Comments Formatting

Comment formatting preferences allow you change how comments are rendered in tooltips.

You can choose the markup language used to render the comments from:
Window ‣ Preferences ‣ DVT ‣ Editors ‣ Markup language.


The Autodetect option selects between Markdown, Javadoc and Natural Docs for each comment based on the syntax. If no syntax is detected, the comment will be rendered Verbatim.


Javadoc syntax relies on specific tags to guide how information is displayed in the generated documentation.

These tags can offer insights into your code’s functionality, can facilitate documentation organization, and can enable linking to other elements.

Comments written in Javadoc will be formatted based on the following tags:

  • @author

  • @link


    As links you can have: an element name, a file, a valid web URL. If you Ctrl+right click on a link that contains an object name, it should jump to its declaration.

    The element name must respect the following notations:

    • fully qualified names PACKAGE::CLASS.method

    • TYPE_NAME.INNER_TYPE_NAME or just TYPE_NAME, solved relative to the enclosing scope

  • @param

  • @return

  • @see


    Works similar to @link, but it will be placed in a separate section at the bottom of the comment, named “See also”.

  • @since

  • @version

Natural Docs (deprecated)


Natural Docs format is deprecated and will no longer receive updates, but support for existing functionality will continue.

If the markup language preference is set to Autodetect, you must include at least one Natural Docs specific syntax element (Topics, Hyperlinks, Images or Definition List) to prevent conflicts with Markdown syntax, which takes precedence.

Natural Docs is an open source documentation generator for multiple programming languages. You document your code in a natural syntax that reads like plain English.

Comments written in Natural Docs will be formatted based on the following syntax:

Bold Font
// *This word* should be bolded
function bit my_function(bit argument);
Bullet List
// Below is a list
// + This is the first element
// + This is the second element
// This is the continuation of
// the second element
function bit my_function(bit argument);
Definition List
// Below is a definition list
// First Item - This is the definition
// of the first Item
// Second Item - This is the deinition
// of the second item
function bit my_function(bit argument);
// Before
// Title of the heading:
// Content of the heading
// After
function bit my_function(bit argument);
// Below you can see a section of a diagram
// (see diagram_section.png)
function bit my_function(bit argument);


The path can be either absolute, relative to the current file or relative to additional image locations. To specify additional image locations use dvt_documentation_resource_locations_add directive.

Italic Font
// ~This word~ should be in italic font
function bit my_function(bit argument);
// Check this function out <my_other_function>
function bit my_function(bit argument);


As links you can have: an element name, a file, a valid web URL. If you Ctrl+right click on a link that contains an object name, it should jump to its declaration.

The element name must respect the following notations:

  • fully qualified names PACKAGE::CLASS.method

  • TYPE_NAME.INNER_TYPE_NAME or just TYPE_NAME, solved relative to the enclosing scope

Start Code
// Below is a code section
// (start code)
//   int a;
//   if ( a > 4 )
//      return 4;
//   return a;
// (end)
function bit my_function(bit argument);
Topic Line
// Below you can see a topic line
// Function: my_first_function
function bit my_function(bit argument);
Underline Font
// _This word_ should be underlined
function bit my_function(bit argument);