Entity sdram_ctrl_fsm
Block Diagram of sdram_ctrl_fsm
This file contains the FSM as well as parts of the datapath. The board specific physical layer is defined in another file.
SDRAM_TYPE activates some special cases:
2 for DDR2-SDRAM (no special support yet like ODT)
2**A_BITS specifies the number of memory cells in the SDRAM. This is the size of th memory in bits divided by the native data-path width of the SDRAM (also in bits).
D_BITS is the native data-path width of the SDRAM. The width might be doubled by the physical interface for DDR interfaces.
Furthermore, the memory array is divided into 2**R_BITS rows, 2**C_BITS columns and 2**B_BITS banks.
For example, the MT46V32M16 has 512 Mbit = 8M x 4 banks x 16 bit = 32M cells x 16 bit, with 8K rows and 1K columns. Thus, the configuration is:
A_BITS = \(\log_2(32\,\mbox{M}) = 25\)
D_BITS = 16
data-path width of phy on user side: 32-bit because of DDR
R_BITS = \(\log_2(8\,\mbox{K}) = 13\)
C_BITS = \(\log_2(1\,\mbox{K}) = 10\)
B_BITS = \(\log_2(4) = 2\)
Set CAS latency (CL, MR_CL) and burst length (BL, MR_BL) according to your needs.
If you have a DDR-SDRAM then set INIT_DLL = true, otherwise false.
The definition and values of generics T_* can be calculated from the datasheets of the specific SDRAM (e.g. MT46V). Just divide the minimum/maximum times by clock period. Auto refreshs are applied periodically, the datasheet either specifies the average refresh interval (T_REFI) or the total refresh cycle time (T_REF). In the latter case, divide the total time by the row count to get the average refresh interval. Substract about 50 clock cycles to account for pending read/writes.
INIT_WAIT specifies the time period to wait after the SDRAM is powered up. It is typically 100--200 us long, see datasheet. The waiting time is specified in number of average refresh periods (specified by T_REFI): INIT_WAIT = ceil(wait_time / clock_period / T_REFI) e.g. INIT_WAIT = ceil(200 us / 10 ns / 700) = 29
After user_cmd_valid is asserted high, the command (user_write) and address (user_addr) must be hold until user_got_cmd is asserted.
The FSM automatically waits for user_wdata_valid on writes. The data should be available soon. Otherwise the auto refresh might fail. The FSM only waits for the first word to write. All successive words of a burst must be valid in the following cycles. (A burst can't be stalled.) ATTENTION: During writes, user_cmd_got is asserted only if user_wdata_valid is set.
The write data must directly connected to the physical layer.
Name |
Type |
Default |
Description |
natural |
positive |
positive |
positive |
positive |
positive |
CL |
positive |
BL |
positive |
integer |
integer |
integer |
integer |
T_RP |
integer |
T_WR |
integer |
integer |
integer |
integer |
in T_REFI periods |
Name |
Type |
Direction |
Description |
clk |
std_logic |
in |
rst |
std_logic |
in |
user_cmd_valid |
std_logic |
in |
user_wdata_valid |
std_logic |
in |
user_write |
std_logic |
in |
user_addr |
std_logic_vector |
in |
user_got_cmd |
std_logic |
out |
user_got_wdata |
std_logic |
out |
sd_cke_nxt |
std_logic |
out |
sd_cs_nxt |
std_logic |
out |
sd_ras_nxt |
std_logic |
out |
sd_cas_nxt |
std_logic |
out |
sd_we_nxt |
std_logic |
out |
sd_a_nxt |
std_logic_vector |
out |
sd_ba_nxt |
std_logic_vector |
out |
rden_nxt |
std_logic |
out |
wren_nxt |
std_logic |
out |