WaveDrom Timing Diagrams
WaveDrom is a tool that draws timing diagrams (waveforms) from a simple textual description written in JSON. DVT renders WaveDrom waveforms in the Inspect View. The waveform diagram is updated on the fly (as you type).

The waveform description can be:
either embedded in comments, surrounded by @WAVEDROM_START…@WAVEDROM_END pragmas
or in files with *.json or *.json5 extensions
When the waveform description is found in a file with a valid extension, the Inspect View will process it’s content and render the diagram when opened. The waveform description file can also be embedded in comments using the @WAVEDROM_FILE pragma, followed by its location. The location of the file will be solved relatively to the project root.
To save the diagram as an SVG file, right-click on it in the Inspect View.
DVT offers the ability to view WaveDrom diagrams through tooltips, by hovering over any waveform written inside DVT editors.
The WaveDrom documentation is available here.
To specify additional file extensions, use the +dvt_wavedrom_file_ext_add+<extension> build config directive. To clear the extensions list use +dvt_wavedrom_file_ext_clear.
To specify additional search file locations to use in junction with @WAVEDROM_FILE pragma, use the +dvt_wavedrom_files_location_add+<location> build config directive. To clear the extensions list use +dvt_wavedrom_files_location_clear.
By default, only waveform descriptions of maximum 5000 characters are rendered. You can change this threshold from menu Window > Preferences then DVT > Editors.
DVT uses WaveDrom version 3.5.0.