RANDOM subtypes, not on the base sequence struct; wrong duplicated error signaled (14 July 2011)
DVT-2145 Avoid using resources in non-accessible state
DVT-2155 Changed default initialization of preferences to avoid startup crashes in high load CPU scenario
DVT-2156 Fixed FlexLM Exception “ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException” when using invalid license sources
DVT-2157 Refactor rename of a struct name not working (8 July 2011)
DVT-2088 Ability to chose a project template from $PREDEFINED_PROJECTS when creating a new project from template
DVT-2134 Fixed “Internal FlexLM Error” after waking up from idle
DVT-2135 HTML documentation not working when using method types
DVT-2136 Diagram editor must be notified on code change
3.0.3 (1 July 2011)
DVT-1688 Switch for turning off tooltips
DVT-2037 Instance tree on a subtype layer
DVT-2066 Allow macro registration and recognition when AMBIGUOUS_WS_… error is reported
DVT-2098 Undefined parent struct type errors disappear on incremental build
3.0.2 (17 June 2011)
DVT-212 Added Eclipse Marketplace Client to distribution
DVT-1657 Quick Types & Import Views - independent of editor
DVT-1909 Semantic search/references performance improvement
DVT-1913 Added predefined types ‘seed_domain’, ‘scalar_rl’, ‘pgen3’
DVT-1959 External tools console links jump to resources in current working set
DVT-1972 Use ‘sn_which.sh’ command to find the CDN installation VIPs (SPECMAN_PATH)
DVT-1989 Resource out of sync notification during search and references
DVT-1991 Refactoring/rename of a package name or enum type value name
DVT-1998 Run Configurations should show quoted arguments when printing the executed command
DVT-2010 Predefined project wizard - option to override target directory
DVT-2021 Updated linux JRE in distribution to version 1.6.0u26 to avoid compiler crashes
DVT-2022 DVT Custom Dialogs - when checkboxOnValue or checkboxOffValue are specified, checkbox output should not contain the id
DVT-2023 Updated Clearcase plugin to the latest version in distribution
DVT-1914 Null pointer exception thrown by str_join() during ‘as computed’ execution
DVT-1988 Refactoring does not work for when aspects definition (e.g ‘when MASTER’kind {…}’)
DVT-1993 DVT CLI importProject takes project name from project folder instead of .project (3 June 2011)
DVT-1573 Quick run documentation
DVT-1679 Skip files from compilation support
DVT-1870 Custom dialogs documentation
DVT-1877 Autocomplete on method port argument
DVT-1874 Templates - Move these are global templates at the start of the dialog
DVT-1912 Unrecognized as computed macro when “<?>” constructs are used
DVT-1941 Support for non-standard action ‘for each <n1’name> starting from <n2’name> {…}’
DVT-1956 Custom dialogs - SWT/XML Preview does not work for files outside of any project
3.0.1 (27 May 2011)
DVT-1581 Name convention checking for method arguments
DVT-1762 DVT Custom Dialogs - configurable output format
DVT-1763 DVT Custom Dialogs - support for Combo and List widgets
DVT-1782,DVT-1832 - Misc. evip2dvt enhancements
DVT-1830 DVT Custom Dialogs - allow freeform IDs
DVT-1831 evip2dvt.sh - add script option to pass arguments to Specman
DVT-1753 Debugger - expressions set to specman are not quoted => xml parser fails to decode message
DVT-1754 Structs inheriting from non-existing type don’t have ‘any_struct’ as parent
DVT-1785 Do not perform name checking on DVT-encrypted files
DVT-1855 Selection instead of completion for “message”
DVT-1898 Debugger - cannot add breakpoints in autolinked resources
DVT-1899 Debugger - simulator state problem (what to do when Play is pressed)
DVT-1915 context.xml file added to help system
3.0.0 (13 May 2011)
DVT-1587 New quick help menu added (Help -> DVT Quick Help)
DVT-1772 Automatically load ‘dvt_patch.e’ file if exists in .dvt folder
DVT-1807 Infinite recursion when using a circular define (e.g #define A A;)
DVT-1826 Refactoring allows renaming to same name if the text field is modified; the actual rename is done with garbage
DVT-1847 DVT viPlugin starts automatically with Eclipse activating DVT
DVT-1856 Tooltip over a define doesn’t shows anymore the define value
DVT-1876 All arguments from event definition to on event are registered for on_<event>() pseudo-method (6 May 2011)
DVT-1756 Added OEM viPlugin in the prepacked distribution and update site
DVT-1766 Added FlexLM IDLE Timeout
DVT-1819 evip2dvt should declare methods as “is empty” instead of “is”
2.9.9 (30 April 2011)
DVT-539 Specman Debugger Integration
DVT-1440 External Tools - option to link to files from Console by short name
DVT-1571 New file wizard allows changing the templates parameters
DVT-1701 Expose -user and -configuration in eclipse.sh
DVT-1744 Support for “cover <name> using <options> is empty” syntax
DVT-1751 Add CSV editor to prepacked distribution
DVT-1757 evip2dvt should fail if output folder exists instead of merge / overwrite
DVT-1770 Add SPECMAN_XXX_OR_LATER defines as internal builder options (default on)
DVT-1771 Add ‘evc_util’ to SPECMAN_PATH internal builder option (default on)
DVT-1779 Add support for openFile to DVT CLI
DVT-1789 Support for ‘IF_USING_GEN(…) { … }’ macro syntax
DVT-1790 Support for named constraints (‘keep <name> is[ only] …’) syntax
DVT-1799 Support for ‘##DEPR_LOAD## <file_name>’ syntax
DVT-1801 Automatically load “.dvt/dvt_patch.e” file if exists
DVT-1493 Task tags (FIXME, TODO, XXX etc.) are shown in Tasks View, only if some text (at least one character) follows the tag.
DVT-1743 ‘#undef VAR_NAME’ should not trigger error if VAR_NAME not previously defined
DVT-1748 Erroneous quoting in macro replacement string
DVT-1755 evip2dvt.sh overquotes macro string
DVT-1780 No hyperlink on event for per-instance covergroup
DVT-1781 False error for per-instace cover when using incomplete condition
DVT-1784 Macro hyperlink jumps to definition of another macro
DVT-1788 Wrong “1 type in 2 packages” info indication in in Types View
DVT-1802 evip2dvt assertion failure: seq_item != NULL
2.9.8 (15 April 2011)
DVT-1497 User-defined dialogs for Run Configurations
DVT-1574 Encrypted VIP support
DVT-1623 Incremental parsing fails due to unbalanced parentheses
DVT-1713 Parser performance (speed improved ~40%)
DVT-1728 Content assist added ‘show how to use’ tooltip inside as_a() & similar
DVT-1730 ‘as computed’ added support for “outf(…)” and “all_values(…)” pseudo-methods
DVT-318 References for a field having the same name as cover item return full match on cover item
DVT-1551 Content assist added variable index in “for index from 0 to 5 { … }” context
DVT-1663 Show/hide internal builder console, should not require a rebuild
DVT-1664 Show layers doesn’t work on a cover group event (when jump to it from Coverage View)
DVT-1665 Internal builder console activated on incremental compilation
DVT-1667 False UNDEFINED_METHOD when struct declaration layer is not present
DVT-1671 Unable to use non-writable spelling dictionary
DVT-1677 Predefined ‘dut_error_struct’ API missing: issue_the_dut(), compose_dut_message()
DVT-1680 Content assist added “<field/var>.as_a()” proposal
DVT-1695 Predefined ‘sequence’ API missing: auto_quit(), sub_sequence, get_driver()
DVT-1710 False REPLACEMENT_TERM_NOT_DEFINED when using <anies> for “{<any>;…}”
DVT-1711 False UNRECOGNIZED_EXPRESSION when “cover … using per_unit_instance = PASSIVE i2c_agent_u is { … };”
DVT-1725 Tooltip/hyperlink not working after a macro that defines an object
DVT-1727 Support for predefined macros (disable hyperlink to “read_only()”, etc.) (1 April 2011)
DVT-1621 Layers View - Added ‘Show Subtypes & Supertypes’ button - default on
DVT-1626 Added predefined types ‘cvl_connection’, ‘cvl_manager’
DVT-1627 CVL method “is C routine” layer before “is” layer should not trigger an error
DVT-1650 ‘as computed’ expansion literal not correctly handled during macro execution
DVT-1572 Hover in gray files triggers exception
DVT-1590 Ctrl+H broken for ports
DVT-1607 Debug launch configuration is disabled
DVT-1608 Sequence declared under a package different than “main” is not finding the definition of created_driver type if specified
DVT-1609 DVT_LICENSE_VERSION=1 not always shown in license not found pop-up
DVT-1611 Search ‘drive*’ method in does not find all matches (missing matches in sub-types)
DVT-1622 Content assist not working for predefined methods having ‘-’, ‘/’ in their signature
DVT-1624 Content assist on methods moves cursor between parentheses even if no argument to complete
DVT-1625 Tooltip/hyperlink not working for methods having first argument string e.g. my_method(“my_message”)
2.9.7 (25 March 2011)
DVT-546 FlexLM support
DVT-1173 Quick access to run configurations (Quick Run)
DVT-1591 Option to show internal compilation log in console
DVT-498 Preprocessing macros (defines) refactoring
DVT-1132 Internal builder options serialized in .dvt folder
DVT-1351 Rebuild project using shortcut key (Ctrl + Alt + R)
DVT-1498 Report an Issue - persistent user data and non-modal window
DVT-1519 Added socket connection parameters to generic launch debug configuration wizard
DVT-1538 Preprocessing macros not shown in content-assist
DVT-1545 Added sn_stripe_viewer to specman non-standard API
DVT-1568 Switch to the new license features
DVT-270 References for preprocessing macros (defines) doesn’t work
DVT-1418 Dictionary not working with system variables
DVT-1427 Macro hyperlink and expansion have bad offsets in some situations (e.g. temporal expression)
DVT-1471 Gray files in load order when imported file not found
DVT-1496 DVT Auto-Linked should point to symlink instead of physical path when working with SOS database
DVT-1500 Variable type checking for x = new with {…} reports “No type called ‘with’”
DVT-1544 References in workspace issue when DVT Auto-linked is disabled a project includes files from another project
DVT-1548 Debugger integration - OS11 when duplicate breakpoints or breakpoint on a non-loaded file
DVT-1555 Content assist does not propose variables when using “gen …”
DVT-1556 Content assist must propose only fields like “any_sequence_item” when “do …”
DVT-1567 Content assist infinite loop if closing bracket has no corresponding open bracket e.g “list 0].^”
DVT-1580 Refactoring/references of _name triggers false possible matches for identifiers like some_other_name
DVT-1582 Refactoring/references of variable _var possible match in context of sub-list selection list[ 0:_var ]
DVT-1584 ‘as computed’ str_replace() dot followed by start “(.*)" pattern should also match new lines (1 March 2011)
DVT-1494 rf_manager.get_type_by_name(string name) not able to handle qualified type name ‘package::type_name’ (26 February 2011)
DVT-560 Shortcut to select identifier at cursor (Shift + Alt + Up Arrow)
DVT-1280 Project Statistics optional full build before collecting information
DVT-1222 Template Types - SN 10.2
DVT-1371 Jump to an explicit subtype instead of base type
DVT-1405 Tooltip for ‘it’ in list.count(), list.all(), list.apply() … etc.
DVT-1446 Interface Port Extensions
DVT-1447 Field type constraints and property type constraints - SN 10.2
DVT-1465 Error detection on variable declaration
DVT-934 Possible matches in refactoring ‘xbus_e::xbus_agent_monitor.bus_monitor’
DVT-1370 Hyperlink and tooltip after .as_a() not working
DVT-1431 Single “report an issue” instance
DVT-1436 Auto-complete/hyperlink on ‘it’ fails on list.first inside gen
DVT-1448 uvm_build_config ‘as computed’ macro is not computed (27 January 2011)
DVT-1166 Support for adding Template Components
DVT-77 Autocomplete inside as_a(<autcomplete here>)
DVT-92 Hyperlinks/autocomplete for coverage groups/items
DVT-312 Autocomplete for var aaa := new <we should see the types here)
DVT-732 Autocomplete on #ifdef -> propose the available defines
DVT-957 Autocomplete on import in the SPECMAN_PATH not only the project
DVT-965 Autocomplete after .as_a(some_type).<autcomplete here>
DVT-1280 Project Statistics performs a full build before collecting information
DVT-1217 Autocomplete enhancement for keep bind() and do_bind()
DVT-1282 Autocomplete for variables introduced by “is a” or assigned using “as_a”
DVT-1297 Pack license status application in DVT release
DVT-1314 Autocomplete for “new <struct_name> with {.<autcomplete here>}”
DVT-1373 Autocomplete after “it” in list.count(), list.all(), list.apply() … etc.
DVT-1384 Preferences for customizing the color of TODO markers
DVT-1385 New File Wizard - More New File Types - based on templates
DVT-1136 Change file permission dialog for refactoring
DVT-1262 Fixed unrecognized Questa error message (external builders)
DVT-1271 Editor changes file permission on RO file to 600 instead of preserving the permission for group and other
DVT-1311 String quote when replacement in string (Unrecognized expression ‘”…””…”’ in vr_axi macro)
DVT-1367 Show covergroups in outline by default
DVT-1368 Show covergroup in bottom bar scope info
DVT-1369 Hyperlink and tooltip not working for cover items (if they don’t have the same name as a field)
DVT-1375 DVT Predefined projects: files should be made writable after copying in user location
DVT-1400 Named constraints “keep [ name is [ only ] ] expression” not recognized (7 January 2011)
DVT-1128 Format code using external script
DVT-73 Link from project specific Code Templates to configure global Code Templates
DVT-1167 Diagrams: select/deselect type from popup menu (right click)
DVT-1178 Rename filter set: Nc-Verilog to IUS
DVT-1275 Option to show layers of the type of a field when requesting layers on a field
DVT-1278 Report an Issue: hardware info and summary field added
DVT-1304 Unrecognized statement/struct_member/action syntax “statements {…}” (non-standard)
DVT-1307 Quick Layers does not work on fields
DVT-1308 Disk space sanity check (min 10 MB of free space in user’s Home folder)
DVT-1312 Preprocessing #ifdef/#ifndef in covergroup is flagged as error
DVT-1316 False error report: Method was not defined previously (cannot use ‘is also’, ‘is first’ or ‘is only’)
DVT-1318 Hyperlinks to imported files don’t work when using system variables
DVT-1331 Autocomplete/hyperlinks don’t work for members/methods of variables of when subtype (18 December 2010)
DVT-1026 Report an Issue directly from DVT (new button in the toolbar)
DVT-71 Collect project statistics should allow selecting collected statistics
DVT-1220 Support for method parameters defaults
DVT-1221 Support for ‘final’ method modifier
DVT-1276 Collect project statistics should include hardware and system information
DVT-1246 New e Project - faster realtime directory search
DVT-1135 Using 2 different revision of the same project in a workspace collision
DVT-1215 Wrong bool resolved type for “var test_int := 1 + 2;”
DVT-1216 Fixed Solaris SPARC newtwork filesystem bug by migrating to Eclipse Platform 3.6.1
DVT-1218 Internal restore to eparser.esv fails after DVT upgrade
DVT-1223 Wrong syntactic error reported on ‘attribute’ declaration using expression
DVT-1225 Redefined error message points to the current definition instead of the declaration definition
DVT-1250 Test files located out of project are not considered by DVT
DVT-1255 Macros support for optianal white-space before ‘{…}’
DVT-1258 Changing ‘as computed’ macro pattern is not reflected in generated code at rebuild
DVT-1259 Symlink in SPECMAN_PATH causes duplicate errors when opening an imported file (28 November 2010)
DVT-1131 Automatically preppend ‘erm_lib’ location to SPECMAN_PATH using sn_which.sh command
DVT-1203 Added refresh tab to Generic Launch Configuration
DVT-1204 Added selected_resources_loc, selected_resources_path, selected_resources_name variables for run configurations
DVT-1212 Rebuild lazy removes auto-linked files only if they are no longer needed
DVT-1177 Files auto-linked although in workspace when SPECMAN_PATH is a symbolic link
DVT-1186 Wrong preprocessing code highlight on macro instance when #ifdef A {} else {} used inside user defined macro
DVT-1191 MULTIPLE_PACKAGES semantic error not persistent on incremental build
DVT-1192 Builder triggers duplicate errors for fields, structs, etc. when SOS database element is checked out/in
DVT-1207 Builder triggers duplicate errors for fields, structs, etc. when file is renamed
DVT-1209 Internal dictionary corrupted after importing a previously deleted project (23 November 2010)
DVT-1121 StackOverflowException thrown when define replacement is very big
DVT-1150 Added ‘is untraceable also’ valid non-standard syntax for methods
DVT-1156 Test files are resolved to wrong name when using symbolic links (SOS database) (18 November 2010)
DVT-1148 Non-terminal <exp> strict checking in user defines falls back to non-strict checking if no match
DVT-1150 Accept ‘is untraceable also’ non-standard syntax (17 November 2010)
DVT-1140 As computed macro execution performance improvement
DVT-1147 Accept ‘else’, not only ‘#else’, in preprocessing e.g.: #ifdef A {} else {};
DVT-1068 ‘as computed’ use of list reverse() method is returning an empty list
DVT-1124 Layers view jump back to the selected element when scrolling down
DVT-1139 Fix for symbolic link test files pointing to SOS database (12 November 2010)
DVT-132, DVT-241 Misc. Q&A updates
DVT-1041 No index.hml when exporting the HTML OVM Compliance Report
DVT-599 Build sometimes fails beacuse too many files are open
DVT-600, DVT-4 Fix annotation names in Annotations Preference Page
DVT-1115 Source format removes whitespace between a string and the following word (5 November 2010)
DVT-974 Warning message if exclude directives are missing from eclipse.ini
DVT-529 Refactor rename to something that already exists should not be allowed
DVT-589 Notify user on build timeout
DVT-666 Port in’direction, out’direction syntax not recognized by DVT
DVT-919 Support for default method argument values
DVT-961 Support for System Variables in New Project Wizard
DVT-1054 Restart eclipse is needed after adding a new extension to Content Types
DVT-15 Triggering Instance Tree on a field’s type shows Instance Tree of enclosing type instead of field’s type
DVT-126 DVT checks out license at plugin activation instead of first feature used
DVT-932 Print executed command for launch configuration and external builder: printing is sometimes executed after run start
DVT-968 Doc generator wizard has a wrong button label (Browse Workspace instead of Browse Filesystem)
DVT-995 Setting system variables in the Environment tab of Generic Launch Configuration has no effect
DVT-759 Autolinked resources throws exception when a non-existing file is imported
DVT-1046 Bogus connections in inheritance diagrams (29 October 2010)
DVT-513 Predefined Projects
DVT-133 When adding e nature, .dvt, .edt_specman_path and .edt_top_files are created with default content if they don’t exist
DVT-294 When project has no top files, you can open .edt_top_files for editing right from the warning dialog
DVT-765 New project wizard - mention how Top Files, SPECMAN_PATH and Test Files can be configured after the wizard is completed
DVT-912 Added NO_UNDERSCORE_PREFIX Name Convention Checking predefined filter
DVT-942 Show line numbers in editor by default
DVT-911 Name Convention Checking filter patterns don’t work if they start with underscore
DVT-923 Solaris SPARC GTK crash in Navigator
DVT-997 Imported file not found and DVT-Autolink issue (26 October 2010)
DVT-994 Specman message() pattern predefined filter
Support for vr_ad 10.2 added (20 October 2010)
Misc Documentation Updates
DVT-643 Ctrl+PgUp/Ctrl+PgDn navigation between editors gets stuck at the diagram editor
DVT-764 on/cover event references (11 October 2010)
DVT-11 Print executed command for launch configuration and external builder
DVT-13 External builder console content not shown after changing the build command (04 October 2010)
DVT distribution release includes “DVT e Language User Guide” PDF (27 September 2010)
Fix for symbolic link files pointing to SOS database
2.9.4 (14 September 2010)
What’s new in DVT? button for quick online access to this page
Auto-linked resources
Rename refactoring
Option to enable/disable non-standard errors reporting
Detect and report recursive defines
Project-level code templates
eclipse.sh script can import settings from another workspace
Enhanced support for ‘as computed’ macros
License server releases license when client disconnects
Enhanced support for predefined API
Auto-completion for connect_pointers()
Hierarchy and Instance Tree views show instructions when content is empty
Multiple selection support for ‘Add to top files’ in navigator right-click menu
Generic launch configurations can infer Project & Working directory from navigator selection
Sharable settings for HTML documentation wizard
Misc parser enhancements
Misc performance enhancements
Support for unicode comments in tooltips (Japanese characters)
No more semantic errors reported when there are multiple test files with same name
Semantic search reports method references in all object-oriented hierarchy
2.9.2 (7 May 2010)
Custom defines
Misc bug fixes.
2.8.9 (19 February 2010)
Custom Task Tags
Macro Expansion
Misc bug fixes.
2.8.6 (22 December 2009)
Highlight for Inactive Preprocessing.
2.8.4 (3 December 2009)
Coverage View. See Coverage View.
Checks View. See Checks View.
Misc bug fixes.
2.8.3 (11 November 2009)
Misc bug fixes.
2.8.2 (10 November 2009)
Packages as name spaces for types bug fix.
2.8.0 (29 October 2009)
Added support for SN9 (struct/unit templates, TLM ports, <cover_item> macro non-terminal, reject_match() macro routine).
Misc bug fixes.
2.7.0 (23 September 2009)
Performance improvements.
Misc bug fixes.
2.6.0 (24 July 2009)
Class Diagrams. See UML Diagrams.
HTML Documentation diagram support.
Improved explicit when sub-types.
Added history and revision control compare editors highlight.
Added customizable template for new “e Module” content.
2.5.0 (16 May 2009)
OVM Compliance Review.
2.4.0 (30 March 2009)
Export HTML Documentation. See Export HTML/PDF Documentation.
2.3.0 (27 January 2009)
- To specify Top Files, SPECMAN_PATH etc. you can also directly edit the corresponding files <project_dir>.dvt/.edt_top_files, <project_dir>.dvt/.edt_specman_path etc. and use:
system variables
absolute paths
comments (//,–)
You can browse and search 3rd party documentation directly from Eclipse. See External Documentation.
You can build a project using 3rd party compilers. See External Builders.
You can create and use project templates. See Project Templates.
Hyperlink enhancements (F3 works on imports, preference to jump to first implemented layer).
Semantic search enhancements (show the match line, cover groups, layers handling).
Added filter to Types View.
Added EDT Builder preferences. See EInternal DVT Builder
Added context sensitive help support. See Context Sensitive Help.
Misc bug fixes and performance improvements (linked resources in top files and hyperlinks, context detection).
2.0.0 (1 September 2008)
Misc bug fixes and performance improvements (refresh, building).
1.5.0 (18 May 2008)
Misc bug fixes and performance improvements.
1.4.0 (12 March 2008)
Stability improvements.
Speed and memory improvements in editor, views and dictionary engine.
Improved dictionary (including incremental) and enhanced autocomplete and navigation (hyperlinks, tooltips etc.).