Design Hierarchy View

The Design Hierarchy View presents recursively the instances in a Verilog module or the instances in a VHDL entity or component implementation. Cross-language design hierarchies are also supported.

To open the Design Hierarchy View use the DVT: Focus on Design Hierarchy View command.

You cand also position the editor cursor on the name of a design element and use the command DVT: Show Design Hierarchy. The Design Hierarchy View opens with the chosen element set as the top of the hierarchy.

By using the DVT: Select Design Hierarchy Top command a quick pick will appear to select from top modules for Verilog or top architectures for VHDL. For Verilog, a top element is a module that instantiates other design elements and it is not itself instantiated. Similar for VHDL top architectures.

The view label shows the current project, the current top component.

You can scroll through the tree of instances using:

  • the mouse scroll wheel

  • the Arrow Up, Arrow Down, PgUp, PgDn keys

  • the vertical button bar on the right side of the tree
    • top-icon go to top of tree

    • up-icon up one page

    • page-up-icon up one element

    • page-down-icon down one element

    • down-icon down one page

    • bottom-icon go to bottom of tree

By clicking on a design element it shows the ports of the selected element. You can double-click on an instance to go to its declaration. Double-click on a port to go to where it is connected.

Right-click on an instance or on a port in the hierarchy and you have the following options :

  • Show diagram Show the design diagram for the current selection. More details here.

  • Copy Hierarchy Path Copy the hierarchy path of the selected instance or port to clipboard.

You can use the filters to locate a specific instance or port. More details here.
