C/C++ support
C and C++ support is provided on top of the C Development Tooling Eclipse (CDT) plugin. DVT provides the following features on top of CDT:
Out of the box C/C++ project configuration by reusing Build Configurations
C/C++ project creation through the DVT Command Line Interface
DVT Auto-Linked C/C++ source files and headers located outside the project
SystemVerilog DPI Hyperlinks
C and C++ types in the DVT Types View
C and C++ compiled files in the DVT Compile Order view
C and C++ preprocessing symbols in the DVT Macros View
Built-in Content Filters for common libraries (C/C++ system headers, SystemC, PSS C)
The CDT plugin is already bundled in DVT KIT distributions, and has to be enabled using the dvt_kit_installer.sh script:
dvt_kit_installer.sh install CDT
This command installs the CDT plugin and the DVT CDT Integration plugin as well.
Project Natures
Right click on a project and choose Change DVT Nature:

The C/C++ Language nature enables basic CDT integration features: project configuration and SystemVerilog DPI cross-linking when the SystemVerilog nature is also enabled
The C/C++ Language Extended nature enables advanced features like C/C++ content shown in the DVT views
Project Build
For a DVT project with any C/C++ Language nature, the build process includes a scan for C/C++ files and CDT re-indexing.
By default the CDT Codan, the code analysis engine which performns semantic checks in C and C++ code, is not active.
Using the +dvt_run_codan+FULL+INCR directive you can specify when CDT Codan analysis should be performed: FULL - at full build, INCR - at incremental build (for example when saving a file).
During full build, DVT collects the following C/C++ specific directives from your build configuration file and uses them to configure CDT and to scan for all included C/C++ files:
The gcc args mentioned above are also collected from the strings passed to the following build configuration directives:
The C/C++ sources located outside the project directory are automatically linked inside the project under the DVT Auto-Linked folder.
The C/C++ sources located inside the project but not included by the C/C++ top files specified in the build configuration are automatically excluded from the CDT build.
The following DVT specific build configuration directives are available:
Directive |
Description |
+dvt_gcc+</path/to/gcc_executable> |
Specify location of GCC executable (used when scanning for included C/C++ files and injected in the CDT project configuration). |
+dvt_gcc_args+”args string” |
Specify extra arguments for the GCC executable (used when scanning for included C/C++ files and injected in the CDT project configuration). |
+dvt_gcc_timeout+<timeout> |
Timeout in seconds when running GCC. Set 0 to disable timeout. Default: 40 seconds. |